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nobody really cares or gets it, but how come nexus 7's toy/reoccuring character looks exactly like the gentle people's one ("nauga")?



where does this character originate from?

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if you could change the kind of people you're attracted to so that you're be hopelessly attracted to homey looking girls would you? i mean like, so attracted that you wouldn't even care that your friends made fun of you for going out with an ugly girl. i say maybe.

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Guest youkinorn

Who the fuck was the first person to eat a starfruit? shit looks like a sea urchin or some shit. OHFUCK YA DUDE LETZ EAT IT.

Or a pomegranite. dude had to be like: well it all taste gross...only part we haven't tried are these colon polyp-looking-ass seed things. IMMA POP ONE THESE IN MY MOUTH.....


That is all.

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The dumb hot girls I know are so much dumber than the dumb ugly girls I know, jesus.

Why do I know so many dumb people.

This isn't a psychology tidbit that I've learned from a friend (or eight. everybody takes psychology here), but I think that dumb, hot people are treated more stupidly (but still better) than the dumb, ugly people.

Because the dumb, ugly people have to have some upside, right?


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Better-looking people tend to have better personalities, though.

...they get treated better because of their features. Biology is unfair.

i think better looking people tend to have personalities that are closer to "ideal" whatever that is, i dunno about "better" though. most good looking people that i know don't really have much character, it's the above average but not amazingly beautiful ones that have the great personalities in my experience atleast. also, the weird ones sometimes. whatever, i'm just posting because i can't sleep.

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i think better looking people tend to have personalities that are closer to "ideal" whatever that is, i dunno about "better" though. most good looking people that i know don't really have much character, it's the above average but not amazingly beautiful ones that have the great personalities in my experience atleast. also, the weird ones sometimes. whatever, i'm just posting because i can't sleep.

beautiful people who have unique facial characteristics tend to have some personality

people who are generically pretty/hot to the point where they seem approachable and are a societal "ideal" are probably the worst because they're given the most attention and dont deserve much of it..

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i think you need more of this cotton duck


my random thought:

ive been subscribing to threads on supermarket just like you would add something to your watch list on ebay.

waiting for dem price drops

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