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I can appreciate your opinion I suppose. As a JET I admittedly have a pretty easy job and I make a living wage. However, in spite of the fact that we, “serve no purpose†there is an undeniable demand or we could not be here. Also, JETs are brought here by your government via the BOE (an aside here, the JET Program was actually created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the interest of “internationalizing†Japan by having young Japanese interact with non Japanese in preparation for the global economy that was on the horizon at that time, rather than as a vehicle for importing English teachers), but the same standards still apply. I agree with you that the standards required to “teach†English are pathetic here; however, until Japanese housewives quit spending their husband’s money to be edu-tained by a white guy from EnglandAmericaAustraliaNewZealand I don’t think the situation will really change.

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I don't look down on them just because they are dark, but because a lot of the jobs they do are shady. Anybody trying to make a living doing security or custodial work is legit, but anyone pawing at girls who walk down the street trying to pull them in a club, or barking about some shitty sneakers I told you I don't want ...then I start wishing you weren't around.

Same way I don't like certain eikawa kids who are only here because they can't get a job or get laid in the western hemisphere. Same way I don't like frat boy bankers who can't pronounce To-KI-O and think they are hot shit because a handful of gold digging J-girls want to be their girlfriend/english partner.

From where I'm sitting, none of these groups bring anything to the table.

This is the smartest thing anyone has said in the last 2 pages.

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Guest jmatsu
I don't look down on them just because they are dark, but because a lot of the jobs they do are shady. Anybody trying to make a living doing security or custodial work is legit, but anyone pawing at girls who walk down the street trying to pull them in a club, or barking about some shitty sneakers I told you I don't want ...then I start wishing you weren't around.

Same way I don't like certain eikawa kids who are only here because they can't get a job or get laid in the western hemisphere. Same way I don't like frat boy bankers who can't pronounce To-KI-O and think they are hot shit because a handful of gold digging J-girls want to be their girlfriend/english partner.

From where I'm sitting, none of these groups bring anything to the table.

yeah, pawing and bitches and trying to slang crap or fake product is shady, but do you think they enjoy doing that shit? i doubt they'd do it if they had an alternative or the basic means to have started an early foundation.

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Guest jmatsu

I can appreciate your opinion I suppose. As a JET I admittedly have a pretty easy job and I make a living wage. However, in spite of the fact that we, “serve no purpose” there is an undeniable demand or we could not be here. Also, JETs are brought here by your government via the BOE (an aside here, the JET Program was actually created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the interest of “internationalizing” Japan by having young Japanese interact with non Japanese in preparation for the global economy that was on the horizon at that time, rather than as a vehicle for importing English teachers), but the same standards still apply. I agree with you that the standards required to “teach” English are pathetic here; however, until Japanese housewives quit spending their husband’s money to be edu-tained by a white guy from EnglandAmericaAustraliaNewZealand I don’t think the situation will really change.


from what i know, i don't have a problem with you personally doing your thing in japland. the jet program is a dated program that sounds sound in theory, but i don't really see how it brings anything substantial to the table. sure there is a demand, but it's all business and really has nothing to do anymore with the "globalization of japan." it is actually a platform to keep up international relations and just another way to stimulate the economy/japanrse deficit. all of the japanese elite executives i know weren't trained at jet. they studied overseas. the jet program like you mention is for bored housewives or country students who should not be playing speak-english, but cultivating the rice paddies.

anyway let's be adultd for a second. it's a status thing. i don't know the kinds of circle alot sufu members role with, but too me and most people i do biz with eikawa ARE considered the lowest of the low as far as gaijin working in japan go.

we don't even talk about the nigerian or middleeasterners cause they just are what they are and do what they do. they aren't even in the converstaion's spectrum. i don't see why people (not necessarily you) who work in the english-teaching field compare themselves to them cause that shit just ain't fair.

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Word. No hate on chromesquared. Hustlers gotta hustle.

But seriously the JET program is a dated, capital spending farce perpetuated by the Japanese government to bridge a yearly foreign-relations budget still mis-guided on antiquated geo-political beliefs. I don't think the program in its current form serves its originally intended goals. As Jmatsu said, the smarter or more wealthy Japanese go abroad and study at international schools.

