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Freewheelers, Bootleggers Reunion, Bubo, etc.


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16 hours ago, Duke Mantee said:

Freewheelers ‘Everett MC’ Motorcycle Racing Club Custom 1940s Style Sweatshirt, 100% Cotton, Dark Mix Gray #1534004

1534004 Everett.jpg

What happened to the other letters Duke - ‘K’, ‘E’, ‘N’ x2 and Y - did they fall off?

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Golden Spike overalls... bought on a lockdown whim, just after the WH contest shenanigans... took a few weeks to arrive but sailed straight to my door...

Great fabric, well made as expected, super super roomy, not everyone's cup of tea but I do quite like my new Andy Pandy pants...

202006 FW Wabash.jpg

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1 hour ago, JDelage said:

@Duke Mantee - Have you found the FW hoodies to have a very deep hood? On the one I just got the hood is like a tent. When I put the hood on I look like Emperor Palpatine... 

I never thought them to be excessively deep - big enough to be a proper hood instead of those that cover up to the front of the parietal. I find that handy because I look like palpatine with the hood down ...

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I don't know if this would interest the folks here, but I came across a little series of articles on the Crazy Eights motorcycle club to which Atsushi Yasui belongs. Great images and a fun little story published by Roller Magazine in January 2019.


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2 hours ago, Jared_Lee said:

I don't know if this would interest the folks here, but I came across a little series of articles on the Crazy Eights motorcycle club to which Atsushi Yasui belongs. Great images and a fun little story published by Roller Magazine in January 2019.


Sushi is crazy on this stuff (TROG and all that) - and near killed himself doing too.

A lot of FW designs are influenced by that culture. Especially early 20th C. Harley Davidson style.

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Yeah, I've seen their ads and presence in chopper culture, but I didn't know Yasui's direct connection to TROG and by extension that crazy ice race from the article. Great stuff all around.

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I had a chat with @the shivman the other day - he was asking about FW releasing a ‘grizzly’ (no not a live one @Maynard Friedman :dry:) and he used a word I’d never previously associated with FW and leathers ... “prolific”

Prolific is accurate and I’ve no idea why it wasn’t apparent to me but I took a quick stab and listed them for him. Shamefully I missed (at least) 3 - but with the 3 added, here’s the lineup:



What you guys need to do is name them and tell me what’s missing ...

Edited by Duke Mantee
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On 6/21/2020 at 11:42 AM, Jared_Lee said:

I don't know if this would interest the folks here, but I came across a little series of articles on the Crazy Eights motorcycle club to which Atsushi Yasui belongs. Great images and a fun little story published by Roller Magazine in January 2019.


Anything Roller Magazine (minus Ken Ahagara) catches my eye.

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1 hour ago, Maynard Friedman said:

Thanks for the clarification Duke, I think our interpretations of ‘grizzly’ are polar opposites!

I give up ... :sad:

57 minutes ago, JDelage said:

What's the leather jacket 2nd row, 2nd from left...?

You tell me - that’s the game ... they are in alphabetical order so that might give you a clue :laugh:

Edited by Duke Mantee
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