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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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This is the first moment that I've actually gotten a look at this contest. Super exciting. Mucho rep all around. Can't wait to see how these jeans turn out.

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so many great pics in this thread. tg, eltopo, farhad and roy6 and riff, and......

nice eames chair, i want the one with the wooden legs. but great choice, their work is beautiful. you should go and visit the house.

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Awesome Cory!!!

Congrats Farhad!!! That sounds awesome!




Thanks for the compliments on the chair guys. I really want the Rocker chair as well. I was hunting for a vintage on but I don't think there was enough room for it in that corner. I may still get one and use this one as an office chair. But next on the hit list is this one


Pomota I got mine from Modernica. Here's a link http://modernica.net/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=2

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I love Modernica stuff as well. I have my eye on a bed too lol. I would love to see a pic of your chairs Paul. Rocker prices are crazy, especially here in Cali where everyone is all about Eames and mid century stuff.

I really want that LCW but they are not as common as the DCW which I see on ebay and craig's list often.

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but lovin' the roys teamed with that type one even more.


It's a surprisingly nice Type I considering that it's just regular Levis made in Mexico. It's wide loom, but obviously ringspun (at least in the warp). In fact other than being more royal blue than the Roys steel blue, the material looks eerily similar with nearly identical texture and falling. It's sanforized and fades faster though.

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I love Modernica stuff as well. I have my eye on a bed too lol. I would love to see a pic of your chairs Paul. Rocker prices are crazy, especially here in Cali where everyone is all about Eames and mid century stuff.

I really want that LCW but they are not as common as the DCW which I see on ebay and craig's list often.

Yeah the LCW is one I want, so far we have:

RAR rocker

eames soft pad chair as an office chair http://www.utilitydesign.co.uk/mall/productpage.cfm/UtilityDesign/_UT30145/290955/Vitra%20Soft%20Pad%20Eames%20Chair%20-%20EA208

and a DSW on order

Next on my list is a nakashima straight chair.

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Random almost evo shots

lack of hige:







Left leg side thigh


Knees and calf....no traintracks coming in although they usually come in strong around the calf on my jeans


I'm guessing I'm alot further behind than those who've been wearing them outdoors! BTW, fastest fading jeans I've had, even faster than Warehouse...I'm thinking one year is perfect timing for the contest!

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One would think that ThisSunday would look a little happier whilst sporting such a fine array of duds.

I'll just put it down to being surrounded by snow instead of all that beautiful red brick that swaths Roys environs.

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One would think that ThisSunday would look a little happier whilst sporting such a fine array of duds.

I'll just put it down to being surrounded by snow instead of all that beautiful red brick that swaths Roys environs.

That's the difference between NYC & Cali. Nothing like snow covered in dog piss & shit :)

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LOVE this fit, Cory - the tee + high big-boy cuffs + sneakers give it a great grown-up-little-kid look.

You'd fit right in with this crew:


Holy crap never realized how spot-on some of these fits are - particularly kid on the far left (can't remember characters' names)

Happy not-Independence Day, Mike!

Farhad - rad patch you got there! Is that to make up for that issue you told me about over our beers?

And the chair... damn I can't wait to actually have a home and start being a proper American consumer.

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THe nipper was told that with Haggis, you have to drink Irn-Bru.

It's supposed to be a traditional Scottish drink made from a secret Victorian recipe. Not sure I believe this. The photo doesn't do it justice, but the drink emanates a ghostly orange glow. This can only be explained by the presence of some radioactive isotope, which I'm not sure the Victorians had access to.


The haggis itself tasted terrific. This was a proper one, made with a sheep's stomach. But it tasted a damn sight better when toasted with this.


"But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,

The trembling earth resounds his tread,

Clap in his walie nieve a blade,

He’ll mak it whissle;

An’ legs, an’ arms an’ heads will sned,

Like taps o’ thrissle"

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Holy crap never realized how spot-on some of these fits are - particularly kid on the far left (can't remember characters' names)

Bennny (ie?), you're killin me Smalls.

THe nipper was told that with Haggis, you have to drink Irn-Bru.

It's supposed to be a traditional Scottish drink made from a secret Victorian recipe. Not sure I believe this. The photo doesn't do it justice, but the drink emanates a ghostly orange glow. This can only be explained by the presence of some radioactive isotope, which I'm not sure the Victorians had access to.


The haggis itself tasted terrific. This was a proper one, made with a sheep's stomach. But it tasted a damn sight better when toasted with this.


"But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,

The trembling earth resounds his tread,

Clap in his walie nieve a blade,

He’ll mak it whissle;

An’ legs, an’ arms an’ heads will sned,

Like taps o’ thrissle"

How much of the Scotch did you have to drink to convince yourself the haggis was 'terrific'? :P

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Thursday's fit, before a trip to Mbarara (7 hours there, sleep, 1 hour meeting Fri morning, 5 hours back...ugh):




Made in Uganda linen shirt

kitenge bandanna

Unlucky belt



Saturday: went to an event put on by Breakdance Project Uganda - a nice showcase of all sorts of Ugandan hip-hop-influenced arts.



Some non-vocal hip-hop/breakdancing drama


And good ol' breakdancing



Afterwards, a fatty Ethiopian meal with friends. All-together: too much food for 4 people, 3 beers, 1 coke and 3 coffees: $11. Certainly don't hate that.


Monday, colleague found my technology situation in the office amusing... one laptop's screen is broken, requiring an external monitor; second, replacement, laptop in the process of being updated; printer-cable is too short, but can't unplug broken laptop from monitor; broken laptop plugged in to external hard drive, backing-up; hot-water pot on floor.


Ugh, fit looks sloppy.

Monday afternoon, waiting for the bus to Arua (7.5 hours there, sleep, 2 hour meeting Tues AM, 7.5 hours back... ugh). Had some minutes to kill and thought you all might enjoy a couple shots the urban chaos of Kampala


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Probably the least-crowded place I've seen in town.


Finally on the bus to Arua. This is how much leg room I have. This is with me sitting bolt-upright with my lower-back pressed firmly to the seat-back. And I'm not a terribly tall guy (~31.5 true inseam). Imagine that on a bumpy-ass road for 7.5 hours with the sun beating in non-stop. Lovely.


At least I eventually had this to look at:


Today, a national holiday ("liberation day" - when the current ruling party (now in power 25 years) came to power), but I'm in the office catching up on shit... at least I can dress like a slob.


How 'bout that baggy-ass?



Fit's still been bothering me, so I measured up the waist this morning and was surprised to read 32.5-33ish, since that's what most of my jeans usually wind up measuring after stretch, but these feel much bigger than that. I realized then that all the jeans I've had before sit on/around my hips, while these sit above (unless I want long droopy-crotch). I then re-measured myself as per ROY's instructions and realized that before I had measured 31" around my hips. When I measure around where these jeans are actually designed to sit, I get 29"... hence why these feel so baggy on me, and I have this phenomenon:


I'm trying to get accustomed to, and embrace, the bagginess, and I'm glad to discover the sizing was my own fault (not any fault of ROY's), but this is driving me nuts... I want them to fit right (yes, I'm a bit neurotically obsessive by nature). Gah!

At least I've got this going for me! (ironically, the boxers are actually uncomfortably tight!)


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