The biggest problem I have with foreigners doing English teacher in Japan is that they are too short sighted. After Eikaiwa, what is there in terms of career progression? You can't seriously teach back in America without a Master degree in Education and most other industries will likely not recognize your "experience" as valuable. Jet is a little better since its government sponsered, like a good trader once taught me, "You gotta keep your eye on the exit." When ever you get into a position in the market, you gotta watch for the exit position cuz you never wanna be the guy trying to catch a falling knife. I feel like a ton of Englisher teachers come with the intention of working in Japan and that's it, but they fail to concern themselves with exit opportunities afterwards. So, its a vicious-cycle...

Chrome, as soon as your contract is up, already have an exit opportunity or get back to school. Don't be the guy trying to find another teaching job in Japan so that they don't have to go back to their home country.

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Both valid posts, touché. I see first hand on a daily basis how the program isn’t effective in its aim. I was just mentioning the background of the program as I thought it was relevant to the conversation as you mentioned that we are a burden of sorts. I suppose I was just pointing out that this burden is somewhat self inflicted, that and I was admittedly splitting hairs between JET and Eikaiwa. More and more prefectures are actually opting out of it as education budgets are cut, so I wonder how long it will continue. Regarding how other foreigners in Japan see English teachers, I know that we are not seen in the best light, but didn’t think it was that bad, interesting to hear your opinion as it was a genuine question.

Perhaps I will start bootlegging porn a la Aniki.

Also, regarding the “valuable experience†gained here. If one were to continue within the ESL profession its not a bad experience (lots of my profs did JET), but realistically speaking I don’t want to do this shit forever, and so I can basically chalk it up to experience living abroad and/or hope it helps me in applying to Masters programs. Raj’s observation here is pretty on the money as I am a bit of a victim of shortsightedness myself, but trying to change this before time is up.

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in your case i think there are two possibilities:

first, if you enjoy languages, you can try to improve your skills in japanese and get different kind of diplomas JLPT1 FLE... and then try to move on other fields such as simultaneous translation. also chose some specialities in translation such as finance or medicine for instance because the sector is competitive.

If you want to change field i think that the best as rajio said is to get back to school. (bachelor level is required for most jobs) anyway you should try to get the best level you can in japanese because it is the only way to make you experience living abroad really valuable. But a lot of things depend on your age, your wish to stay in Japan, etc... because a lot of jobs in biz require at least a previous experiment of 2 or 3 years abroad.

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This thread has gotten a lot more entertaining in the last few pages.

Let me just start out by saying I have no intentions of ever teaching english, nothing against it, really, it's just something I cannot and will not do.

A lot of good points have been brought to the table, but some, such as Rajio, bring up things that are especially valid in his lifestyle, but not necessarily applicable to everyone. I have only known a few people who have done JET, and none have done it with the expectation of it becoming, or even wanting to have it become a real job. To most it seems to be something of a break between steps. A guy I met 2 years ago in Gunma was about to finish up his 2nd year of JET and go back to the states, his purpose for it was to just take some time off and enjoy himself for a while before going to Med School.

On the other hand, for one of my good friends who's teaching, but not through jet, it's just a somewhat enjoyable job that allows him to have a lot of free time, not expecting it to segue into anything. I guess this could be the equivalent to something like a freeter lifestyle, which I personally respect a lot. Getting caught up in the corporate world isn't for everyone and it shouldn't be used as a standard to measure all else against.

Also, though I don't have an especially fond image of JET, nobody has acknowledged that there are other options than the assistant language teacher one that is the most common and by far the easiest.

The CIR position (国際交流員) is very competitive and generally having 1-kyuu is a big help. This is, if you don't know, working with local governments and more or less helping them deal with any types of overseas guests-situations-etc.

I think there's another position but if I remember there's only a few spots available for the entire country and it's usually filled by ex-olympians or such.

The reason eikawa shit is so looked down upon, is because it is, like has been mentioned, a job that anyone from an english speaking company can get, and as such a lot of the jackass type foreigners in Japan are associated with it.

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goodbye, japan. 3 wks disappeared like nothing.

heading out this summer. This will be my first time so I want to do all the touristy stuff like temples and kabuki and shit. I think it's common knowledge that japan is really expensive but...what's the ballpark figure for living costs for about a month? I'm staying at a friends house so it'll basically just be food, transportation, fees, etc. I was thinking around 3-4k?

to plot my stay on the range...i spent ~8k. don't know how helpful that is, since that includes a little shopping. but nothing b.a.l.l.a. like others.

or i spent ~8k & didn't do anything balla :(

conbini b mad expensive

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i just spent about five minutes sifting through this post and i figure i should add a little opinion to the mix. especially seeing as though i'm one of the heads out in japan teaching english.

first, i gotta side with a lot of the opinions here regarding the caliber of people out here teaching english. i started off working for a big company and although there were a few quality people, the majority were what i would deem social rejects. adults with no sense of social skills and a serious lack of direction (which, in all honesty, i am probably guilty of the latter.)

on the other hand, this site has adults on here living in japan and at the same time dedicating countless hours to an online forum (for as many fuckin posts as some of you have, i can only imagine how much time is spent actually reading though this shit) and referring to themselves as "B.A.L.L.A.S." i dont give a shit what job you do or how much yen you stack, if you are guilty or either of the previously mentioned, you are as equally socially inept as some of the teachers i worked with.

