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omg ur on 4chan tew?!? omgg

I got through phases with that place. I mean, it was the tits a few years ago when I first discovered it. But now it's only sometimes entertaining and sometimes it won't grab my attention for months. Today it was funny.

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Tutors are cunts in general, I wouldn't worry about it. I had 2 and a half years of being told I was doing well then half way through my third year my tutors suddenly decided they didn't like my work. They even told me at one assessment they didn't think I had a sense of humour. Motherfuckers think they know you from 1 hour a week but they don't know shit. I ended up getting a much lower grade than I thought I would and being really resentful about it all.

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Never really found that at all, I have a powerbook that is now relegated to being used as a TV. I find that lots of things that should be simple on a mac are really difficult and that for the same price you can get a much more powerful pc than mac. Also, the machines are essentially the same kit now, with a little effort you can run OSX or Windows on either machine.

I also found that nearly everyone in my class (70 students) had a mac of some kind and nearly every one had major hardware problems. Using the computer suites at uni too, every mac was slow as hell.

If you like using OSX then that's a matter of personal taste but I don't think you can say it's BETTER than Windows.

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So im sexing this girl last night and i'm thinking im doing my job, NOPE, she's just having a panic attack.......no i'm not sure if i have the skills or if i just chose the wrong gal...

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UGH im so creeped out and uncomfortable

this "friend" of mine who I only know online, he lives in new zealand

we talk fashion and music a lot and its wierd because he thinks we're like, BFFs (or something) and emails me like two times a day when im not online

and today i got an email from him and it was a story he wrote "about/for" me (his words) and it was the creepiest fucking 'story' ever, some whacked out da-da shit about me and my shoes and skinning people alive, kinda Un Chien Andalou

its written....okay. but really

how the fuck do you respond to that? could you put someone else in a more awkward situation?

maybe im not being uhhh grateful or whatever but i kind of dont feel like i should be

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i'm pretty sure, at the rate i'm going

i'm going to end up one of those...

people who go through life, waiting until they are 55 or 60, so that all the people that

made those bets "if when we're 60 years old, and you still haven't been to that zoo, we'll get

married in cement" etc...

therein lies my own self conflicting quandary; it's so hip and sexy to die young, but fuck if i can't wait

to get 55 or 60.

you sound like Sorin from Anton Chekhov's The Seagull

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