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Superfashion randoms thoughts

Guest jmatsu

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I kind of disagree - I thought AW13 felt a lot more coherent than AW14. This was like a huge mess of styles that he's already touched on - militaria, outdoorswear, workwear, more classic menswear - all stuff he's based collections around and excecuted well. There were some lovely pieces on show here, but in terms of styling and everything, the show didn't feel cohesive at all, it paled in comparison to Junya's great shows like AW09, or to use a more recent example, SS14.

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Could someone explain to me what´s the deal with "pre-fall" and "pre-spring" and "resort"?

Are these collections like a sneak-peek of what´s to come in the following seasons or are they collections of their own?

I´m confused and willing to learn.

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Could someone explain to me what´s the deal with "pre-fall" and "pre-spring" and "resort"?

Are these collections like a sneak-peek of what´s to come in the following seasons or are they collections of their own?

I´m confused and willing to learn.

These collections are on their own, usually not some preview for the main collection to come.

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it'd be nice to beat junya watanabe with a stick. then do it again using the same stick next month. then do it again and again, month to month, while using the same stick for six consecutive years. perhaps then he'd understand what he puts people through.

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^ it depends

geller pieces that end up being sold secondhand are either really hyped up or very basic

and there were fewer shops carrying him back in '08 - '10 so there may have been fewer in production too


i'd just post a wtb, someone's bound to have what you're looking for.

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The usual suspects, no? Yahoo!Japan/Ebay/Rakuten. Or put up a WTB, I know Dismal and Siotjeut have pairs


Thanks! I was struggling to find a US10 via the usual channels. 


Found one on ebay last week. Maybe it's still there?


Thanks, i'll have a browse.


To be honest i am probably going to steer clear, the quality is meant to be pretty awful. I just kinda wanted a cool version of my all black ascis kayanos to play with. 

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mr. mcqueen, thank you for the birds, rape, untitled, voss (oh mothereffing voss), dante, forgotten, widows, sarabande, mcqueensbury, please sur, the tree, both irene and scanners, textist, and untitled mens. thank you for eliciting that feeling. thank you for so much so very much.

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kind of random, but does anyone know who this is or where this photo comes from? i reverse image searched it and couldn't find anything...



from memory its just a random dude snapped for tune magazine (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) and i presume you're asking because you want to know what he's wearing - uc scab trousers, dick owens sneakers and a uc backpack.

Edited by conqueror
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