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I never got past the first area where you kill little farm animals with sticks and shit. I spent an hour installing and then fifteen minutes playing. Then I said fuck this, and uninstalled it.

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I'm pretty much only interested the 'corny ____ gurls' threads on sufu these days. :confused:

EDIT - 700th post woop woop

Come back to San Francisco.. We will reignite your love for the forum.

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yea i admit, i play WoW too. but this expansion is pretty tite and worth playing especially if you reroll as a death knight.

but my main confession: i just thizzed a couple hours ago. after my friends left, i was still rolling and had the urge to still talk to someone. so i end up bonding with my parents, all thanks to ecstacy.

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play left 4 dead instead its quite good and not an rpg

I will be joining yo azz in this game soon-soon

come T-giving weekend, I'm hittin Bootcamp and some L4D upppp

I had a good night last night

chilled with good heads (dino, lib)

had good conversation

cute girls, etc.

now I have to go teach 25 3rd graders here @ my school. Shiiiiiiiiiitttttteeeee.

after getting home at 3:30



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Is there anyone else that feels as if they were worked over in getting CoD:WaW? In comparison to the fourth installment, this game seems shorter and overall, unCoD-esque. I hate the feel of the weapons, but the sniper battle during story mode was rather fun and had me hunting for that bizzitch for almost 3 days on veteran. POOP.

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i finally got a chance to throw this out..probably over a course of 2 months


i had to sneak those into my closet so no one sees just how much i really consume. there are other boxes i've recycled that they see..but i think i'm done with fruit loops..

and those who keep asking how i stay so thin

i exercise a lot when i eat a lot and fruit loops really isn't fattening thank goodness..just cavity inducing.

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do you have those in the us ?


i eat a 750g boxe a week, and am restricted because it cost like 5€ and isn't that healthy, but i would eat even more of it if i could.

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do you have those in the us ?


i eat a 750g boxe a week, and am restricted because it cost like 5€ and isn't that healthy, but i would eat even more of it if i could.

NO, those look really good. We have coco puffs and coco pebbles but I want thattt

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Dear supa confessonal

I met this supaaa cool chick, we rly connected and have a lot in common... we chat all the time and i could totally take her virginity fasho

here is example of convo she trapped me:

her: "my bf is kinda dumpy but he nice"

me: "as long as ur happy"

her: "i am but life doesnt come with everything. we are always missing something"

me: "what are you missing"

her: "you"

shud i cop?

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Dear supa confessonal

I met this supaaa cool chick, we rly connected and have a lot in common... we chat all the time and i could totally take her virginity fasho

here is example of convo she trapped me:

her: "my bf is kinda dumpy but he nice"

me: "as long as ur happy"

her: "i am but life doesnt come with everything. we are always missing something"

me: "what are you missing"

her: "you"

shud i cop?

only pictures can answer this question

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