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After a couple drinks tonight my stomach was killing me. Happened a few other nights earlier in the year, it's beginning to piss me off since it's hindering me from getting drunk.

Maybe I did some permanent damage. I need a steel stomach again. I won't be satisfied until then. Anyone else go through this? Sufu professional drinkers, I need your advice.

Welcome to getting older. Happens to me every night. Next time right before you go out chug down a pepcid AC and one of those pepto bismal tablets.

Fucking miracle drugs.

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wtf is wrong with uni teachers. they're the flakiest people ever.

teacher 1 just keeps lowering the requirements for the final project which fucked my head up and now I can't work. don't make that shit too easy bitch!

teacher 2 asks us to email her our choices for the final essay (due tomorrow) as soon as we can. I send it like 14h after the class ended which was pretty fucking quick and she only replied today with something vague as fuck.

uni is a half assed run business. fuuuuuuuuuuck.

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what your body is telling you is that you've built up some sort of bowel-related problem with alcohol. I have similar issues that stem from allergies I have (wheat, diary) and when I drink too much beer, my stomach turns really sour, and sometimes I have awful bowel issues. Horrible stomach aches, bad shits, etc. Obviously part of that is just beer shits, but since I'm ingesting liquid wheat, I'm doing more than just a number on my stomach. I'm causing my body to rebel. What your body may be doing is similar.

I say get allergy tested because a wheat allergy is extremely common. And its not limited to beer, happens when I have mixed drinks or straight liquor as well.


e032ri2-03urejfwp is a genious

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So my dad calls out of the blue today and says that the stock market has really taken a huge chunk of our his and my moms savings. I kinda knew this but what really killed me was when he said that he had always hoped to leave me some money when he died, but at this rate it looks like he and my mom will need everything just to retire (and probably not as early as they thought). He said he was sorry.

I think this was the saddest i've ever felt after a phone call, and it had nothing to do with money.

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oh damn, i wish neg rep you would like to appeal or share still existed.

Technically that kinda thing falls into this thread, no?


Random thought: When a girl who's a perfectly natural size decides she needs to go on the coke diet, and the thing that suffers most? The rack is decimated. For shame. Girl I fooled around with a few years ago looked great and now I feel like I'm looking at pancakes if I'm unfortunate enough to see a braless down-shirt pic.

Wait, scratch the pancake thing; pancakes are delicious :(.

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Dammit i'm hungry still. Needs foods!

edit: Ok. Baked lays sour cream n onion and diet a&w cream soda is doin' things now.

double edit: Fuck! Now i'm 80% through the bag. Dammit i'm fat :(

final edit: Ok. Now they're gone. My stomach kinda hurts and i feel bloated. Fuck

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Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic. Semen is inexpensive to produce and is commonly available in many, if not most, homes and restaurants. Despite all of these positive qualities, semen remains neglected as a food. This book hopes to change that. Once you overcome any initial hesitation, you will be surprised to learn how wonderful semen is in the kitchen. Semen is an exciting ingredient that can give every dish you make an interesting twist. If you are a passionate cook and are not afraid to experiment with new ingredients - you will love this cook book!


makes a great .. ahem.. stocking stuffer :D

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