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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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  pourhomme said:
That jacket looks big on you.

ah what do you want dior homo?? Not everythings gotta be fucken spraypainted on..the jacket looks fucking good. Do you know what Final Home is??? Its utilitarian crazy shit you cant even understand. Its not supposed to fit like your superskinny bullshit.

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  khaltire said:
I figured I do one, just for fun...



Man, the flash changes the colors of everything so much on dark day


Banana Republic

Dry Bones (not so dry at the moment though :P)

Lacoste Swerve

um Lacoste polo maybe but Lacoste shoes?...um even the sneakerfreaker versions..just nah.

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  MilSpex said:
ah what do you want dior homo?? Not everythings gotta be fucken spraypainted on..the jacket looks fucking good. Do you know what Final Home is??? Its utilitarian crazy shit you cant even understand. Its not supposed to fit like your superskinny bullshit.

Quoted for truth. Final home is the REAL DEAL. It was probably one of the best labels out of Tokyo pre-2000. Very military, utilitarian, futuristic. I love that jacket, looks great. Kids need to get a history lesson on this board...

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Guest doubletap
  Felix said:

somehow you look like mike l. :eek:


I was thinking the same thing.

I think milspex' pics look better with his shitty cam, it had a cool effect going on.

-EDIT- okay I feel stupid.

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  MilSpex said:
ah what do you want dior homo?? Not everythings gotta be fucken spraypainted on..the jacket looks fucking good. Do you know what Final Home is??? Its utilitarian crazy shit you cant even understand. Its not supposed to fit like your superskinny bullshit.

What the bloody hell is wrong with you,

whats up with the skinny and dior homo shit?

I just commented that it looks big,

and i agree it fits nice so whats wrong with you. :mad:

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  chris said:
i dont know if you can even see what im wearing. its dark, and unclear on the left.


whats hilarious is that the left picture was taken with a 10 megapixel camera, while the right one was taken with a 5 mp. apparently i dont know how to use cameras in general.

The shirt your wearing on the outside of the left photo looks familiar although I don't know really know if it's what i'm thinking is it supposed to be open like that, is there even a way to close it? cuz it looks pretty good just like and the shoes look good too. how tall are you btw?

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Damn, I just found out that Lacoste shoes arent liked on this board? They have some nice ones actually, check it out... honestly, Im sick of seeing 95% of the people wearing beat up chucks or slip ons on here.. no hate, but do I have to conform to this to be accepted?

Also, not that I was wearing one, but Lacoste polos are also no good? This is all fascinating to me.. I dont get how you can hate on a classic polo.. I mean theres no much to dislike about it

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lacoste polos are fine mate,you really just got to wear what you are into,Just take the comments on the chin,

I cant say id ever see myself in lacoste trainers,and in the uk they are kinda worn by idiots im not really sure what the case is in the rest of the world,but if you like it wear it,your clothes should reflect what you like i guess

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