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3sixteen Jeans


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3sixteen ST-300 - Slim Leg Raw Grey Denim Size 28

Purchased from http://shop.3sixteen.com5 months of daily wear


Retired b/c I started skating again and it got tighter in the calves

Before Wash4317927957_2e21bbd697_b.jpg4317924795_1062677415_b.jpg

After Wash4318665504_8b2f24677f_b.jpg4318663516_cb4a478b92_b.jpg


3sixteen Dual Strand Leather Bracelet Small Tan

Purchased from http://selfedge.com

7 months of daily wear


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3sixteen SL-100x, Lot 001 @ 1 year.

I remember when I first got these; they were my second pair of raw denim. I was apprehensive about the fit at first and so I didn't wear them regularly. Then I tried cuffing them, a look which I didn't think I would be into. I even got shit from one of my coworkers about it, saying that I should have bought jeans with the proper length inseam. Well, fuck'im, the look grew on me and soon my first pair of raws were cast aside and I found myself wearing the SL's daily.

I've enjoyed wearing these for the better part of the last year (at least 5 days a week). I wore them for everything from traveling to Japan to working underneath my car. I now understand the beauty of a pair of jeans that ages with you. For inquisitive minds, these were washed a handful of times, mostly by hand, with the first wash at six months and monthly washes thereafter.

Enough talking. Here are some photos.

The last shall be first.



The Kaihara denim doesn't produce very high contrast fades. The fades are subtle, but the combs are still visible and some train tracks are peeking through. I like that the fades are visible on the selvage outseam on the inside, and that the indigo bled through behind the knees.


The custom fly buttons with the "3S" insigina are one of my favorite features of these jeans. I noticed that the later lots, and even Lot 001 of the ST's only have the 3S button for the top fly button, unlike the Lot 001 SL's. When I've finally worn these to rags, I think I will salvage the buttons as a memento of the jeans. I really like the deeper shade of indigo here:


Again, the customized rivets add a nice touch. I saw some detail shots of the SL-200 which appeared to have plain rivets. Hopefully that was just a one-off because the customized hardware makes the jeans that much more special. Again, the depth of colour in the indigo is mesmerizing.


Probably my favourite sign of wear on the jeans: some fraying of the warp yarns where the jeans were cuffed. I guess this is from the stitching on the inside of the hem rubbing against the denim (from the double cuff). The roping at the hem isn't very pronounced; the chainstitch started to unravel shortly after I started wearing the jeans, so I think the tension which usually produces roping was lacking. You can see the white thread my aunt used to keep the chainstitch from unraveling.


The Tanner leather patch is thick and gorgeous. It really has aged well with the denim and contrasts nicely against the indigo. I could stare for hours just admiring the shades of indigo in the denim. There's a bit of a greenish hue which creates a lovely colour.


By no means am I finished wearing these jeans, but I think I'm ready for a new denim voyage. I will probably wear these in rotation with a new pair of jeans as my go-to pair. While technically not my first pair of raw denim, these really were my first. And you know what they say, you never forget your first.

Until next time...


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Lots of cool pics, especially in the last few pages.

I ordered a pair of the straight legs a little while ago and overall I like them a lot, very impressed with the quality. I'm kinda chubby and I went TTS and they are perhaps a hair too big for me, but I am enjoying the fit so far.

Here's a fit pic, first week... (crappy phone camera, sorry)


Not completely happy with the way they are sitting on the bottom half but I am hoping it will calm down when the denim relaxes a bit over time.

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Jack the fit looks good - a size down might've been a bit too tight in the top block. These look dead on. The bottom portion will definitely settle down with some wear, but hemming a few inches off will certainly help with that too.

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danng looking nice. I'm too lazy to upload my fit pics, but here they are on flicker:

"]7 months Fit Pics of ST-100x 28 waist

Just copy the URL and post them inside and with no spaces. You shouldn't be thaaaaaat lazy.

Its easy.


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I normally wear a size 36 in all my denim including Iron Heart, Samuria and PBJ. For the ST-210 I was able to fit into a size 34. The initial fit was a little tight in the thigh but now feels comfortable. The denim on the ST-210's is really nice. The more you wear them the more they start to look like leather. Please note these do bleed. My hands are usually a little blue at the end of the day.

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Yea it is pretty much the same affect that you get on the Nudies with the black or indigo coating. They only look like this without washing.

Photos please. Curious to see how they look.

Just like everyone else, I didn't think they were capable of doing that.

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