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I've slept a total of maybe 4-5 hours per night for the last two weeks, due to a million shifts at work and assignments, and I just got home from a shift and realized that I've gone into a weird insomniac delirium. It's like I just totally space out half way through something...like I was on the phone and I suddenly totally forgot that I was talking to anyone. I was putting toast into the toaster and I just sort of...stopped and was like: I have no idea why I'm holding this bread. It's like there's a fader light switch attached to my brain.....or like I'm turning into a sixty year old pot head. Trippy, man, trippy...

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i have been bumping 808s & Heartbreak nonstop. probably because ive grown to like synthpop, electrofunk and vocoder since i pop, and the emo lyrics couldnt have come at a better time for me.. lol.

tell everybody DATCHAKNO..

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I know absolutely nothing about suits and need to buy one... and don't where to look or what to look for or who to ask about it.

I need something versatile and more formal rather than professional. haha jesus i have no idea what the hell im talking about

are there any suit threads on superfuture???

I just need at least one nice one in my wardrobe before I graduate in the spring :(

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well... i just seperated with my bf after 2 years of being together.

honestly, i don't know what i'm doing.

on one hand, i feel glad but i can't stop thinking of him.

worst thing is, he's flying down in a few days time to visit me and we talked about the separation over the phone last night.

nothing actually happened. no fights or anything. we just realised we needed to move on and maybe one day we might get back together.

i guess i should be glad that its going to end peacefully and we're going to be good friends.

i'm going to make the "last" 3 days of our time together memorable.

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well... i just seperated with my bf after 2 years of being together.

honestly, i don't know what i'm doing.

on one hand, i feel glad but i can't stop thinking of him.

worst thing is, he's flying down in a few days time to visit me and we talked about the separation over the phone last night.

nothing actually happened. no fights or anything. we just realised we needed to move on and maybe one day we might get back together.

i guess i should be glad that its going to end peacefully and we're going to be good friends.

i'm going to make the "last" 3 days of our time together memorable.



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I've slept a total of maybe 4-5 hours per night for the last two weeks, due to a million shifts at work and assignments, and I just got home from a shift and realized that I've gone into a weird insomniac delirium. It's like I just totally space out half way through something...like I was on the phone and I suddenly totally forgot that I was talking to anyone. I was putting toast into the toaster and I just sort of...stopped and was like: I have no idea why I'm holding this bread. It's like there's a fader light switch attached to my brain.....or like I'm turning into a sixty year old pot head. Trippy, man, trippy...

Oooh hoo hoooo!!!

I always like it when it goes like this, it allll goes soooooo weird then....

Am generally very funny and hyperactive aswell when it happens....



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well... i just seperated with my bf after 2 years of being together.

honestly, i don't know what i'm doing.

on one hand, i feel glad but i can't stop thinking of him.

worst thing is, he's flying down in a few days time to visit me and we talked about the separation over the phone last night.

nothing actually happened. no fights or anything. we just realised we needed to move on and maybe one day we might get back together.

i guess i should be glad that its going to end peacefully and we're going to be good friends.

i'm going to make the "last" 3 days of our time together memorable.

this the dude you kept a chastity belt on for while he was away for like half a year?

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Ambien is the weirdest sleep aide ever

I passed out pretty cold around 1. Bolted awake when someone texted me around 3, proceeded to be completely whacked for the next hour, finally passed out at 4, and slept through my alarms till exactly 11.


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