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I just found a load of embarrassingly weird stuff that I wrote between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, including this massively boring screenplay about a man who dials the wrong number, apologizes and then hangs up. It a suspense film.

please make a thread

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Confession: I now have a black boyfriend.

Confession: I dont regret the tattoo I got on impulse.

(P.S. it's the text not the tree, the tree's mad old)


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I find the people that still look forward to hanging out with their friends from home are the lamest people ever. I hate their facebook statuses with countdowns and other assorted stupid shit including "bff" "bffl" "loves" "girlz" etc.... corny as fuck. I just want to go home to eat, have good internet, free time to jerk off, and a queen-extra large bed to sleep in. Thats not too much to ask for. Fuck friends, right?

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I find the people that still look forward to hanging out with their friends from home are the lamest people ever. I hate their facebook statuses with countdowns and other assorted stupid shit including "bff" "bffl" "loves" "girlz" etc.... corny as fuck. I just want to go home to eat, have good internet, free time to jerk off, and a queen-extra large bed to sleep in. Thats not too much to ask for. Fuck friends, right?

Is it wrong that I look forward to hanging out with my e-friends IRL?

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Is it wrong that I look forward to hanging out with my e-friends IRL?

No, cause funnily enough, over the course of the last weekend, I've hung out with my e-friends infinitely more than my RL friends. Lib, Dino, Servo, Worm, nf_one, I mean hell, internetz r00L!

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I thought you cop jawns?

what jawns were kopped? I bought/lost and re-bought gloves between Friday and Sunday. Bought boots too. APC =/= jawns, we all know this.

EDIT: speaking of those gloves, the two pairs I bought to replace the original do not compare in the least. One pair is already falling apart and the other are suede and questionable looking...

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I think we need to establish proper nomenclature and prerequisites for said term "jawns" since said jawns being copped might not be on a mass or jane level. When does one become a jawn copper instead of a mere shopping plebe?

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2.5 hours + sleeping on a bus = all the sleep servo has had in the last two-three days

mass doesn't own a bed (0)

sleeps plainview style

and i am looking forward to seeing certain people when i get home what's wrong with that? :mad:

I'm pumped to see my family, my best friend, but its more the fact that people hold onto like their high-school level of relationships and are just going home to do the same thing they did every weekend in HS, but now, they're gonna be like "OMG @ COLLEDGE I DO THIS AND THIS WHEN I DRINK... THEN I GET RAPED N SHIT... ITS FUN" etc. etc. etc.

I live in Cornsville US, thats why.

I think we need to establish proper nomenclature and prerequisites for said term "jawns" since said jawns being copped might not be on a mass or jane level. When does one become a jawn copper instead of a mere shopping plebe?

Defining "Jawns" in the Modern Century - JDL102 taught by Professor Skidnee Row

University of Jawns

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I use jawn to refer to jeans because it sounds similiar

going on three days with about 8 hours of sleep now

so excited for the plane so I can fall asleep on neighboring passenger

sounds like my weekend

but you weren't consuming massive amounts of nicotine/coffee/wine. Maybe coffee.

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