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denime xx type & 66xx type 2 year contest


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As promised, Salaami's fit pics. I adjusted the color a bit so you can see them.




After handling an unsoaked pair and Salaami's i am very impressed. I know that his soaking/drying/ironing method may be different from some, but they came out wonderfully soft with a bit of texture at the same time. Really beautiful pair of jeans.

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man, great fit. . .wish mine would end up like that! i talked w Salaam and Lendo over the Skype last night- Salaam's got some sick ass jeans. having him in this contest is gonna be fukkin dope. he already told me his game plan (which i have to keep as a secret) but it's gonna be interesting to see how his turn out.

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thanks boys, i'm on the way to michael's now to get some paint and brushes, i gotta have a patch, so ima make my own out of some vintage leather from my uncles jacket from the 70's. but i'll make it so i can put a belt under the patch lee-style. there is some whisker& zippo fade going on already but that's cause i did labor in them for one hard-ass day so far. i ironed the jeans before, but that was just to get all the funny-ass dryer wrinkles out. they won't be boiled,ironed or machine dried again just washed when needed in as hot a water as my hands can stand...

almostnice, funny thing is i've been thinking all day about how i'm going to treat myself to cheap, decent quality camera. after that it will be a pic-o-rama!

btw TVSHOOTER is funny as shit! before 09' is up we gotta all get up for a VA sufu meetup/smokeout.

as far as my fit, buy em loose! the WH 700s(which i brought to lendo's with the FC but forgot to get pics) are a tagged 28 but they fit looser than my 66xxtype, which are a tagged 30. warehouse run big, denime run small. i'm mentioning this now because the two jeans although the tagged waists are different, the BiG measurement chart has almost EXACTLY the same specs for the WH700 w28(the smallest waist size gordon carries) and the tagged w30 denime 66xxtype. and the regular xx type is not only a looser cut higher rise than the 66xx, it's waist is 2 up from tagged raw, and the 66xx is up 1 from tagged. that is raw of course.

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salaami,cant wait to see your pic-orgie,hope you will find a cam soon,i am sure you will not hesitate to bomb us with awesome flicks!

I made the same expirience sizewise,checked both BIGs and T5s and went with a 33,but as i wrote before,T5 sended me a 34 by mistake which turned out to be exactly my size.If anybody wants a 66 size up one or two!

the pics of Lendo and you are fucking epic!

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thanks paul, that means a lot coming from you. indeed lendo's, porch is the place to pose.

i made the patch last night, i had to sacrifice a leather jacket from the 70's:o(made in uruguay) but the leather was the perfect color brown. i knew i had to pre-shrink the leather if possible, so i cut out a piece much larger than needed. as soon as it hit water it shrunk like shit and curled up a bit. i took it out of the H20 and pulled on it to flatten it back out, than hit it with a little hot iron on the suede side. i cut it out to size with an exacto-knife blade(cuts leather with ease and precision). i got a decent set of cheap paint brushes, and some acrylic paint from wal-mart for about 8 bucks. mixed the paint up( no fabric medium needed to paint on leather it seems), then used the tip of the exacto-knife to pre-perforate the needle holes along the edge of the patch. then i sewed it on using BiG thread and a curved hair-weave needle. after that came the painting, which is pointless to describe without pics:mad:. it just says DENIME CONTEST in red in a font i made up while i was smoking some red-hair shit, TAKE5 LOT 775/HANDMADE IN JAPAN/EST. 1988. the word JAPAN is in purple since that's the color of osaka and japan. i used a lot of thin coats to build it up without getting sloppy, using the thinnest brush in the pack. after i dried it the last time the leather was kinda stiff so i put 3 coats of shea butter on it, and it brought out the lustre and sheen to the leather, and the paint(which looked to matte without the shea in my opinion.plus now the patch is more pliable. ima get some pics in @the 1 month mark, so i guess you can see it then...

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salaami,you are really in need of a camera now, reading your above descriptions!

Paul T,of course not,but IIRC i saw lots of great pics posted by you,but none showed the master in person.i would love to see an appearance of you on Lendos veranda.If that is not on your travelling plans in the near future i offer my balcony to you,that is if you dont mind having it large in Hamburg.

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damn, cause i asked t5 to hem it to 32'' before soak, and they cut off about 2 inches. i never took measurements myself. i had to do a patch, i can't go for two years without one. no diss, but it made me feel like i had on APCs or some shit.

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