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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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  angrypork said:
Here we go.. Happy thanksgiving all. Ignore the robot voice, I don't know why that happened. The hat is just on cuz I don't like my new haircut pretty much.


New Era Fitted sorta

American Eagle Sweater

Hanes T

Gap Jeans

Vans Era

angrypork is having some hot turkey...happy thanksgiving...

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  minya said:
Ande, you kick ass. Man if I'm ever in NZ I'm gonna buy you a few pints. You look like a rad guy to hang out with :D

Cheers Mate! Come to .nz man, I'll buy the pints.:D

Might have to do a world tour and go visit all the superfuturians:)

SCARF BY KERI! I want one, freddy krougar stripes?


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  canice said:

columbus hat ($10 from my friend! sucker.)

supreme bandana

aa tee


bike tights


the whip

i made a video but i don't think the encoding's right, because every site spat it out.

if you cam takes video in quicktime format, you won't be able to upload it anywhere. try to see if you can change it to mpeg.

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That guys Jandals are sweet. Good story, my friends Grandpappy trademarked and invented Jandals in the 50's or 60's, basically rubber Japanese sandles = Jandles. Thats why they have to call em "Thongs" in Australia.

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  andewhall said:
Neither hot nor cold today, nice one.

Goofy kung-fu and thumbs up posin':D

Pepe Jeans cotton jacket

Faux Fuct T




  minya said:
Ande, you kick ass. Man if I'm ever in NZ I'm gonna buy you a few pints. You look like a rad guy to hang out with :D

i agree, a guy like Ed from Shaun of the Dead

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  stuntastic said:
Soggy nite.


Stussy Tee

Surplus hoody

Soggy Okinawas that are shrinking to me, cuz of the rain


To get some Indian guy to call me a "stupid white man."


if it makes you feel any better, when i was riding past some bar last night some drunk dude yelled out "hey look its lance armstrong."

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  BegÃ¥vningsreserven said:
i agree, a guy like Ed from Shaun of the Dead

I love Shaun of the Dead! It's modern cult classic:cool:

Yeah I though that was Ririwin to at first glance, I think its the white rims yeah

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Here's one from yesterday... more of a what were you wearing yesterday... wwywy... ew.



pete bird



surprise surprise: black socks

Enjoy that one guys. I was in the middle of silkscreening the shirt I had made as editioned prints...


If you wanna see the rest of the pics... go here:


Happy Thanksgiving! :)

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  Double D said:
I love the way when the Americans picked up on it they missed all the referential humour on British society and replaced it with their usual amusement at our quaintness.

Actually, Ande's a New Zealander.

As an American, I may have, however done this. I've spent a fair bit of time in England and am rather obsessed with your television, but it always seems like my British friends are telling me, "Well, you wouldn't get this because of this."

Damn cultural differences.

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  khaltire said:
I figured I do one, just for fun...



Man, the flash changes the colors of everything so much on dark day


Banana Republic

Dry Bones (not so dry at the moment though :P)

Lacoste Swerve

I dig fit, it's a bummer the jeans are too big though.

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