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Pure Blue Japan


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^If you're planning to keep them 'til their very end, XX007 denim has residual shrinkage waaaay down the line. Take5 dint have my size, so i ended up SU1. 'Thought the waist was a bit loose, as well, but after 7yrs, i'm glad i dint go TTS.

XX007 @7 y/o= around 20mos of effective wear :blush:

Taken inside= available light




Taken outside ***indirect light= in the shade


Fit Evo:





I remember picking up an almost new pair of xx007 from you on styleforum years ago. Unfortunately i sold them off to a buddy but i do miss them!

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Recent repair job from Detroit Denim on my PBJ Western shirt.  This shirt is starting to really develop a year in and will probably do a wash and pictures soon.



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Some images from my Contest PBJ xx-012's. 8 months, 2 cold soaks, 0 washes. 

















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  • 2 weeks later...

if these were a 30 they would be sold.


why are you selling them?


If they were 30's, they probably wouldn't be for sale!


I'm selling them because I started really lifting and I joined my school's crew team, so my quads have grown passed the point of fitting into these. It's such a shame.

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PBJ contest jeans at ~9ish months. Two hot soaks and one machine wash. I haven't been wearing super consistently lately - I made the mistake of buying some Momotaro 0305-18s so I'm struggling to keep these as my everyday jeans.


you mind posting up some pics of that momo's in the momo thread?  interested in grabbing those too but i haven't seen pictures online..

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I saw while back on the Japanese site of PBJ a new release of a pair of black-coated denim that fades differently from the traditional black denim. Long story short, I did not buy any pair at the time and they seem to be sold out in Japan but does anyone knows a stockist where one might buy a pair outside of Japan?

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I saw while back on the Japanese site of PBJ a new release of a pair of black-coated denim that fades differently from the traditional black denim. Long story short, I did not buy any pair at the time and they seem to be sold out in Japan but does anyone knows a stockist where one might buy a pair outside of Japan?


Are you referring to the NC-011 slim tapered jean that is dyed with indantherene? It will fade showing up different tones of black without fading out to grey: http://rivetandhide.com/brands/pure-blue-japan/pbj-nc-011-slim-tapered-black-jean.html

Edited by Danny @ Rivet & Hide
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^ would you have evo photos of this? Never get tired of seeing documented wear on black pairs.


I'm still waiting on a run of those NCs in the 05 (or even 07) cut. Something later this year was the feedback from PBJ.

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I do have a pair of nc-11bk with a few months and washes in. If you want to see I'll post them tomorrow. Never thought anyone'd be interested in seeing them worn in since like the name implies, they don't fade.

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Thanks for the info but I think it might a different product. They called it BCKT-13. Or is it the same?



Evo pictures were posted on the PBJ website at the launch of the product. I could not believe a year has passed since it appeared. I was thinking it was like 3 or 4 months ago. 



Yes this is a different jean. Not heard of any plans to remake this one yet

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