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Fiber One muffin mix and breakfast bars are the shit!

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They make you shit too, but the muffin mix (apple-cinnamon) and the breakfast bars are awesome. Gotta keep regular.

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^rental companies are the devil.

crono- +1 on the fiber one breakfast bar tip...

confession: I haven't posted in two days because I started reading waywt chat tread from the beginning. Gotta step up my style

regular waywt thread is so much longer though.

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i smoked 18 ciggs last night and i feel awful now

went to z trip with revy rev spinnin and i was bored out of my mind the whole time even tho i was getting trashed.

finally smoked a blunt backstage and changed the entire evening around. We were fucking partying finally. walked to rock box at which point im trashed of course, then went to blitz II then fucking woke up this morning on my couch with all my clothes on about to die from lack of hydration

now im at the shop selling tuh clothings witha pounding headache

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Is there even enough time in a night to smoke 18? Damn

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I smoked entirely too many cigarettes in the last 48 hours.

NOT a substitute for foodz or real drugz.






solid gold motherfuckers.

I had an awesome weekend

servo is a cool dude

good to see all my people again



hi jeep.

something is off in my brain.

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hi jeep.

something is off in my brain.

actually, I consumed very little in the way of actual drugs over the course of the last 72 hours. Mostly just running on a bottle of wine, pack of American Spirits (Blue), Pancakes (breakfast concept), 4 cups of coffee, and now the Ambien is starting to kick in.

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I regularly surf superfuture in front of my pseudo girlfriend in bed as a planned distraction because there's just not that much to talk about. She's probably reading this right now. Sorry if it's stakes to the heart.

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man, I am a walking ghost right now. I was sitting here at the kitchen table an hour ago, at 1:58pm, when my guitar strap fell off me or something and slapped me on the back and I thought someone was behind me trying to talk to me; I opened up my hotmail to find a new email sent at 1:58pm from someone with this name with 3 kanji characters that are like etched in my mind, my one ex-girlfriend whom I actually think about.

Email content reads that she quit her job of 3 years in Tokyo, moved to Sydney, is taking English classes (and can write a fine English letter now, for the first time, as she couldn't speak English before) and plans to take an MBA course there from February. All this time while I've been flailing about in Seoul thinking it was good for me, and all this time while I've been talking about moving to Sydney. Fuck. I could've done that back when? Why do all of these premonitions come to me, yet I can't recognize them. For me and this girl, it's always like that, we're always meeting on these supernatural levels at pinpoint times.

And what does it all mean, does she remember all these details, and is that is driving her to do these things? I was pretty sure she wasn't moving on the same wavelength as me the last time I heard from her a few years ago, but now it's like she's secretly behind me, close to me all along when I thought she was long lost.


Meanwhile, up until today, I'd been half-assedly juggling several filler exgfs of the recent past and contacting more til I use them all up like they have expiration dates. I even got some impossibly perfect plastic girl with the sickest body, incredibly perfect plastic face, and worst personality on the back burner for when I get back from my Japan trip. And now that all seems so shitty, so dirty, so worthless.

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and there is a possibility that since it's plenty warm down there, you may be seeing my now large collection of Rick Owens dual layers and a Rick bomber up for sale in supermarket, along with some other cold weather gear that I won't need.

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