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Just a heads up for the non-UK people.. End are running a free worldwide shipping offer that ends (pardon the pun) tomorrow. Along with the UK exchange rate, it could potentially save you a nice bit of money on today's drop.

It seems end have delayed their drop till the 17th

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Might be in the minority but much prefer the bamboo presto to the olive in the flesh. To throw my sizing verdict into the hat I'd say TTS based on recent presto sizing. I think I can just about flex mine unzipped now they are sold out everywhere (I went down a size). Really didn't see it being quite so hard to get them today.

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Quote of the article:


Have you ever thought about creating a more affordable line as well as opening your own brick-and-mortar?


We have, but we don’t have the infrastructure to do it right now. We are basically still too small. At some point, I think we will be able to do that when we grow strong enough and have that type of setup, but right now it’s still very specialized. It’s quite difficult to scale to make it bigger, but we are working on it. Eventually!

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large jacket medium pants. i'm 5'9 fit 175. everything fit perfectly. i was worried that as was with my acg woven cargo pants, theyd be too long.. nope. fit me perfectly.


would you say the jacket fits you similar to Errolson or a bit looser ?  trying to gauge if I should order a medium or large.

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ACG is probably a good compromise for a lot of people I agree. For me I felt like every item/ACR-stopgap purchase I made from the lines was a waste of money - the quality is just not there for my liking which is a shame as it's not exactly cheap anyway.

Do as I do and wait for it to appear on the bay, I've got a few sweatshirts from the ACG line for about £35 each - love 'em ! esp at that price - what a low-rolling miser I am !!! 

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