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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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illout, i can't even believe what i've just seen! seriously, suck a grail collection...daring to speak for others, WE HERE AT SUPERDENIM DEMAND A DETAILED PICTURE ANALYSIS OF EACH ONE OF THOSE JEANS! the new bunga has arrived.

FFFthose IH are the sickest! both you and illOut are Supreme Chancellor Palpatine status. everybody step your game up!

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illout, i can't even believe what i've just seen! seriously, suck a grail collection...daring to speak for others, WE HERE AT SUPERDENIM DEMAND A DETAILED PICTURE ANALYSIS OF EACH ONE OF THOSE JEANS! the new bunga has arrived.

FFFthose IH are the sickest! both you and illOut are Supreme Chancellor Palpatine status. everybody step your game up!

I thought they were Imperials

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So after 6 years of lurking, here's my first post: all the denim I have worn thus far from most recent to oldest.

All of these jeans have 8+ months wear without wash, some have 1 wash and others are yet to be washed.

Sorry for the image heavy post, I hope you guys enjoy them.

can post more detail/fit shots if anyone wants:)


illOut__ that's ill alright !!! holding out on us for 6yrs :confused: is just sheer 'mental'. what do you do, man? dig ditch for a living?:D

pls do post some moar.

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Thanks for all the compliments guys! I've been imagining that epic post for a while and finally had time to take the pics haha.

As erk suggested, I'll be posting the detail pics in their respective threads to not stuff up the EVO thread.

So, here is the first of my detail installments: My first pair of jeans, back in highschool, the Levi 501xx STF's


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my bad those were imps. so much great evo on the last few pages i got overwhelmed, and my brain busted a leak.

illout, posting loads of pics of great jeans in no way clutters up this thread. that's what we come here for: pics, pics, and mo' pics. macro, oversized, who gives a shit as long as the fades are tight? what clutters up the thread are pics of 1 month old jeans with minimal fades

those skulls are a jaw-dropper

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