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it's alway like that

so overrated

2009 won't be as amazing as 2008 for me probably, but if it is then it's going to go downhill after that...

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my friend was lying on my bed on her stomach and so i jumped on top of her.

when she then reminded me that she might be pregnant, i jumped up and down a little more.

happy new years!

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What´s the politically correct way of approaching a beautiful girl who´s taken?

She gave me her number, so I guess asking her out wouldnt be much of a deal.

kill the man and his children and steal the wife

last time this happened to me,

turned out her "man" was allah.

and i'm not a bad enough dude to kill allah..

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so i got my fucking ass kicked and while knocked down a crowd of people decided to stone me...metaphorically speaking of course...

fuck...the new year is starting off baaaaad...but at least i got me some monies...that's happiness...right?

im growing more and more interested in designers and the clothing they produce, but less and less interested in wearing it...i dunno...just wanna do sorta lazy vintage hipsterish kinda outfits that dont take too much effort or money but still fits nice and shit...

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so i got my fucking ass kicked and while knocked down a crowd of people decided to stone me...metaphorically speaking of course...

fuck...the new year is starting off baaaaad...but at least i got me some monies...that's happiness...right?

im growing more and more interested in designers and the clothing they produce, but less and less interested in wearing it...i dunno...just wanna do sorta lazy vintage hipsterish kinda outfits that dont take too much effort or money but still fits nice and shit...

i see exactly whats going on hur

okay, so you got your fucking ass kicked because you "dress like a fag". amirite? okay and then you're love of fashsion has to be confined because in all realtiy oyu just wanna get along with everyone and if you can't beat them join them so yER TONING DOWN YER IMAGE and because you're doing so yer love for fashuns has got to goeaklds/fjkasidh;jgka;sdhjbnm.as,db

basuckly im saying is that i've gotta get somE HERION IN MY Veins before i go insane, alright heroin in my vains and im outa sight heroin in my veins and i


see the light

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I got kicked out of my dads house by my step mom. I love my dad more then anything, but my mom is trying to talk me into getting a custody change (right now i switch from my moms house to my dads on fridays)

My step mom won't let me come back over, I have to "call for permission first". I don't know what the fuck to do. Since my step mom is a lawyer, she's claiming that she could lose her barr if the cops found weed on me, which is untrue. When she made me leave I was getting my shit together and she took my brand new dslr, now she wants me to sign something saying i won't smoke weed in their house before she'll give it back.

oh p.s.

both of my parents are bipolar, and I'm on a shit ton of meds just to make them happy.


I'd rather just go to fucking boarding school until i turn eighteen.

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the thing is that they say they want me to not smoke, whatever I feel that, but I don't anywhere near as much as i used to, also I'm grounded forever and ever so where the fuck else am I supposed to smoke?

shit just sucks balls, I'm surprised I haven't been sent back to tuckers, (Tucker Psychiatric Clinic) which is like fucking hell on earth

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yoo! have u seen garden state?


no, should I?

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being a minor and all, it isn't really my call. Shit sucks being only 16 and this bullshit has been going on for 2/3 years now. :c

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are you tall, really jewish, and rich?

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I got kicked out of the house once cos my dad didn't know what else to do we were arguing and if he tried to lay a hand on me I'd call the cops..it was pretty crazy my teen years..I left and went to my friend's house

later when he cooled down plus my mom found out..she called me back home and we just sorta forgot about it/ignored it like we always do..

before I got sick and there was a possiblity of death my dad and I fought like cats and dogs..

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ok, honestly i feel a lot better but still really shitty. thanks everyone!!!!!!

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being a minor and all, it isn't really my call. Shit sucks being only 16 and this bullshit has been going on for 2/3 years now. :c

don't complain about it, exploit it exploit it exploit it exploit it exploit it exploit it.

and don't beat yourself up over. seriously. you/i still have about another year of minor-ism.

patience is key.

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have u tried NOT taking the pills?

and saving them, and selling them blackmarket in the washroom stalls

of ur highschool?

like that movie with the girl with the big tits?

haha, been there, done that. the 50mg of adderall i'm on is nice, kind of over kill though.

i am all of these , at least once per day, on separate occasions...

k, i guess maybe

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come to my school. the people that buy are so fucking gullible. you could seriously pass off tylenol as thizz.

oh, all the people at my school are just dumb preppy bitches that don't know shit so it's realll easy

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i'm thinking about learning to produce some hiphop beats or something. I really like instrumental hip hop and pressing buttons, but to be honest I have no real musical background.

Would it be too hard of a task to tackle? I'd settle for nothing too serious, just dabbling in it for fun. Right now that looks like something along the lines of FL Studio and an MPD24. Would I need anything else other than that?

And should I even go along with this? :|

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