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Shoes that look better with age...


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  On 11/22/2012 at 5:48 AM, denimjunky said:

Will english dress boots really look better with age?

I cant recall having seen any pics of that. Ever.

Secondly, I cant really imagine that Victorian on a horseback through the dawn mist, LOL.

Not one of my wettest dreams....

What the hell are you talking about? Shoes aren't jeans, dude.

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  On 11/22/2012 at 7:07 PM, denimjunky said:

I wish for the more worn appearance, where a real change and improvement of look has taken place. But to each his own I guess.


Despite the fact that I think you are being deliberately obtuse just to pick a useless e-beef and I don't usually want to participate in such things. This time I think I will. Those Whites don't 'look better with age' they look poorly treated and almost like a pair of pre-distressed jeans. Real age and beauty comes from something that is worn well, treated properly and done so for many, many years. Not from something that is just treated like crap for a year and never taken care of in the hopes of looking 'authentic'. If you want to see pretty good examples of some nicely worn boots of both English and American origins just check back on page 29 of this thread at Ranon's post of his Trickers and his Whites.

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Well put CTB and devilish .

These were my oxfords. Well, the Corthays are derbies but I thought they fitted in better with the oxfords than the derbies for the pic.

Quality wise I don't think I'll be buying anything other than Corthay, Green and Alden for the time being. I did hear rumors that Corthay quality has dropped a little though and their mto prices have also gone up 20%. Probably just Green and Alden for now.

Currently pondering on whether to have these Shannons made (without the rings in the eyelets) or to get these Alden boots (but with speedhooks).

The Alden is more 'me' and I'd probably give them a lot more wear but I prefer the Greens as an object.

Two very different boots.



Edited by Crat
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I really couldn't see myself wearing that first pair, although they are, no bullshit, gorgeous.

But I could totally see you rocking the first ones. Id hop on the decomd, more workwear type Jobs in a second

When my dad, who has worn cowboy boots (as long as I can remember, even being in diapers) saw my boots, he called them "shit kickers" to which I simply said,

"Nice cowboy boots," I said, and I couldn't have meant it more sarcastically. Thank god for bourbon. I kinda wanna buy him proper boots since he wears such gaudy cowboy jobs all the time....

But he claims he hated them. Not sure what do do, as we wear pretty diff shit from cowboy boots. Does anyone make anything worth looking at thats maybe not too far from a true shit kicker cowboy boot (my dads got dozens. Not kidding)

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Wow! What a tsunami of english dress boot defense.

Just to be very clear here, this is an open forum and stating ones opinions about boots and their looks aint the same as looking for a beef. Or is it now?

If someone took it as that you need a reality check.

Its just discussing of opinions and sometimes even real facts (not so often).

  On 11/22/2012 at 8:10 PM, CrashTestBrummie said:

It's a false comparison, as putting workboots and high-quality dress shoes side-by-side is hardly a like-for-like comparison beyond talking about quality of build and materials, and the construction of the boot or shoe in question.

If, as I suspect, it's down to that old, tedious chestnut of 'authenticity' then I'd suggest that the only people on here who should have boots that are proper beat-up are the people who actually work in them, like the good blokes who post their 'actually-used-for-work-workboots' in this thread from time to time.

Your quality arguments here are nothing more than that, arguments. Not real facts, are they? Please prove that your allegedly stronger english dress boot would hold up better than a work boot intended for just that, work.

Im not pleading for authenticity, dont get me wrong, because I think as you, its a street leading to the contrary normally.

Now, the white's I posted are clearly not beat the crap up just to look authentic but look so fine because of years and years of authentic wearing and not necessarily for work just because they might fall into to category work boots. Actually white's SD are in between, arent they?

  On 11/22/2012 at 10:34 PM, devilish said:

If you want to see pretty good examples of some nicely worn boots of both English and American origins just check back on page 29 of this thread at Ranon's post of his Trickers and his Whites.

I agree that ranons boots look good.

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Lets play nicely,

This just comes down to the environment that you wear your boots in, I dont wear dress boots because they dont suit my lifestyle, My work boots get hammered i look after them the best i can without babying them because they have a job to do.

Weather they look better with age is just a matter of opinion. I felt the pain of every scuff (especially the first) and didnt feel that a scuff added anything positive the way they look. You can compare high quality work boots and high quality dress boots as far as construction but they are going to have a different patina because of the environment they were worn in. If your daily business means your dress boots are getting battered maybe you made the wrong choice of footwear.

Edited by Double 0 Soul
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Been digging for a while with no joy,

I love the thrill of the chase, Choosing a new pair of boots is a mini research project for me.

HJL pop up all the time in Lightning magazine, Boots Bible ect Cant find anyone who has actually taken the hit and purchased from the web catalogue.

Some of the boots are a little eccentric even a little agricultural they look like they have been made with a loving hand, build quality and materials are second to none.

If it was easy i would not be interested.


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  On 11/23/2012 at 5:39 PM, Double 0 Soul said:

Lets play nicely,

This just comes down to the environment that you wear your boots in, I dont wear dress boots because they dont suit my lifestyle, My work boots get hammered i look after them the best i can without babying them because they have a job to do.

