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Just to be more specific about harlem, foreign males cannot get in without a Japanese female.

They are also incredibly strict about this. I went with some friends who know some people who work there, but I didn't know if I was going until right before, so I didn't get on the list. We holla at 2 girls outside the am/pm to go in with us, and they agree. The fucking door guy (rightfully) asks us if we actually know each other from beforehand, say yes, then he asks the girls if they even know my name. They don't, we get turned away.

But yeah, harlem isn't a bad place, but don't go with the purpose of a cheap hookup.

Its true, they are dicks about this at the door. But I went with a group (some Japanese girls, black guys, and random white people) and we didn't have a problem. Once we got in tons of girls were trying to talk to my dark-complected comrades.

Still, make no mistake, this is no gaspanic free-for-all.

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if you go to kabuki bring something else to do. Youll be entertained for about 15 min, then probably sleep for 2 hours.

Better yet, go to a Noh theatre and bet with your friend who will sleep first!

I never understood why tourists went to Kabuki, Noh plays to experience the culture.

Hell, most Japanese people can't even understand that shit.

I had to go once for a class and I left half an hour into it.

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Just to be more specific about harlem, foreign males cannot get in without a Japanese female.

They are also incredibly strict about this. I went with some friends who know some people who work there, but I didn't know if I was going until right before, so I didn't get on the list. We holla at 2 girls outside the am/pm to go in with us, and they agree. The fucking door guy (rightfully) asks us if we actually know each other from beforehand, say yes, then he asks the girls if they even know my name. They don't, we get turned away.

But yeah, harlem isn't a bad place, but don't go with the purpose of a cheap hookup.

Hahaha, nice creativity. That policy is such bullshit, imagine trying to let that slip in the western world, no Asians in my club, unless they have a white girl on their arm.

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Hahaha, nice creativity. That policy is such bullshit, imagine trying to let that slip in the western world, no Asians in my club, unless they have a white girl on their arm.

It used to be called segregation in the US.

I like the policy.

It sufficiently helps keep out the dumber naval chumps and english teachers.

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It used to be called segregation in the US.

I like the policy.

It sufficiently helps keep out the dumber naval chumps and english teachers.

It's actually called racism.

You only like it cause you Jap yeah?

No hate.

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No. I like it cuz it keep out dumb idiots.

Is it really that difficult to defriend a Japanese female to get into a club?

Racism is everywhere.

Beside why do you wanna get into a place where no one wants you anyways?

There are plenty of foreign friendly clubs in Tokyo...

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No. I like it cuz it keep out dumb idiots.

Is it really that difficult to defriend a Japanese female to get into a club?

Racism is everywhere.

Beside why do you wanna get into a place where no one wants you anyways?

There are plenty of foreign friendly clubs in Tokyo...

That's what I'm saying bro, racism is everywhere, and it sucks. First time I experienced it when I came here and it didn't get to me for a while, but now it's starting to wear away at me.

Anyway, who gives a shit, not planning on going anyway, just think it's pretty wack.

Oh, Yellow was jammed on Saturday, going to suck when that place closes.

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No. I like it cuz it keep out dumb idiots.

Yeah I know what you mean. but I personally like going to places where theres no hipster/poser fucks who think they`re better than somebody else just coz they don`t teach English here.

But on the door policy and shit like people blatantly not renting to foreigners and shit I respect that coz its like true freedom. In Australia if you pull that shit the law and the government will be on you, but here you`re free to be a racist fuck if you wanna be and I respect that. Don`t want the government telling me what to do either.

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Yeah I know what you mean. but I personally like going to places where theres no hipster/poser fucks who think they`re better than somebody else just coz they don`t teach English here.

You're right. I should also have included ego-maniac bankers and low-life headhunters.

I used to think being an English teacher had a bad stigma, but man head-hunters are some shady mother-fuckers.

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I remember they didn't want to let us into the real strip clubs in kabuki cho (I forget if their said no foreigners or no because we didn't know japanese), we had to settle for some shady nigerian spot instead. It's okay though, shit was probably wack anyway :P

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Guest jmatsu
Yeah I know what you mean. but I personally like going to places where theres no hipster/poser fucks who think they`re better than somebody else just coz they don`t teach English here.

But on the door policy and shit like people blatantly not renting to foreigners and shit I respect that coz its like true freedom. In Australia if you pull that shit the law and the government will be on you, but here you`re free to be a racist fuck if you wanna be and I respect that. Don`t want the government telling me what to do either.

i used to give this some thought and i totally agree(d). if you own/run an establishment you should be able to reserve the right to refuse service to anyone you want.

not all english/esl teachers are scum, but let's face it, if you don't got a birthright to be in japan, and can only get there by either teaching english, being stationed at some base or marrying some japbitch then what good are you? almost anyone can procure a vise by doing this kinda shit. i'm not hating, just respecting the natural food chain. i have a few aquaintances who teach english in japan and they don't do shit.

