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agree on the engineering being a bitch thing

it's eating away at my soul. I think i'm growing one of those little veins on my head that that guy had in Pi and I'm not even a nerd-type student. I am so out of it that yesterday, instead of putting toothpaste on my toothbrush, I squeezed some of my hand moisturizer onto it. I had to stare at the whole scenario for a minute or so before realizing what exactly was wrong.

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Just got my first invitation for a recruitment visit for graduate school. Hopefully the first of several, since its from the school that got my application first, but is 3rd on my list.....ive never been so excited and scared. Good time for some DMT, i think.

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according to the stats that sufu gives about threads and shit, the sixth most viewed thread on this whole site is now locked (WAYWT shit talkin) cause the mods have a hard on for GW Bush style politics. Should just close the trash and get it over with for jimminy.

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Saw Gran Torino then slumdog right after, I liked gt more than the dark knight, almost cried at the end:o.... slumdog was pretty good but I was really bored in the last 15 minutes

neg rep. ur fucked.

GRAN TORINO is the worst movie..

good god. i had the best atmosphere to watch this movie too, had some movie watchin niggas over and beers.

the script was lulz at times but i wanted to shoot myself for watching the entire movie. THE worst acting, and i didn't know old fucking war vets drink PBR?

how is this 73% "fresh" and fucking 8.4 on imdb? gods must be crazy.

i cannot fucking believe u almost cried at the end of this. i wanna slap you. and u weren't in tears for slumdog's ending? ud probably be crying like a bitch for 7pounds..

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Why i think this guy clint might be a monster asshole worthy of a special place in dante's inferno.

The Death of Clyde the Orangutan

As a youngster I went to see the Clint Eastwood "Every Which Way" films--not because of the plot, of course, but because of co-star Clyde the Orangutan. Here's what I didn't know about them until today:

According to "Visions of Caliban: On Chimpanzees and People" by famed primatologist Jane Goodall and Dale Peterson, the original "Clyde" was trained with a can of mace and a pipe wrapped in newspaper. He was viciously beaten the day before filming started to make him more docile. Near the end of filming the sequel "Any Which Way You Can," the orangutan was caught stealing doughnuts on the set, brought back to the training facility and beaten for 20 minutes with a 3 1/2 -foot ax handle. He died soon after of a cerebral hemorrhage.

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I'm still jetlagged and the people I usually roll with around here aren't in town yet so I have literally spent like four hours on Superfuture / the Internet in general today

what the fuck

maybe if I play Left 4 Dead I won't feel so bad about myself

I thought you left it at school.

Hit me up later, I'm bored/sick.

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I'm at school, got back two days ago.

Still haven't had time to get a mic though.

no worries, I'm a master at typing while running.

Short break much? I'm home till the 17th.

Also - Star Trek: Nemesis has very decent action sequences despite a lacking and undeveloped story. I'm excited to see if the new Star Trek film will reinvigorate the franchise.

I'm a closet Trekkie.

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It's so damn hot today, 33 and muggy as fuck. I want to ditch work and go for a swim at the beach then get me some icy cold jugs of beer.

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Julz, are terrorists really going to mess with NYC on Ashura? Thanks
I need to know this also

those are shi'ites that believe in ashura, i actually had to google that.

im a sunni muslim, so youre going to have to find some shi'ites.

sorry cant be of any help.

we usually get like a terrorist weekly that lets us know in advance tho...

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