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Japan Blue Momotaro


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so here's the thing, (i assume that our cuts are pretty much similar, 0100SP is based on NF skinny guy fit and so does my NFxMomo) he has more slender thighs and legs than mine so the fit looks a tad loose and the stacks seems to be continuing until his thighs. you guys know how much i love stacking but for this case i would suggest him to get hemmed as well.

for comparison, this is my early day fit of NFxMomo


see the difference? thanks to my big thighs and calves :o

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  tintinsonson said:
wanna get some advices from you guys, I have a pair of APC PS stretched out to 32(tag 27), and now I am thinking a pair of 0701, what size should I go for?

Visit the sizing charts on nordicdenimhouse, they are accurate as it can get. Then compare the postwash size to your APCs

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  tintinsonson said:
wanna get some advices from you guys, I have a pair of APC PS stretched out to 32(tag 27), and now I am thinking a pair of 0701, what size should I go for?

i'd say 32. i am 30 waist and have sz 32 0701 and they are my favorite fitting jeans (i machine wash tho).

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those "true" momos fade much more nicely than the collabs. good work!

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my vintage 0701's have been worn for about a month now - most extreme leg twist i've ever had on a pair of jeans (right leg). for the first three weeks or so it was just slight but in the last week it seems to have twisted alot more. i know most people are into it but this is almost too much...

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Same (leg twist) occurred with both my 0201 & 0901... probalbly due to the amount of water they've seen...

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  conqueror said:
i only did an initial soak/wash, haven't done one since. glad (?) to see i'm not alone though.

My 0201's have been soaked and washed and I've had legtwist too. The 0701's haven't had a soak yet.

But I find it pretty awkward that, although my G007-MB's, which are one wash. don't have a leg twist. Makes you wonder if it's actually water that creates leg twist instead of other factors (direction of the weave maybe?).

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  beautiful_FrEaK said:
the shrinkage causes the leg twist on unsanforized denim. and shrinkage occurs with water, temperature and agitation (while washing).

RHT or LHT indeed determines the direction of the twist. Broken Twill should have no twist (AFAIK is was invented to not twist)

This doesn't explain the fact that my one wash Copper Labels don't have leg twist. As far as I know every jeans starts at loomstate and gets treatment as desired to make it to what it is (e.g. raw unsanforised, raw sanforised, distressed etc.). So...

Not doubting your knowledge, but my guess is that there is more to legtwist than only shrinkage and the direction of the weave. Maybe the tightness of the weave, some processes after loomstate?

I'm not stating I know it better, but this is a nice thing to discuss and get knowledgable about.

+ rep for clarification on this item somewhat... :P

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I'm quite sure there are many factors that determine the leg twist. Some twist more, some less. Warehosue and Denime jeans have a strong leg twist, Samurai not so much.

I remember a post from Paul T about a sanforized denim Cone developed that also had leg twist (what isn't that pronounced on unsanforized denim).

The copper label denim is different to the vintage label denim, right?

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