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SEXDBXS09 Contest Thread


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I had the same problems with the crotch, it's just the way it was constructed. The stitching seemed like it was reinforced well on the inside, but just to be safe I added some extra support using a needle and thread. Not much going on with my jeans yet, it is still not very warm outside and I can only wear my jeans nights, weekends, and on Casual Fridays.


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It does not need to be chainstitched in, that's pretty ridiculous. 90% of the people who say everything needs to be chainstitched ("u need 2 chainstch ur patchs for strenght") have no idea what they're talking about.

It's not a hard job, and any decent tailor will have denim for patches lying around. If you know anybody who has a decent sewing machine they could probably do it, but if you take it to a tailor I wouldn't pay more than $20.

Chainstitching increases the gauge and tautness of the thread. It makes a difference in a high wear spot like a crotch.

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Mine are holding up really well. These jeans keep on giving and getting better each day!

Last week I've been hiking mountains, and today I cycled 60km in them.

Here's a teaser of them at 1800m above sea level:


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I took a few photos today but a lot of them came out really shitty due to how cloudy it was when I took them.

I'll try again another day when I'm not lazy.

Enjoy for now.

Top Block.




Back Side.






Weird ass creases on my under-crotch-area.


So yeah, those are the weird creases. I'll post nicer photos later.

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What kind of belt is that Panda?

I took a few photos today but a lot of them came out really shitty due to how cloudy it was when I took them.

I'll try again another day when I'm not lazy.

Enjoy for now.

Top Block.


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3rd page? we need serious updates

Haha, as you wish.

Lighting was bomb today so I snapped a few.



Knee boob.


Mmm, those stacks look good enough to eat.






Rep Bar, you can see the darker green box is getting destroyed. The lighting is a bit off here.


Back Belt Loop.


Right Hige.


Left Hige.


Most of the colors are accurate except for the rep tab photo.

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I bet these will get some killer wallet fades over a long enough period. Once the denim wears through and that green canvas starts peeking out its going to be some sci fi shit

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^How? did you size real small? mine are much looser than my usual flatheads im not even thinking these are gonna rip in the crotch. i gotta stop leaving quarters and stuff in my pockets though, i keep forgetting that they're there and im getting little circles coming through on the front haha

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ha, still here, combs are starting to come through just slightly, got a little calf fade which is weird considering these are not tight at all. Wallet fade looks good.

Ill try to work on getting a camera, instead of describing shit. ha fuck.

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^How? did you size real small? mine are much looser than my usual flatheads im not even thinking these are gonna rip in the crotch. i gotta stop leaving quarters and stuff in my pockets though, i keep forgetting that they're there and im getting little circles coming through on the front haha

I actually sized up...but they're still tight in the thighs. Fits like my PBJ 005's. The crotch seam on the right side is showing wear, and actually some of the white weft is visible already...

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some people are, some people aren't. i assume it's largely due to the way people sit and walk, and also their activities. when i stopped skateboarding every day, i stopped getting crotch blowouts in my jeans, raw or otherwise.

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