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Guest jmatsu
i just spent about five minutes sifting through this post and i figure i should add a little opinion to the mix. especially seeing as though i'm one of the heads out in japan teaching english.

first, i gotta side with a lot of the opinions here regarding the caliber of people out here teaching english. i started off working for a big company and although there were a few quality people, the majority were what i would deem social rejects. adults with no sense of social skills and a serious lack of direction (which, in all honesty, i am probably guilty of the latter.)

on the other hand, this site has adults on here living in japan and at the same time dedicating countless hours to an online forum (for as many fuckin posts as some of you have, i can only imagine how much time is spent actually reading though this shit) and referring to themselves as "B.A.L.L.A.S." i dont give a shit what job you do or how much yen you stack, if you are guilty or either of the previously mentioned, you are as equally socially inept as some of the teachers i worked with.

u r in sendai. u deep kiss cattle. your women are ranked 3rd ugliest in japland. you couldn't ball(a) in roppongi so you had to settle for kokobuncho. you are an english tearcher calling other english teachers "socially inept."

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u r in sendai. u deep kiss cattle. your women are ranked 3rd ugliest in japland. you couldn't ball(a) in roppongi so you had to settle for kokobuncho. you are an english tearcher calling other english teachers "socially inept."

he called SUFU posters socially inept

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jmatsu, lets check a couple facts before i step out to "settle for kokobuncho."

1. you responded to my argument in true sufu forum style (via negative rep...seriously, who the fuck cares?) with a literary masterpiece.


2. your response took no more than an hour from the time of my post.

reread the last paragraph of my original statement and tell me if those two bits of information work FOR or AGAINST my argument.

and dabestspoona, don't get it twisted. i'm not calling sufu posters socially inept, i'm calling the following socially inept.


and jmatsu, i'll more than likely be in tokyo for a couple of days during golden week. don't twist this and take it as some e-beef, hardass, showdown...but if you want to show me how "BALLA" you are (i.e. buy me a "BALLA" meal, hit me off with some "BALLA" spending cash, and then get the fuck out of sight) i might be open to it.

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wtf the fuck is going on

jmatsu, lets check a couple facts before i step out to "settle for kokobuncho."

1. you responded to my argument in true sufu forum style (via negative rep...seriously, who the fuck cares?) with a literary masterpiece.


2. your response took no more than an hour from the time of my post.

reread the last paragraph of my original statement and tell me if those two bits of information work FOR or AGAINST my argument.

and dabestspoona, don't get it twisted. i'm not calling sufu posters socially inept, i'm calling the following socially inept.


and jmatsu, i'll more than likely be in tokyo for a couple of days during golden week. don't twist this and take it as some e-beef, hardass, showdown...but if you want to show me how "BALLA" you are (i.e. buy me a "BALLA" meal, hit me off with some "BALLA" spending cash, and then get the fuck out of sight) i might be open to it.

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Guest jmatsu
jmatsu, lets check a couple facts before i step out to "settle for kokobuncho."

1. you responded to my argument in true sufu forum style (via negative rep...seriously, who the fuck cares?) with a literary masterpiece.


2. your response took no more than an hour from the time of my post.

reread the last paragraph of my original statement and tell me if those two bits of information work FOR or AGAINST my argument.

and dabestspoona, don't get it twisted. i'm not calling sufu posters socially inept, i'm calling the following socially inept.


and jmatsu, i'll more than likely be in tokyo for a couple of days during golden week. don't twist this and take it as some e-beef, hardass, showdown...but if you want to show me how "BALLA" you are (i.e. buy me a "BALLA" meal, hit me off with some "BALLA" spending cash, and then get the fuck out of sight) i might be open to it.

what is wrong with responding in "true sufu forum style?" you imply a level of distain by the way you've wrote. the rep system is part of this forum...why not use it?

you write oh-so nonchalantly "who cares?" obviously you do to an extent, or you wouldn't have bothered posting the neg rep.

i don't see what the duration of my response to that of your comment has to do with anything.

the sum of your original argument is that some english teachers you work with are socially inept and that particular "ballas" are so as well. who the fuck are u to judge either or?

i personally never said i was a "balla," but i'll play. you're going to tokyo? let me know the eta of your bus to tokyo station. not giving you money....

you'd probably just buy 100 gyudons and jerk off at mangakisa...

