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Nice Things

Double 0 Soul

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Helluva of a job of work to assemble that Pace. Most of those components would've been considered esoteric in the 90s. Now they're as rare as rocking horse shit, not to mention about 2-3x their initial purchase price. 

I had white Onza Porcupines and Porci-paws on an ancient Trek. Thought I was John Tomac. 

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  On 1/13/2022 at 10:46 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

 Looks awesome and it was my pleasure to help you out :) Anytime again!


I enjoyed it too, it was back in June when i first asked if you could help me out with a proxy, little Levin was still a bump.. 56 messages later.. :D

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  On 1/13/2022 at 10:56 AM, StuartM said:

Helluva of a job of work to assemble that Pace. Most of those components would've been considered esoteric in the 90s. Now they're as rare as rocking horse shit, not to mention about 2-3x their initial purchase price. 

I had white Onza Porcupines and Porci-paws on an ancient Trek. Thought I was John Tomac. 


When i got the frame, it already had that aftermarket CNC rear brake mount on there which i wanted to utilise with the Klampers, i wouldn't dream of putting modern hydraulic on a 90's frame but the mechanical Paul's are in tune with the rest of the build and i think an improvement on XTR V-brakes which would have been my next option.

Ive also collected a ton of OG Pace goodies along the way so it can always revert back to a catalogue build if/whenever i stop riding it.

Should have kept those Porcs, the prices have gone nuts.. there is currently one single white tyre on German-ebay for 225:ohmy:


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  On 1/14/2022 at 8:56 AM, smoothsailor said:

Bicycle overload.

made the frame,rack,fork,stem and sourced the parts. Paul clampers, white industries crank, brooks saddle, Thomson seat post, hope rear hub, son dynamo front hub.

now to decide on paint. 




That's just awesome Paul!

looks like an oversize version of the mini-velo's which SvenCycles build.. so i suppose that would make it a normal-velo :unsure:


How did you find setting up the rear Klamper?

Paul recommends using any shitty old cable housing so i used some Shimano M-System which i had in stock but when i released the lever the actuating arm was springing back and causing sag on the cable carried down the top tube which isn't housed between these two points (mine are the long pull version) making it horribly spongy.


I could solve it by flipping the cable to the other lever but i wasn't happy with that, eventually after much trial and error, ive found that the polished Jag cables (which measure 1.4mm compared to Shimano 1.6mm) inside compressionless housing works a charm, they're now dialed in perfectly.

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thank u sir @Double 0 Soul
It does indeed. I like his bicycles. I guess I,m drieën in that algorithm of bicycles and are influenced by it.

i,m not sure what you mean. I just connected the dots and it seems to work. Although I haven’t ridden it yet. This is mock up to make sure it fits and turns.

plus these are short pull clampers with sram levers

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There is an undeniable charm in things that cost nothing, or almost nothing. A seashell, about the size of an egg, found on the beach of an Gili Air island, Indonesia.  A ceramic Buddha, from a shop in Kandy, Sri Lanka (≈ $0.50). An incense stick holder (≈ $0.30) a stone mortar (≈ $0.20) from a street stall in Tiruvannamalai, India.





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  On 1/14/2022 at 11:43 AM, smoothsailor said:

i,m not sure what you mean. I just connected the dots and it seems to work. Although I haven’t ridden it yet. This is mock up to make sure it fits and turns.

plus these are short pull clampers with sram levers

It's hard to explain but i think what was happening.. pulling the lever pulls (lets say) 20mm of cable through the system as the actuator arm engages the pads, this also caused the cable housing between the lever and the frame to flex, releasing the lever leaves the actuator spring free to snap back but it was snapping back (at the back of the bike) before the cable housing (at the front of the bike) had time to flex back resulting in spongy braking, so i replaced it with zero-flex compressionless housing and Hey Presto!
Does that make more sense?
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  On 1/14/2022 at 4:08 PM, youngofthesoonest said:

nice! dont see these ones as often. these are still mahogany bodies and neck?


Yeah, it’s a standard 13 LP except for the top. Mahogany body and neck (And from what I can see it’s a one piece body), rosewood fingerboard (with light flaming at spots) and that really sweet koa top. It was my 30 year old gift to myself in 2013. 

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Speaking of birthdays, this was my gift to myself for 41 last year. I found the bike stock, and did a pretty much frame up rebuild with parts from the local co-op. The only parts that are original to the bike are the brake arms. It’s a lot of fun.




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I think these are pretty nice... hand thrown 200ml cups / beakers

Pottery seems to be facing both high demand and high inflation

I’ve had my eye on buying stuff from Jono Smart for ages but, despite being on the mailing list for the drops, it had always sold out almost instantly

Not last time… fastest finger came first... though the price did actually make my eyes smart… however, by then, I was in too deep again

They don’t disappoint – beautifully done




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These beakers are good for all sorts

Before those above I got two from elsewhere... both cracked on first use... if you look closely you can see the vertical crack line... no quibbles refund provided

And there you have two new plant pots...

20220115 Cracked beaker.jpg

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