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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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i don't get it man... you're just contradicting yourself here..

first, i don't think anybody, even the people backing you up, will believe that you don't put any thought into how you dress.

you're wearing some leather glove shits for god sakes, you have mad accessories, thats the kind of stuff someone does when they get ready and are like "hmm i think this would match good, and so would this, oh and this would look great, too. yeah, this would definitely complete the look i am going for today"

i think its fine to be like that, hell, i think the majority of people on here try to complete the look they are going for by adding accessories, so i first off, don't understand why you would deny putting thought into how you dress.

second of all, you say that you don't even think your style is different or original, you said you've seen a bum dress like you. then why do you cap off your post by saying how good it feels to be eccentric?

your look is your look, and i'm definitely not knocking on it, but you can't deny that spend tons of cash and time of hunting down things to look the way you look and dress the way you dress. hell, if you weren't going for that look, why the pose and expression on your face?

you should change your name from poopie boy to shit head.

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you should change your name from poopie boy to shit head.

i don't see why the outrage, darkanimal wasn't even upset.

i wasn't even upset when i posted that, i just wanted to clear some things up that i didn't understand.

it wasn't an attack on him, therefore i don't think he felt like he had to defend himself.

but i will take the name change into consideration, since a username means anything at all, anyway.

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i don't see why the outrage, darkanimal wasn't even upset.

i wasn't even upset when i posted that, i just wanted to clear some things up that i didn't understand.

it wasn't an attack on him, therefore i don't think he felt like he had to defend himself.

but i will take the name change into consideration, since a username means anything at all, anyway.

Wat you read made sense, but the way you worded it, made you sound like a condescending dick.

Not saying you are, but its the way you came off in yer post.

But I get wat you were saying.

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loads going on since i was last online, love the nike cycling t's.

has there ever been what are you riding today?


vintage zz top

slim jims

am 1

love your atmos!

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