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fade to black2

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fuck finals and u.s. history

don't mean to rub it in your face but boy am i glad i'm done with school. i HATED finals period...wasn't a very good study-er and basically the worst part was anticipating a test i felt like i had no chance at passing.

Accounting 271 in particular was brutal...i had no idea what the hell was going on throughout, never did the optional homeworks, failed all 3 exams and passed the class with a C- just because they don't fail you at UM B-school classes. It was kinda funny though just sitting through there then halfway through going "fuck it i'll just toss a coin and put whatever"

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How and when did fade to black2 realize he was unbanned, after requesting said ban?[/late-pass]

Not trying to give you shit or anything like that f2b2, just a random thought.

P.S. closed tags are overrated.

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i'm confused, how long is the school term in the United States? do all post-secondary students have exams around this time? i'm in Canada, and as far as i know everybody is done near or around the end of April =/

Depends on the school. The earliest schools finished maybe a week and a half - 2 weeks ago? My last final was today so I'm happy. Almost free [paper due tomorrow].

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i just tried an east coast specialty called "dulce" , which is a dried seaweed considered a tasty snack in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.


holy fuck, that is the grossest shit I have ever tasted. never have i been this close to puking before, it tasted like dead fish, literally like i was chomping on dried out, rotting fish carcass.


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I never liked the taste of any seaweed.

Like, a lot of my friends are fine with eating those packs of dried seaweed you can get at asian supermarkets, but it just tastes gross to me. Even the seaweed in soups and stuff tastes funny.

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A few years back you could bribe the guards at Tikal in Guatemala - this huge Mayan city and temple complex - and they'd let you spend the night in there.

That would be some freaky shit.

Not to mention that there's tons of hallucinogenic mushrooms down there...

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Is it weird adding someone you only know online and you haven't talked to in almost a year on facebook?

I'm nervous she won't accept my friend request(3)

Girls fall into two categories

Sluts or Whores

She'll accept your request and want to suck your dick, which makes her a slut

or she'll reject it and want to play mind games with you thus making her a whore.

its up to you mann....

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I'm on the rail enroute to Montréal and it's novel that I can use wi-fi.

She'll probably accept it. I accept frigging ANYONE on facebook. If you know eachother to a degree then it should be fine...

Wait, so what's your name? We should be facebook friends…

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wow. i haven't been in as much pain as i am right now in a very long time. the plate in my ankle feels like it is about to shoot out and my ankle itself is about the size of an orange and a similar color. usually when the weather is shitty it swells up (i don't really know why), but its being especially bastardly right now. i know i should ice it but i have to go out in 15 minutes and i'm gonna be in the car driving all over the fucking place for the next 2 hours and i feel like i may not walk again.


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fuck finals and u.s. history

Fuck history. I was a history major and all it taught me is that

1) History is a series of guesses built upon guesses.

2) There's no such thing as "truth" in history

3) Fuck History.

And on to happier times. Saw the midnight show of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Decent, not great. VERY hokey, really more slapstick than anything else. Feels like a movie that was made by someone in the 50's, though, visually and tone-wise (tonally sounds wrong). The thing I noticed the most was that Shia Labeouf wears cuffed Levi's 'cause dude's a greaser in the movie.

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The only answer is to amputate, Jeep.



i am

six mirrion dorra man

i am robokop

i take picture of ankle for posterity TO SHOW THA INTERNET. SOON.



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