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What are your jeans doing today?


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We ate it American-style, standing up and eating it off of the bird-shit and bug encrusted hood of my Ford truck:


Mother of crap I miss America.

Did it as well as we could (hopefully my friends don't mind that I'm putting their pictures on the internuts):


Fourth of July: now with Dual Grilling Action!!!




Peterson Shamrock Smooth (408) Fishtail

Hurley t-shirt

American Optical (in shirt pocket)

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A double-double, but close enough. Good, wasn't it?

As impressed as i was with quality, the price blew me away. Verrrryyy good though

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my 4th started...

with loading up the trucks and a last minute run to vons:


then a somber reminder of the idiots on the road on the way to the hill top park:


view from the spot we staked out - excellent place for the kids to fly kites for the first time in their lives:


learning how to bbq and fucking up the chicken skin - meat was still good though!


after a few maui brewing bikini blondes, i was inspired to do my best ben spies impression on the playground - who needs dainese when you've got PBJ007:


lots of family shots that they don't want posted up here so we'll cut to the fireworks:



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Just a few pics of my 4th of July.

Had some really amazing steak bbq-ed by my father


Had funfetti cake in celebration of my cousin's birthday as well as the US's! Plus some freshly fried lumpia is in the foreground. Lumpia is basically the Filipino version of an eggroll.


More food! Idk what was under the foil to be honest though.


The handicapped band led by my band director was playing while I took this picture. Pardon the weirdness to it. I was just messin' around with Adobe Camera Raw..


Then my jazz band played shortly after. This is me, btw. Luckily, our uniform for yesterday's concert was jeans and converse plus our band polo shirt. So I got to rock out in my Strike Golds! I wear shades to conceal my super secret identity! shhh...


And the last two pics were at Central Park (in Santa Clara, CA, not NYC).

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Thanks for the reminders of home, everyone!

What did my jeans do yesterday? Ate lunch!

Our field manager discovered some ladies who come around at 11ish and take orders of local food and then come back around 1 and deliver packaged meals. I had



"Irish" potatoes (ie. not sweet potatoes)




Ground-nut sauce

Not bad for 2500 UGX ($1.10 - love the ridiculous exchange rate right now!)


The office building we recently moved into is still pretty empty, so we walked into the empty office nextdoor and my jeans posted up on the window sill to enjoy our grub.


Not a bad view to enjoy with lunch. Kololo off to the left, Nakasero straight ahead and to the right.

I decided my jeans should go home early since it's supposed to be a holiday for my American-based organization. And since my computer's been doing this all day:


(running two instances of Stata, each of which is running millions of loops of code, conducting random assignments of surveyed clubs into treatment and control groups), my computer was a bit too bogged down to do much else.

Guess what was waiting for me when me and my jeans got home? My new car!


That's right, I am the proud new owner of the manliest car imagineable: a sky-blue 3-door Rav-4. Fuck yeah!

So stoked to not have to take fucking boda-bodas all the time now. Woo!

First time I've owned a car... naturally I had to move to East Africa in order to do so. Hah!


haaayyyyy sufuuu




Tellason Strummer

Mount's Bay boat shoes

Note in the background, my flatmate's also new Rav-4. Yep. We now have His and Hers cars. Except that she some how wound up with the way manlier one (red, roof-rack, bumper guards, stick-shift, 4x4, tinted windows).... oh well.

Also note, at the back-left, my flat. Bugolobi Flats looks like the projects, eh? That's 'cause these now-privatized flats were actually built as army barracks by Idi Amin. Hah! Ours is actually quite nice inside, though, and hey - I have a solid foot of concrete between me and the outside world, so I'll be totally safe in the instance of an air raid on Uganda.

This morning, I drove myself to work for the first time! Between driving on the opposite side of the road, the massive and omnipresent potholes and other drivers (particularly boda-bodas and matatus)... driving here is like a video game. I'm pretty impressed with myself for making the 20 minute drive to the office without crashing or hitting anybody!

