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They were infact really big cuffs, cuffed a couple of times and handstitched to stay in place.

He then let them out after about a year.

On a different note, Bill hooked me up with a crotch rivet in my 7161's today, these jeans just keep getting better and better...

Love to see a picture of what they look like with the crotch rivet.


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That shirt is actually going up in our online store next week..

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Found this pic on Mr. Freedoms site hopefully it is alright to share another perspective of the amazingly beautiful CPO Overshirt. Sorry about the size but I think it needs to be this big to see some of the amazing detail.


Amazing. I saw the denim overshirt at the Hinoya in Umeda (the model before this one), and I believe it will become THE iconic denim shirt if it isn't already. I didn't get it, though, because the sizing is pretty slim, and when I could get the shoulders to fit, the arms and the length were too long!

But the shirt is perfect, and worth every penny, if your body shape is right for it.

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Does this mean the full line is available next week??

Full line will be up by the end of this month.. so another two weeks or so.

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I have a pair, and I really like them but they are "loud" in terms of details and they certainly get draw a lot of comments - not all good - from your average person. Still, I love them, I just accept the love-hate nature of the design.

But I imagine others who are more purist in their jean preferences might find them unpalatable.

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In many ways. Look at them. They're hideous. The zip up pocket, the weird pocket on the side of the leg. The fact that the left leg is made of God knows what. I don't know, if you like them than all the power to you. But in my personal opinion they look horrendous.

You must think they are hideous because they do not fit your preconceived notion of what jeans are (a.k.a. 5 pocket jean ala Levi's 501)…

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Is the denim overshirt raw or one-wash?

Depends on what state the certain store ordered it in.. Self Edge's version is Raw like Andrew Dice Clay.

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All the stuff that comes from Mister Freedom directly (ie at his store or through Self Edge) is all raw, Christophe thinks that the soaking is a big part of making the jeans your own so everything comes raw instead of onewash or sanforized.

The CPO mfd.overshirt will shrink a full size!

edit: Kiya beat me to it...

But in my personal opinion they look horrendous.

Hey, no offense taken!

But in my personal opinion you should have a bit more of clue about what you are talking about before you start publicly stating your opinion.

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Well it is my own opinion so I do have a clue on my opinion......haha

But sorry to cause such a stir, I didn't mean to come off so harsh, I just don't really like them. I would personally never wear them. Just stating my own opinion, can't get mad at a guy for stating his opinion right?

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Well it is my own opinion so I do have a clue on my opinion......haha

But sorry to cause such a stir, I didn't mean to come off so harsh, I just don't really like them. I would personally never wear them. Just stating my own opinion, can't get mad at a guy for stating his opinion right?

No, but we can get mad at you for fucking up the security of this thread's shit.

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