Weather they look better with age is just a matter of opinion. I felt the pain of every scuff (especially the first) and didnt feel that a scuff added anything positive the way they look. You can compare high quality work boots and high quality dress boots as far as construction but they are going to have a different patina because of the environment they were worn in. If your daily business means your dress boots are getting battered maybe you made the wrong choice of footwear.

Well put.

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  On 11/23/2012 at 7:42 AM, bestie said:

I really couldn't see myself wearing that first pair, although they are, no bullshit, gorgeous.

But I could totally see you rocking the first ones. Id hop on the decomd, more workwear type Jobs in a second

When my dad, who has worn cowboy boots (as long as I can remember, even being in diapers) saw my boots, he called them "shit kickers" to which I simply said,

"Nice cowboy boots," I said, and I couldn't have meant it more sarcastically. Thank god for bourbon. I kinda wanna buy him proper boots since he wears such gaudy cowboy jobs all the time....

But he claims he hated them. Not sure what do do, as we wear pretty diff shit from cowboy boots. Does anyone make anything worth looking at thats maybe not too far from a true shit kicker cowboy boot (my dads got dozens. Not kidding)

The first pair are things of beauty, no doubt.

Is the phrase 'shit kickers' a bad thing? I'd take it as a kind of grudgingly-given compliment, myself...assuming that they weren't my dressiest, sweetest pair of boots!

  On 11/23/2012 at 7:47 AM, denimjunky said:

Your quality arguments here are nothing more than that, arguments. Not real facts, are they? Please prove that your allegedly stronger english dress boot would hold up better than a work boot intended for just that, work.

In the interests of 'playing nicely', I'll put the confused paragraph above down to a lack of understanding of my vernacular rather than wilful misinterpretation of what I've said.

Now, hoggreaser, did you actually order anything whilst you were up (or down, given your perspective) in sunny Derbyshire?

I think I'm going to have to pop down the chippy for tea, now you've put the thought in my head... :D

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thank you all for the compliments amid the discussion.

comparing an english boot with an american workwear styled boot is probably akin to comparing watermelons to pomegrenates. i like them for different reasons and am not partial to either one. white's are special because they look great both beat up (naturally from wear) or on a SD with some nicely polished leather. i've seen a pair on this thread a long way back but can't remember to whom it belonged to. the english boot ages beautifully in a different sense. almost like in a slow mellowing way. a large part of CTB's old veldtschoen collection (which are pretty much more worn in) is a fine example of english boots that look great with age.

it's really very much like how some men like their women aged gracefully and how some like their's moulded and rugged. (i might be wrong, i really don't know that much about women. but then again i guess none of us do.)

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  On 11/23/2012 at 9:12 PM, hoggreaser said:

Yes ;)


Well it is Friday, it's tradition!

Before or after pints is your choice :D

I actually fancy a traditional doner kebab in naan bread with the biggest, finest chips known to humanity, as Withnail might once have said. And I want them fried in beef dripping...

Did you say summat about boots?

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  On 11/23/2012 at 9:27 PM, hoggreaser said:

Macca's breakfast - love that shit - fish lunch, fried tea. Fit for an athlete.


Went to the gym today and walked a few miles, so I'm probably in negative cholesterol now. Or summat. Time to rebalance things, eh? ;)

Nice boots, coleslawyum. I'm going to get a little something in shell next year, methinks...Been half-tempted by the Skye 2 but might go for a lighter shade instead.

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  On 11/23/2012 at 9:09 PM, ranonranonarat said:

thank you all for the compliments amid the discussion.

comparing an english boot with an american workwear styled boot is probably akin to comparing watermelons to pomegrenates. i like them for different reasons and am not partial to either one. white's are special because they look great both beat up (naturally from wear) or on a SD with some nicely polished leather. i've seen a pair on this thread a long way back but can't remember to whom it belonged to. the english boot ages beautifully in a different sense. almost like in a slow mellowing way. a large part of CTB's old veldtschoen collection (which are pretty much more worn in) is a fine example of english boots that look great with age.

it's really very much like how some men like their women aged gracefully and how some like their's moulded and rugged. (i might be wrong, i really don't know that much about women. but then again i guess none of us do.)

My hot wife is in bed while i type shit into the internet about boots.... and you say I know nothing about women.

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  On 11/23/2012 at 9:34 PM, CrashTestBrummie said:

Nice boots, coleslawyum. I'm going to get a little something in shell next year, methinks...Been half-tempted by the Skye 2 but might go for a lighter shade instead.

Thanks Ben. Too bad the Skye 2 is in dark brown shell. Although so is the Wolverine, and the patina is showing through quickly. I love the regular Skye 1 in chestnut. It's my favorite dress boot.

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  On 11/23/2012 at 10:02 PM, coleslawyum said:

Thanks Ben. Too bad the Skye 2 is in dark brown shell. Although so is the Wolverine, and the patina is showing through quickly. I love the regular Skye 1 in chestnut. It's my favorite dress boot.

Yeah, I have nothing against the colour of the Skye 2 per se; it's just that I have a number of other pairs in similar colours - that was one reason for my choosing the almond version of the Galway, to add a little light to the collection.

I wore the regular Skye to a house party the other week and they received a lot of love from a lot of people, which I wasn't expecting...

Incidentally, having gone down and seen some of the goodies on Jermyn Street (along with now owning some EGs), I'm kinda mentally revising my earlier position on G&G amongst others...

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