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denime xx type & 66xx type 2 year contest


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i tried out the cam on wifey's new phone. jeans are this worn, but they don't look as brownish on the mid-thigh since they get vacuumed twice a day @ work. the white whisker at the bottom has been there since day one, so i'm glad the rest is catching up to it...

update: gave em' wash #4 last night, since i got baby shit on my thigh. i got snagged by a pallet i was dragging and a few of the warp threads popped...small thing to giant. all the broken threads are in different spots on the thigh, so it's not like it's holes or anything.

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jeans got piss on them, so tonight's wash #5. i can't seem to go more than a week so far without a wash. it ain't a bad thing, cause clean cotton lasts longer than dirty. plus they've been through a rough week, so they deserve it...

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I got a big problem...I'm REALLY wanting to get in on this contest (been eye-ing for months) but I just can't justify another pair of denim right now having just bought PBJ's, LVC/Cultizm contest and upcoming Samurai LHT and Eternal contests...

Anyways, great work so far everyone...reminding me what I'm missing out on :X

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vomit, piss, small kids will do all that over your favorite wear. It really ticked me off at first but now i've taken a zen approach to it. Besides they are a guarantee for quick fades (especially lap and knees) :D

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yeah, mid pamper change anything goes. i need a gore-tex bed cover. im trying not to think about how fast these are fading for me, cause the work i do would fade jomons, but all i'm concerned about is if they can hold up 2 years. so the weekly wash will be my steez, like the fullcounts. more wash=longer lasting, i hope

on another note, they are fading fast for me, but so far the fading is very ''flat/blah'' by sufu standards. it's NOT the denim, it's me, or should i say it's what's causing the fading. the pallets i drag @ work scrape down the whole front of my legs as i let them down, since they are heavy as shit. the repeated scraping is crocking the indigo away like a wide sheet of fine-grit sandpaper.:o. although it's just wood, dozens of pallets take a cumulative toll. since the whole leg is scraped, and not just the edges of the creases and folds, the fade is flat, and not contrasty at all. i don't care either way, but this proves that fast fades aren't always the most exiting or intriguing...although 2 year denime are guaranteed hotness.anyways, i love these denime.

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^ the denime loves you too. lol

Hey Ed,

Is everyone at Take 5 taking a vacation or something? i posted on the product inquiry thread and that was about a week ago, still no answer. not in a super rush to spend money, but i am still hoping to get an answer, ya know? anyways. thanks man.

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better write them directly I would say.

and Salaami: well, they reflect your lifestyle, don't they? they can't fade "wrong"

Thanks B_F, hey, could you also answer another question for me?

Why are there so many avatars with Ed's face with different stuff on them? lol, is this another little quirk going on right now?

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props amardeep. nice fit.

can someone please do me a REAL solid and register me with t5? i e-mailed fung and told him about my patch situation, but he never hit me back. my ability to read chinese is nada. i would think he made a list of which lot# he sent to the various contestants, but if not my #775 is most def OFFICIAL. this weed has now made me wonder if somehow someone else(contest or not) has a pair of Denime lot#775, since im sure they have sold more than 775 pairs of jeans since 1988.

on another note, i was watching mr. rogers neighborhood @ like 6AM(before work). i only stopped on that channel cause this dude who was hand-making bass violins had some sicko fades. the funny thing was his carpentry work led to a very'flat' fading, i guess how mine will become, since both of our pairs are rubbed by semi-rough wood! i was almost late to work cause they did a tour of the factory and ALL the dudes had sick fades. the best part was that i bet none of them give a shit about their work-jeans! the show was from the early 70s, so i assume all the denim was selvage back then...i feel better about my fast-fades now:o

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