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Guest jmatsu
I think that kinda stuff may be better outside of the big cities. I had an awesome time in Toyama and Kanazawa (sp?)

thanks for telling me this in the tokyo thread.

kanazawa sucks and all toyama is good for is their water and sushi.

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Harlem hardly ever has Japanese hip hop anyways. Place sucks unless you're blitzed out of your mind, and then it dun even matter. Bed>

Kanazawa only 'sucks' if you dislike art and food and nature and.... Try again? If you're saying you need a 'birthright' to be in country; that is some dumb shit.

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Guest jmatsu
Harlem hardly ever has Japanese hip hop anyways. Place sucks unless you're blitzed out of your mind, and then it dun even matter. Bed>

Kanazawa only 'sucks' if you dislike art and food and nature and.... Try again? If you're saying you need a 'birthright' to be in country; that is some dumb shit.

don't be a dumb shit. pls read post again.

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Guest jmatsu
Cut it how you want, it's some thinly veiled racism against people you think shouldn't be there. It could be worse; at least they're there legally. The Paki's and Nigerians are 10x more loathsome.

i never said anyone shouldn't be there. merely mentioned that english teachers are on the bottom of the food chain. that they don't command the respect other foreigners living in japan do. i don't mind the pakis and nigerians, because they do jobs that most people don't wanna do. they serve a purpose.

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i never said anyone shouldn't be there. merely mentioned that english teachers are on the bottom of the food chain. that they don't command the respect other foreigners living in japan do. i don't mind the pakis and nigerians, because they do jobs that most people don't wanna do. they serve a purpose.


do you really think that the Eng. Teachers are at the bottom of the food chain?

One thing to consider when you say, "Eng. teacher" is that you paint those working at Eikaiwa all the way up to Uni profs (with a Masters degree at the very least) with the same brush. Also, the only African guys Ive known since having lived here both worked at a strip club. I'm curious what types of jobs they typically perform?

It seems that simply by the way in which foreigners are viewed here, that a Caucasian Eikaiwa teacher would be more respected/tolerated by the average Japanese person than a Nigerian working in a undesirable/labor intensive position with low pay, but Im curious to hear opinions on this.

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Guest jmatsu

do you really think that the Eng. Teachers are at the bottom of the food chain?

One thing to consider when you say, "Eng. teacher" is that you paint those working at Eikaiwa all the way up to Uni profs (with a Masters degree at the very least) with the same brush. Also, the only African guys Ive known since having lived here both worked at a strip club. I'm curious what types of jobs they typically perform?

It seems that simply by the way in which foreigners are viewed here, that a Caucasian Eikaiwa teacher would be more respected/tolerated by the average Japanese person than a Nigerian working in a undesirable/labor intensive position with low pay, but Im curious to hear opinions on this.

i meant eikaiwa. alot africans do blue collar labor jobs, custodial, scoutman, security, kaba-waiters "boy" etc. i mean if there was a big demand in tokyo/the world for african language teachers maybe the roles would have been reversed... i dunno. it's totally obvious that a majority of japanese/other foriegners in japan look down upon africans or other gaijin from the dark continents, but i personally don't(or at least try not to).

you don't have to be specifically skilled in actually teaching english, you just gotta come from an english speaking nation(which japan doesn't despise) and in some cases just have to have any old bullshit 4 year college degree. bascially anybody could do it. it's the nigerians/africans/pakis/darkies/southeast asians who don't have the means of a mechanized country, and are forced to do "less desirable" jobs that we wouldn't wanna do. while i would never clean a toilet or break a sweat via manuel labor i can respect the fact that they are doing what they can to survive. they serve a purpose. they are useful. most eikaiwa on the other hand aren't in japland to send money back home and more importantly they don't benefit me.

obviously this is a general opinon about english teachers. i mean it is a pretty clear cut statment. why wouldn't bankers/financers, biz men, programmers, specialty positions of the same stature command more respect then some schmuck from the jet program, geos, nova (rip), or whatever jagoff company???

i'd respect any foreigner in japan with actual purpose other then to collect the latest bearbricks, fuck jap-jezebels, etc...

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it's totally obvious that a majority of japanese/other foriegners in japan look down upon africans or other gaijin from the dark continents, but i personally don't(or at least try not to).

I don't look down on them just because they are dark, but because a lot of the jobs they do are shady. Anybody trying to make a living doing security or custodial work is legit, but anyone pawing at girls who walk down the street trying to pull them in a club, or barking about some shitty sneakers I told you I don't want ...then I start wishing you weren't around.

Same way I don't like certain eikawa kids who are only here because they can't get a job or get laid in the western hemisphere. Same way I don't like frat boy bankers who can't pronounce To-KI-O and think they are hot shit because a handful of gold digging J-girls want to be their girlfriend/english partner.

From where I'm sitting, none of these groups bring anything to the table.

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