I thought you guys might be interested to come along with me on my morning commute (because what's safer than driving for the first time in a foreign country with foreign rules? Driving for the first time in a foreign country with foreign rules WHILE taking pictures!):


Already out of Bugolobi's residential areas (hadn't busted out the camera yet), into the appropriately-named Industrial Area. White SUV with the big antennae at 11:00 is one of the ubiquitous NGO vehicles crawling all over this continent. Building behind it is some kinda ambiguously sinister American depot of some sort (with lots of concrete blocks and "no photography" signs in front).


Shortcut through the Industrial Area, to Jinja road


Lugogo Bypass - probably the best road in this town. Note the bicycle boda on the left there. These guys are beasts. All you fixie kids stoked 'cause you can do a wheelie or some shit... try riding one of these 30lb Chinese single-speeds up hill on a busy road, with a passenger on the back!


Cruising Lugogo Bypass by Kololo (probably the most expensive neighborhood in Kampala). That orange sign ahead is a new sign for Kololo Senior Secondary School. Why is it orange? Because it's actually a Fanta Orange billboard that says "Kololo Senior Secondary School" as well as Fanta's motto: "More Fanta, Less Serious". Not sure that's what I'd want emblazoned in front of my school as if it were a motto...

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Assholes are fucking up Lugogo Bypass. I think they're laying some draining underneath the road.


On Kira Road now. Bukoto Street is one street in on the left - where a bunch of NGOs have their offices.


Who needs traffic lights when you've got neon-white-clad traffic cops demonstrating their ineptitude and being blatantly ignored/disobeyed at major intersections?

Kamwokya (pronounced "Cam-whoa-cha") Market down to the left there.


Almost at the office now. British High Commission to the left over there.


Damn bodas always getting in the way.

See that brick building poking up at about 1:00? Top floor, farthest corner, is my office! (A-pillar conveniently blocking the road-sign for my org)


This road seriously blows.



(trying out the questionably-douchey wrap-around-the-mouth-goatee)


Aaaaand we have arrived. Cut a mean figure against my little blue beast, eh? I'm thinking a 6-inch lift, chrome 26's and limo-tint will really make this Rav 4 right.

Kitenge shirt

Unlucky (semi-vis)

Tellason Strummer

Mount's Bay boat shoes

Aaaaaaand now I'm at the office. Decided to enjoy the balcony today.


Hard at work, as you can see (really need to respond to Riff's PM...)

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ZOMG the dumpling look so delicious!

Sure does! Relativity, pls share the recipe!

We were in search of air-conditioning... Still around 32-33C here! So we headed up to the Bass Pro Mills outlet - kind of like a poor cousin to Cabelas


That's a BIG bass!


We tried our hand at laser target shooting... She did pretty well on her first go!


Lots of toys around this place....


And more camo than you can shake a stick at...


They even had live trout....


Loved the moose sculpture! This one is different, but there's a whole series of them around the city..


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...you really need to open at least an e-gallery, so we can see your shit in higher resolution. And buy it. I'd love a -z- triptych in wherever I wind up living when I'm back Stateside.

i just found this and i'm humbled man, i really appreciate the positive nudges I get here and elsewhere on superfuture

to give you an answer, its all in the works but i'm having trouble juggling this all with a "career" to boot. I'm working with a friend of mine on a website that will hopefully be up by the end of the summer, and i've updated my flickr page with full resolution versions of some of my stuff and posted the link in my signature.

boring day in -Z-'s world. ate ribs for dinner, sitting here on sufu while rummaging through some old photos from earlier this year...thursday and friday may produce another spread if the weather holds out and my wife doesn't kill me for spending another hundred bucks on camera gear :confused: (battery grip makes my camera look nice and expensive! oooooh)

work sucks...but at least i have a job and the thought of my Eternal contest jeans moving one day closer...:)

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Wow. This batch is incredible, -Z- ... some of my favorites I've seen from you. Can me and my old Canon 10d + Canon 50mm 1.8 come visit and learn how to take photos like you?

Also, you really need to open at least an e-gallery, so we can see your shit in higher resolution. And buy it. I'd love a -z- triptych in wherever I wind up living when I'm back Stateside.

