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so i walk into my host family's house and walk straight into my host brother/my host mother's sister's husband. proceeding this, my host mother's sister walks out into the hall (into the actual bathroom, she just left the toilet) with shaving cream all over her face.

.........it was awkward

edit: host mother's wife's

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I smoked wayy too much last night. I hadnt smoked in 4 months and i got toooo fucked up. And i was gonna go to this party but we were too fucked up. Then i called my friend and made an ass out of myself i think. And i dont remember driving home. And then i got home and my family was gone and i got really scared, so i went to sleep.

I might take a break from smoking

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my bf just left with all his stuff. i don't know what's up.

i don't have enough weed to smoke all day.


Damn.. from your recent posts I can only assume that it was sort of a long time coming, but that really does suck. How are you doing?

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what do u do

currently work for a web design / promotional recruitment companie(s)... the whole place is rubish though... Mainly just the guy that owns it is a total fuck face to be within ten metres of.

Could be worse, could be broke and unemployed...:(

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Everyone else in my class got tips like, 'Don't talk so much during class!' and 'Do your homework!'

Why is mine so hard to improve on? D:

Timber, what's your scholastic background?

Were you / are you a science nerd who got into acting?

If so, you sound a lot like me, and need but one serious acting note - RELAX.

Challenge your typical way of approaching "assignments". Remember, acting isn't fucking gradeable (despite university trying to teach you otherwise). Challenge yourself by going into presentations/scenes/whatevers UNDERprepared, see what happens - you'll usually surprise yourself.

If you're a perfectionist, you're likely overthinking things, which is super dangerous as an actor; because it means you're prepping yourself for moments, when you should just let them affect you.

ps did I tell you I got cast in Seussical: the Musical in Kamloops? IM GETTING PAID BIATCH!!!#%@%@#

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mad rspect for the drunk post

all my post r drunk post nowadays


posting sober is overated !!! moreee drunknesssss

Sobieski :eek: that shit is the devil, I always black out and wake up someplace else.

Damn ! Now that you said that ! I went to my friends-from-school's place and drank like half of it or a bit more. It was ok then... But we went out, i managed to get kicked out of a club because i didn't want to let them search my eastpak, did some rap freestyle in the street, make a L shaped hole on my s2a jeans and literaly exploded a rear view mirror... at least that's what i was told.

I opened my eyes at 8.45 with hell of a headache and stomachache, but decided to leave my friend's place, get a shower and a breakfast at home, change clothes and go to this micro economy class with the vietnamese teacher that cannot speak french but is a math machine. I wanted to throw up the whole course but managed to do ok and appear kinda fresh. Then i came back home, slept until 2... well the rest is less funny then.

The very same friday, i came back to buy another of this nice beverage. Shit is addictive. I joined an erasmus student house party (at paul's) and drank like half of it again. This guy has such an amazing view on the whole city, very ballin. This time i was still conscious when we left to go to different bars. But my housemate owed me a liter of beer so i decided to ask him to buy it for me. Hum... With some people we were acting like we were at a german beer festival, because of the shape of the glass. We stayed until the bar close, and i don't know what i did, probably very stupid things. Then we apparently walked to the city hall square and... We played football with my Nokia E61i !!!! But it's still fully functionnal and is only a little bit more trashed than it already was. I walked home and my housemates had to put me on my bed because i was unconscious. I managed to wake up so they took pictures of me with my camera, they're on facebook btw. Those fools threw my coat and what was on my bed on the floor. Then I woke up with a headache and couldn't get off my bed !

I went out on saturday night too after a day of wandering, bought another bottle of Sobieski but forgot it at home so I just drank like 3 .5L Desperados bottle, chatted with english girls but wasn't feeling like flirting. Not a very funny night because i got in some sort of trouble near the river and stuff...

Sorry if it was long, but i said i'd give feedback on the Sobieski vodka. I can provide pictures of the hole on my jeans and of my trashed phone if you want haha.

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