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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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Ahaha! Thanks guys! :D

Well, it's a home-made snowmobile, of course! Powered by a Yamaha engine, and sadly, not mine! But Ranon has given me an idea for a build! ;)

Crownzip, thanks! 3 years old & showing no signs of breaking in...

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I think we may have witnessed the new (if temporary) champion of cool things to do whilst wearing ROYs. And I mean no disrespect by calling it temporary. I only acknowledge that the magic that lies within these shared weaves and seams, brings out something special in all of us. Yea, we may all become, not supermen (or women), but super DUPER men (and women). And I should not wish to tether our future accomlishments with present superlatives.

Robbie, be thankful that you are not forced to endure unending hipster coffeedom. I haven't been to Frisco since the early eighties, but if it's worse than here in Seattle, then they could use another earthquake, quick. My somewhat well-off friend bought a couple of houses in rural Kansas (I mean rural by degrees compared to the rest of it). Heck he should have bought three, they're cheap. Anyhow, he decides to open a hip coffee joint in town (town being two streets and one stop light, no tricolor signal here, just a red flasher). Even if the residents could wrap their heads around the concept (they couldn't), there weren't enough around to pay to keep the lights on (so not long after, he didn't).

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That snowmobile is amazing, riff! I can't wait to retire and build crazy shit like that.

Your jeans and belt are coming along so well, DocBlue.

Life has been pretty monotonous on this end. Lots of sitting in the office and painting at home. I am getting some nice fading on the lap and elsewhere.


It will be interesting to see what these jeans look like in a year. I'm already getting a little fraying on the inseam.



Oh, and I picked up a new beer to try. I've been enjoying another beer with coriander (New Belgium Trippel), so I thought I'd give it a shot. I also found out that the liquor store carries my favorite dark beer, but they were out :(


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There is really one firearm that has to be a standout as complementary to a pair of ROYs. The steel blue denim, the walnut brown duck, the vintage class with the nod towards modern functionality, and of course the unabashed manliness is reflected beautifully in the .45 caliber Thompson!


That's right, I said it.


Just one more...


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This is beautiful, cuz it leads into the next contest. The next ROYxRisingSun contest will include a tommy gun instead of chambray chonies.

It does require that you knock over a brinks truck with it though or maybe at least liberate some political prisoners, a la The Panthers.

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Off to my psychiatry rotation - today was pretty relaxed, some cross-cultural/indigenous sensitivity training in the morning and learning about art therapy for mental health patients in the afternoon.





The Cunningham Dax Gallery, showcasing art work by sufferers of mental illness.

Located next to the very beautiful Royal Park.






Managed to snap a pic of the gallery's inside:


The theme was maternity - there were very provoking, and some quite disturbing, works.

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That Cunningham Dax gallery looks up my alley. They might even let me contribute some works...

I really dig the train station. and yours is still operational. We've got a couple around, but have been defunct for ages.

ROY x Rising Sun/Deadgrass (Mikes contributive influence in the world is unavoidable) would be hot! An A.B. Elfelt-ish jacket maybe, so I wouldn't have to relinquish the ROY x Cones. Doublin' up the ROYs, doublin' up the gats, I'd be Two Fisted Tommy.


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Dang, looks like I may need to do some ROY x Cone accessory-shopping. Given that every day I'm fairly well surrounded by AK-47s, rusting shotguns and what appear to be WWII-era bolt action rifles. Pretty sure about 50% of these are non-functioning, but it'll still look good and that's what's important, right?

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Dang, looks like I may need to do some ROY x Cone accessory-shopping. Given that every day I'm fairly well surrounded by AK-47s, rusting shotguns and what appear to be WWII-era bolt action rifles. Pretty sure about 50% of these are non-functioning, but it'll still look good and that's what's important, right?

As for the Kalashnikov, assume that MoFo is working. Those guns are particularly difficult to break. The barrel and chamber are chromed, the gun is very, very simple in it's design. There are 100 million in the world -- replacement parts are cheap and easy to come by. All of this means it can kick around the bush with very little maintenance for a long time before the thing fails. A very, very deadly weapon at close range (almost impossible to hit what you aim for down range, though, due to the short barrel and mid-powered round). If you want to nerd out on the AK, read The Gunby CJ Chivers.

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Hi foiks,

HAd a chat with Cone last night, they're delighted with how this all going.

I'm sending over a bunch of production photos, and the Q&As, for them to use in their blog.

In a week or so I'll be sending over a bunch of photos of the jeans in action, maybe just a half dozen to start with.

We've all agreed to do this, it's in the opening page of the comp, but if you have anything you don't want me to send, or else a fave you'd like me to send, please email me (everyone should have my email from the first updates).

They'll just be used on their blog, nothing too commercial, apart from rnrswtich, whose photo will be retouched so it looks like he has "this location for rent" embroidered on his ass.

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