Seconded - makes my photos look like amateur happy snaps - awesome shots man.


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^ Battery grip definitely looks badass. I'm sure your wife will understand that that fact alone makes it a necessary purchase.

Love the hi-res shots, thanks! Contemplating changing my Windows desktop from a picture of my family last time I was home, to a -z- picture. Hmm...

Totally understand the difficulty of trying to make a hobby something bigger, while maintaining your day job. I've got a kinda ridiculous list of shit I'd like to be working on (dirt-dying clothing with red Ugandan dirt, coming up with a business plan/daydream for a coffee shop, trying to regain my fluency in portuguese) but just don't have effing time to do. It's a curse.

But regardless, keep us posted on the proceedings!

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^ Battery grip definitely looks badass. I'm sure your wife will understand that that fact alone makes it a necessary purchase.

Love the hi-res shots, thanks! Contemplating changing my Windows desktop from a picture of my family last time I was home, to a -z- picture. Hmm...

Totally understand the difficulty of trying to make a hobby something bigger, while maintaining your day job. I've got a kinda ridiculous list of shit I'd like to be working on (dirt-dying clothing with red Ugandan dirt, coming up with a business plan/daydream for a coffee shop, trying to regain my fluency in portuguese) but just don't have effing time to do. It's a curse.

But regardless, keep us posted on the proceedings!

I've got one of your shots as my desktop picture dkatz ;)...

the one in the old building (school?) with 3 windows and where the sun's shining in the room...looks awesome imo

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Yesterday I took my bike out for a ride around Boston, even though it was way to god damned hot.


Met up with my buddy in Chinatown for some dumplings.


Got some desert after lunch.


Ate them near this mural which is basically tucked away in an alley.


After food we rode over to the Aquarium.


I'm to broke to go in so we just hung outside and watched the seals

do their thing.


After that I went home and did some arts and crafts, I decided to try and make some beer bottle glasses. Basically you use a burning string and cold water to break the top off the bottle off.

Materials: Bottles, Twine, Lighter fluid, Sand Paper, Scissors.

1. Tie string around top of bottle were you want it to break

2. Take string off and soak in lighter fluid

3. Put string back on and light, rotate bottle slowly

4. Run bottle under cold water, the temperature change will break the bottle where the string was tied.


the bottles don't break super evenly but could be filed down to level if you had the patience/time. We just left ours with uneven tops, still work fine for drinking. I'm definitley going to pick up a dremel and see if i can grind them down to level, but it may just be cheaper to buy a bottle cutter.


And just for good measure we did a 40.


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^ that is awesome.

are the edges jagged? don't wanna cut my face and end up looking like the joker xD

They come out pretty smooth, but could still be a bit sharp. 10 min or so of work with a piece of 100 grit sand paper gets them down to regular glass smoothness.

Gonna try a wine bottle next time and make a set of herb planters.

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Very nice Corporalclegg - beautiful area!

Grim Ryan - that is cool! Gonna have to try it!

I met up with some buddies at the Steam Whistle Brewery today, in the distillery district.


Fun, funky area! I used to have a loft here before I got married. The Steam Whistle has that open, loft-like feel:high ceilings, large windows, lots of brick, and an assortment of art and memorabilia.




You can see the brewing operation in the background. They give tours, but I didn't have time today.



Just outside of the brewery is what used to be the old downtown roundhouse. The trains no longer run through there, so they have a bit of a mini-museum, with a few old cars and whatnot.


What I was (am) wearing...



One of a bunch of shots...


Happy to be back home tonight in air conditioning!

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rel, great post!

riff, great post!

rained today, took these outside my loft..**WARNING** Generic cliche photographs to follow...;)




had okonomiyaki for dinner...home made tonkatsu sauce and kewpie mayo!


Haven't tried this bottle before, but i'm enjoying it quite a lot. An aspiring wine snob on a budget can occasionally find a gem.



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well they are out for octopuss pauls head! what a shame the game yesterday, after the drop out of england that was it now. what a pity and what a shame. damn and i am not even german

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