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i don't see what the duration of my response to that of your comment has to do with anything.
i dont want to knitpick about english mistakes (although it would seem fitting, right?) but i never mentioned shit about duration, holmes. (you could probably benefit from an esl lesson). i mentioned how quickly you responded...reinforcing the fact that you spend countless hours of your day glued to the fucking computer screen (of course in between stacking yen and BALLA'in).

jmatsu, i want you to take a deap breath (i know it is infuriating to get bullied in your own home...and with the hours that you clock on this site, i think "home" is a good word), read your comments on the past two pages, and then repeat this quote of yours ten times...

who the fuck are u to judge either or?
my point being this...i dont give a fuck what your job title is. i dont care if you are trading currencies, teaching esl lessons, or peddling bootleg goods. if you are a dick, then you're a fucking dick. jmatsu, i just hope your internet persona doesn't reflect your real life persona. but then again, with the time spent on this site, the line between those two might be a bit blurred...
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Guest jmatsu
i dont want to knitpick about english mistakes (although it would seem fitting, right?) but i never mentioned shit about duration, holmes. (you could probably benefit from an esl lesson). i mentioned how quickly you responded...reinforcing the fact that you spend countless hours of your day glued to the fucking computer screen (of course in between stacking yen and BALLA'in).

jmatsu, i want you to take a deap breath (i know it is infuriating to get bullied in your own home...and with the hours that you clock on this site, i think "home" is a good word), read your comments on the past two pages, and then repeat this quote of yours ten times...my point being this...i dont give a fuck what your job title is. i dont care if you are trading currencies, teaching esl lessons, or peddling bootleg goods. if you are a dick, then you're a fucking dick. jmatsu, i just hope your internet persona doesn't reflect your real life persona. but then again, with the time spent on this site, the line between those two might be a bit blurred...

"2. your response took no more than an hour from the time of my post."

you ARE either really stupid or desperately trying (in vain and failing miserably) to appear intelligent on an internet forum wich you claim not to care about. you never mention the "duration" of the response, yet you clearly imply it. then you state that my response is quick? nigga, before i clocked out of the forum i checked your account and your dumbass was still glued to this thread thinking of a response.

"countless hours of your day glued to the fucking computer screen"

shit, my response was swift and done with. i guess you had nothing better to do on a saturday night in japan besides getting your ass raped on a site you apparently don't give a shit about.

"i dont give a fuck what your job title is. i dont care if you are trading currencies, teaching esl lessons, or peddling bootleg goods. if you are a dick, then you're a fucking dick. jmatsu, i just hope your internet persona doesn't reflect your real life persona. but then again, with the time spent on this site, the line between those two might be a bit


why do you continue the charade of not caring about jobtitles or teaching esl? you do care, or you wouldn't bother responding to a subject that is obviously over your head. yeah my real life persona could be described as a "dick" on and off the board, so what? you keep going on and on about how much i'm online. this is the typical jerk-off's usual tactic. so because i am on this forum so much, how does that discredit me? why don't you come out and say what you mistakenly think you know about most of the member with bigger post counts or earlier join dates?? you're fuckin spineless.

again, you were the one on this forum taking forever to respond to this thread (don't deny it, i checked) on a saturday night in japan.

you even failed to really maintain the momentum or respond to some of my other post's inquiries...again another typical jerk-off (evasion) tactic.

have fun teaching japan's 3rd ugliest.

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Guest jmatsu
teaching japan's 3rd ugliest.

Jmatsu where did you find this info? :D

there were may polls done years ago, but the recent data was procured by the offices of tokyowalker. anyway it's more of an innate japanese thing. we just know this.

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i'm too tired to read this nonsense

can you give me a 3 line summary of what happened in the past two pages?

I think a disagreement on what the value of JET workers is and that of some blue collar workers. :confused:

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Guest jmatsu
i'm too tired to read this nonsense

can you give me a 3 line summary of what happened in the past two pages?

you mean HIS nonsense. anyway the usual this time. a noob outta sendai getting stupid.

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