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I just noticed that the 301 Okinawa denim on the left leg of my 7161's and pea coat are LHT, but not on the signal vest.


Regarding the VS-09: you might be looking at the denim the wrong way. All the denim on my signal vest is lht.

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captain zissou the pic is great! awesome combo

what´s the vest your wearing?

Thanks, man. It's an Engineered Garments wool tweed shawl collar vest from last year.

Zissou, what cap are you wearing? (we're all jacking your style)

hah. It was handmade by a friend of mine who mostly uses high quality merino and alpaca. If you want one.... http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30646056 Mine is grey though.

What underwear are you wearing?

lulz. If you really want to know... pima cotton briefs from Banana Republic. Soft as hell.

Regarding the VS-09: you might be looking at the denim the wrong way. All the denim on my signal vest is lht.

Ah, you're right! I just looked again and noticed that the denim is horizontal on the front, but vertical on the back. That, and the vast amount of stitching on the front, probably accounts of the minimal shrinkage in the front length. Which leads me to wonder, is all Okinawa denim LHT?

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yeah, she makes nice stuff, but they aren't the tightest knit. If you want something toasty, a standard watch cap is probably warmer.

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great! I shoulda bookmarked that walkthrough. Link? Expect it to show up in about 2-3 days. Japanese EMS is (usually) fast.

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Yeah, proxy will take care of it. I had heard something on here about Rakuten not shipping MFSC overseas anymore.

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Guest patchmb

Has anyone bought a mechanics sweatshirt from hinoya ? Their measurements seem off compared to self edge.

Akuma looking forward to some dungaree fit pics. I have also ordered a 34 & am patiently waiting..

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Has anyone bought a mechanics sweatshirt from hinoya ? Their measurements seem off compared to self edge.

Akuma looking forward to some dungaree fit pics. I have also ordered a 34 & am patiently waiting..

I checked on the measurements for the Mechanic's Sweatshirt myself from Hinoya and they are indeed off. The strange part is just about everything else is DEAD ON.

Here is what the measurements from Hinoya read:

Mechanic's Sweatshirt-

Small (36)-

Shoulder: 19.29"

Chest: 21.65" (43.3" doubled)

Length: 28.54"

Medium (38)-

Shoulder: 19.68"

Chest: 24.01" (48.02"doubled)

Length: 30.31"

Large- (40)

Shoulder: 22.04"

Chest: 24.40" (48.8" doubled)

Length: 30.70"

I now have no idea what size to get in the Mulholland Master. Seeing as it seems slim I'm guessing a 42 will actually fit great this time around.

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Aren't the Japanese shirts one wash and the selfedge and MFSC all no wash?

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Aren't the Japanese shirts one wash and the selfedge and MFSC all no wash?

Yes, but Self Edge says there is no shrinkage with the Mechanic's Sweatshirt.

On a side note my Mister Freedom Pea Coat Liberty Issue shrank fantastically! And now its my own beautiful piece.

So my new size Medium Mister Freedom Pea Coat is available if anyone wants it.


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^Wow, good to hear. How is the lining?

I find it's often difficult to get accurate ideas of sizing of a sweatshirt based on measurements. Different shops seem to lay them flat to a different degree, and the stretch of the material can affect fit as well.

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I ordered the navy one from Hinoya via proxy and should be here this weekend or next monday. I am not worry about sizing since already bought a brown one from MF store so I know the size should be right.

technicolor you got pm.

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dont they sell that peacoat on Jcrews website? or is that a different coat.. thought that was kinda funny

The same one indeed! I should get a large one day and shrink the hell out of it.. Amazing coat!

^^^They do, and it is way cheaper than the first run of coats...

Its not way cheaper. The MSRP of the original issue coat was $598 and that's $1.95 less than what J. Crew is selling it for. It was slightly more at Self Edge because it included shipping and that was the list price for it at Mr. Freedom before you included shipping.

You must be thinking of the Liberty Issue Pea Coat which retailed for close to $900. Now that was actually the second version and not the first run what so ever.

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