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i think i have gotten myself involved with this odd odd girl

she carries herself well, is rly good looking and interesting n shit

but she wears velour trackpants sometimes and victoria secret shirt

i want to neg rep myself


conan what happened to your girl?

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i started watching midway through season 2... if you've seen one season you've pretty much seen them all but i still watch it.

Wrong. Season One was life altering. The rest of the series is just a denial that it plateaued after the first season.

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prison break is alrite.. season one was so good and now i just watch it out of habit although the twists are fun

i started watching 24 because it was the only thing on late at night while i was staying a summer at a dorm in guangzhou with some chinese americans while drinking "jack and coke" that came bottled mixed

now i am bored, i have a presentation due wednesday worth like 20% of my mark and i work tomorrow and i'm not far at all... blah

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Wrong. Season One was life altering. The rest of the series is just a denial that it plateaued after the first season.

i watched some of the first season, but it was like every other week. i was just upset they killed off kim's hot friend, and i couldn't stand any of the females on that show (nina+jack's wife). i haven't really grown tired of the concept of the show... i still think it's pretty entertaining.

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