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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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@ sXXXe - Where did you get those kicks? PATTA affiliated? I take it you live in Am*dam.. I

Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

Edited by Tisswat on Oct 11, 2005 at 08:05 AM

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on me today:

h&m grey l/s military-style shirt

white v-neck t-shirt (under l/s)

marc by marc jacobs black trouser-style denim pants

kitschy yellow snakeskin belt

brown vintage boots (look similar to apc's f/w 05 boots)

...and yellow american apparel briefs

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"kixself do you still wear your apc's you haven't posted them for a while, be keen to see how they are going."

dude, i have been wearing my nudies a lot but they are looking good....ill post pics soon....i am just having trouble with the freakin honeycombs.....they dont seem to be comin in too well.....

and about my shoes.....i like to wear high tops loose like that.....that pair was especielly loose but whatever....not a big deal





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Today... Meeting the parents in law icon_smile_dissapprove.gif :



*Comme des Garcons 'Play' Cardigan

* Dior Homme 'Rock Concert' tee

* Acne skinny jeans 'Max Raw'

* Vans by Marc Jacobs

Edited by baizilla on Oct 5, 2005 at 06:59 AM

--- Original message by baizilla on Oct 5, 2005 05:37 AM

i REALLY like the cut of those jeans.
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i REALLY like the cut of those jeans.

--- Original message by boystory on Oct 11, 2005 10:26 PM

Agreed, how tall are you, what size did you buy, and what size do you normally wear in nudie or dior?

Edited by verb on Oct 11, 2005 at 10:57 PM

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what jeans are those?

top of the page.

but if you can't be bothered scrolling past the massive photo's.

andewhall made them for me, the are very nice. so much creasing that my knees ache, but once i start starching they will get the mean honeycombs.

<center>fromHQ.jpg </center>

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Mikey, nice hoodie dawg. icon_smile_wink.gif

also about wearing tongue like that, ya i have a dilemna with that...got the "mitas", but have a feeling wearing raw denim over them will just make them blue in a few weeks.

i guees to fit in the post:

Stussy Tee

APC Rescues

Mita Hi's

and some cute Champs Socks.

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- l/s band of outsiders shirt (that i got at the fred segal sale for 1/2 off!)

- apc raw denim jeans

- marc by marc jacobs stretchy elastic belt

- brown vintage boots

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boystory : thanks icon_smile_blush.gif

verb : I'm 5"10 and i wear size 30/32 in those skinny jeans by Acne... and 30/32 too in Dior jeans... and i hate nudie jeans.. :)

Edited by baizilla on Oct 12, 2005 at 10:06 AM

--- Original message by baizilla on Oct 12, 2005 10:01 AM

Thanks baizilla, I can't believe that 32's bunch up that much, I would have thought they were at LEAST 34 inseam. I might have to pick up a pair.
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