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In other news, my gf is torn between her feelings for me and resurgent feelings she's having for an ex. I know the best thing I can do is to give her space and support her, but it's damn hard to not be selfish and blame her for the confusion I'm going through.

Fuck that, she is to blame for any confusion you're feeling.

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I jumped back in fear. My dad just laughed at me.

He then took the lizard and threw it in the toilet and then peed on it, laughing all the while before flushing it down the toilet.

this last part reminds me of whoevers avatar is a character with his hands on his waist with his peepee moving up and down. luls. lan, i wish i could rep you!

im so fucking emo these days.

happy emo, not sad emo.

but i keep crying nonetheless.

what a pussy.


:( julz no more crying! i blazed yesterday and thought of you and sistersuzie <3

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:( julz no more crying! i blazed yesterday and thought of you and sistersuzie <3

aww, worry not! its a good thing, these tears. they need to come out sooner or later!

and yay for blazing! one day we will all blaze together! somehow, someway!

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In other news, my gf is torn between her feelings for me and resurgent feelings she's having for an ex. I know the best thing I can do is to give her space and support her, but it's damn hard to not be selfish and blame her for the confusion I'm going through.

Dude. Bitchassness. Put her in her place. Explain that you aren't in it to compete for her affections. You don't need her cause theres a line of girls competing for you.

Her confusion will be over in a hurry.

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today I went hunting with my cousin and uncles. My cousin is one year older then me and I realized how much he's grown up. Sitting and talking with him all day was way cool, and I learned how awesome my uncles are, too. Oh and hunting is waaaayyyyyyy fun

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real talk

i need stop thinking about ladies so much

which is bascially impossible...they are just so hot

Got a few girls I'm crushing on right now that I don't think are interested, some girls I'm chatting with that I'm not really interested in but who are interested in me. So annoying but so fun at the same time.

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Today I survived the the scariest car crash ever. 405 driving on an overpass, my girlfriend loses control of the car and it starts to swerve. As we start to spin out 360 at 60+ mph, I shout at her rather violently because I thought she wasn't doing all within her power to control the car. Next thing I know, we hit the side railing and her head is on the steering wheel. I was scared shitless.

Anyway, after checking up, reporting to the CHP, her elder brother comes and totally mad dogs me with a glare that looks into my soul. Seriously, I want to punch him in the fucking face. Calling us youngins and sayin' we don't know shit about the apparent "real" world. But if he seriously places a single finger on her, her Dad included, I'm not going to sit back and do nothing. She's been hit before and I'm not letting that happen again. The accident was completely not her fault. She has no reason to be punished, especially physically.

As I later pass her and her family in her dad's truck on the way home, I can hear her screaming. I'm cracking my knuckles in prepartion already. Assholes.

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Today I survived the the scariest car crash ever. 405 driving on an overpass, my girlfriend loses control of the car and it starts to swerve. As we start to spin out 360 at 60+ mph, I shout at her rather violently because I thought she wasn't doing all within her power to control the car. Next thing I know, we hit the side railing and her head is on the steering wheel. I was scared shitless.

Anyway, after checking up, reporting to the CHP, her elder brother comes and totally mad dogs me with a glare that looks into my soul. Seriously, I want to punch him in the fucking face. Calling us youngins and sayin' we don't know shit about the apparent "real" world. But if he seriously places a single finger on her, her Dad included, I'm not going to sit back and do nothing. She's been hit before and I'm not letting that happen again. The accident was completely not her fault. She has no reason to be punished, especially physically.

As I later pass her and her family in her dad's truck on the way home, I can hear her screaming. I'm cracking my knuckles in prepartion already. Assholes.

if the brother just start glaring and yelling about the car being damaged without checking to see shes okay then shit you can tell where his priority is

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His first glance was at that car. Same goes with her dad. Then me, then toward the rest of the people before asking if she was okay. He then resumed his glare.

What ticked me off most was how he said to say goodbye to her and that I wouldn't be seeing her anytime soon. When we hugged and stuff, he continued to glare and then shouts "Especially you, bitch!" to my face. Seriously..? I've showed nothing but respect for him and their family. What the fuck is your problem..

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