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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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the much needed wash happened yesterday. here are the post wash pics.

1937 501 pre and post warm hand wash...

Pre wash:



Post Wash:


Big: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1311/4729643804_8e4b7a05c6_b.jpg


Big: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1183/4728999877_a906dca418_b.jpg

something is going on with the lens on the back picture...it was really humid, directly after rain in 90 degree weather, so I think that its condensation. anyways...here it is.

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Gorgeous, erk. Love the colors, gradient, and texture in the dark areas. I wish I could pull off that type of cut, because I do love cinch-backs.

It is beautiful fabric - the 1915, and the 44, seem to be the highlights of LVC range, they all come out different but great.

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Warehouse x sufu #175 @ a long time and some washes. I got heavily rained on the other day and had to slap these on as back-ups until my others dried. I forgot how comfortable they were and fell in love with them again as soon as I put them on. I even wore them to work today.

Since the end of the contest I think they have been washed once or twice. They still see use once in a while for working around the house and general hanging out. They even hiked the Grand Canyon in March. I think I’ll be wearing them a lot more until my Ooes come in.





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I demand fit pics. Now.

end of year fit where they really got beat is here: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/W61Lr0CZ9SichJMdeFqC2g?feat=directlink

but I've gained weight since then so they're tighter in the waist and thighs now, which is kind of a bummer. Time to get off my ass! There's another pic in that gallery as well.

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everything about those are great, and you didn't even need to tweak contrast to show it.

my sams are hang drying right now after a machine wash and the water dripping out is blue, wondering if I should give them a second wash.

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and another one. ex post from sam thread

been wearing these most recently, crotch repair really needed.

6 months also, many soaks, one wash.

not to proud of how these are turning out, combs are pretty weak and they fit alot looser than i'm used to.



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Here are my rag & bone RB11's I got back in April '06

They had a cold dr. bronners soak at 6 months and an inside out machine wash with woolite for darks at about a year, since then I have no idea.

Towards the beginning.


And now

(my newish apc petite standards in there for color reference / good measure)










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I think ill win since he has some weird hang up about wearing the same pair of jeans every day,

Variety is the spice of life, and all that...wearing the same pair every day would limit the rest of what you can wear, and they're only jeans... ;)

Having said that, some proper nice pairs over the last few pages...I repped till I was spent...

Cross-post from the 'Evisu Japan 2000 #1 at BiG' thread, as I was going through some old pics...almost two years to show in a few pics, more to come later in the summer...









Now there's some evo going on! :)

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