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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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great post thissunday, must spread.


spent most of my morning busy listing stuff here , needed a break

DSCN8251.jpgdecided to go for a walk to the corner store, got my kittenge scarf I'm ready for whatever comes my way!

DSCN8249.jpgStarting out, this is perpetually the view from my front door. I swear that PT cruiser never moves.

DSCN8242.jpga small portion of the husker shit in my nextdoor neighbors yard, :barf:

DSCN8243.jpgour town is pretty AG centered, you can see the grain tower there, and the viaduct so the trains don't back traffic up.

DSCN8244.jpg another reason i am walking, even though its snowing out. dunno how high this is in comparison to the coasts, but 48 or 49 cents of it is TAX... boo Nebraska!

DSCN8245.jpgdecisions decisions, i am on a no-pop diet thesedays... I miss coke.

DSCN8246.jpgfit pic [generic mets cap,levis/woolrich,CxR,sorel,kittenge scarf]

DSCN8248.jpg left with some green tea for myself, vitamin water for the wifey

now to trudge home...

DSCN8250.jpgI must be home...one of my wifes many wreaths,

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Great pictures everyone--Roy 6, Pomata, This Sunday, Robbie, Paul T, someone I am forgetting. Two great movies there, This Sunday. Paul, thanks for the photo of St George in the East a few days back. Somehow, I can't help feeling that photo of the Naval College was a test of my Hawksmoor knowledge since I believe he assisted Christopher Wren in the design and execution.

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PaulT- got the shawl collar at the Barney's sale last month (for about 70%off, my cheap brother).

ThisSunday- I usually figure if you're not supposed to take a picture of it it's probably worth taking a picture of. It's how I pick out most of my photo ops.

Today the ROYs & I went over to pick something up at a friend's studio in Oakland. Don't be jealous, not actually for me but for all of you.









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Me too! Great pics Roy6 - similarly for the Valencia street ones! Lucky du...

Mike, ThisSunday, Paul, Robbie - keeping the thread thriving!

Pomata - awesome shots! The Dolomites are amazing - looks like a wonderful trip! Won't lie - those food pics made me raid the fridge... :) Nice fit with the synchilla sweater - one of my favourite pieces.. One day, I want to see the rest of your technical gear!

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Wish I could rep ya Roy6. Did you get any sneak peaks of upcoming items? Any cool new gadgets from him. You shoulda snagged that ROY fist pack for yourself...

Jeans are looking good as well. Great fit as usual. Really like the suspenders.

edit: next time you go, I will give you a list of fabrics to snag for me. No big deal...

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ROY x thizz face?

DSCN8251.jpgdecided to go for a walk to the corner store, got my kittenge scarf I'm ready for whatever comes my way!

DSCN8244.jpg another reason i am walking, even though its snowing out. dunno how high this is in comparison to the coasts, but 48 or 49 cents of it is TAX... boo Nebraska!

Good lookin' kitenge!

And, for sake of comparison... try 3100 Ugandan Shillings per liter. That's $5.06 per gallon. Delightful.

Went to Four Barrel Coffee. This stretch of Valencia st. used to be one of the seediest runs in San Francisco, but over the last decade its gentrified almost out of recognition. This space used to be a shystie garage, across the street was Valencia Gardens, one of the worst housing projects in the city, famous for stolen dog fights. Now the projects have been torn down and rebuilt as shiny new mixed residence/retail space, and the garage is now the most hipster cafe it's possible to imagine. In fact, the name slipped my mind and I googled "Hipster coffee San Francisco" and it popped right up. Like a little bit of Brooklyn broke off and floated over. The place is run by twenty year old dudes with Edwardian beards or pompadours and young girls who are "borrowing nostalgia for the unremembered '80s", as J. Murphy would say.

For you, roy6:


Saturday, drinking my Intelligentsia (hipster) coffee from my Four Barrel (hipster) mug


Before heading to


a little campsite called Hairy Lemon (no idea why) on a little island in the Nile to do... nothing. Nice.


Also, I had a visitor last week:


And finally, roy6 asked me to distribute that nice little "intangible" gift he visited ROY to put together.

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Saturday, drinking my Intelligentsia (hipster) coffee from my Four Barrel (hipster) mug


Didn't you see ThisSundays post from yesterday? It has been established by now- normal rules don't apply and labels are deflected when wearing RXC. Lucky for you, hipster.:)

It looks official- Uganda Postal Service is slowest in the world, beating out even Royal Mail.

PaulT- thank you for going above and beyond with the further bag pics. It looks like a lovely piece, but maybe a bit steep with postage to the US. I'll think on it.

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Sunday I posted pics of posh buildings around Greenwich. Lunchtime today I wandered down to our neighbours, Deptford, a vital part of the vibe of our area, for an errand.

This bit of town is a bit rougher around the edges. Around here was even more heavily bombed, and anywhere that survived tended to get built as council flats - projects to you yanks.

It ain't West Side chicago, but it's a bit grizzly, plenty of gangs in the projects and burnt out bits.


You're truly in Deptford once you cross the Creek - good to see there's still working stretches, like this family firm that ships rubble and aggregate via the river.


Overlooking the Thames, one old section of what used to be docks - where Henry VIII built his ships - is now all council blocks, but for one church, St NIcks Deptford, which dates from Norman times. It has an old tower, but was rebuilt in the 1600s, boasts some historic varied woodwork and - on the entry posts - a matched pair of skulls:


One time, London was full of these pie and mash shops. We lost our greenwich one a few years ago - now this looks worryingly quiet. The Goddard family used to own a chain of these shops, selling stewed eels, or beef and pasrty pie with a green 'liquor' - a kind of sauce made with parsley and the juice in which they prepare the eels. I'll try and make sure I visit one of these places in the lifetime of our RXC contest.


The high street is full of shops catering for people from West africa and the Caribbean.

Scotch bonnet: these are fiendish beasties…


Smoked and dried fish…


Plaits, Kinky Twists and Ghana Corn Row:


One run-down little shops had memorabilia from the South London family who presumably have run it for the last 40 or 50 years in the window:


I specially liked the egg shop, with a kind of Enlgih version of the Can't Bust Em rooster. They were very pleased it had found an admirer.


Lunch. A cheap little greasy spoon, used by workers and little old ladies who linger over a cup of weak tea, that leaves your mouth feeling all chalky.


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Squished beans on toast and tea: £3.


I noticed a bit of discussion on the waywt recently about some over-the-top cuffs. Is that me? I care not.

The leather on my William Lennons is waxy, very attractive, seems to fills up with tiny dings and marks that I like, lots of character.


My main destination. Used to be these old repair shops were full of odd laces and stuff, sadly no more. But the keycutting was cheap and I liked this huge plastic key.


The street, like many poorer areas, is full of odd independent evangelist churches. And some brightly colored religious supplies…


While the official religion is just around the corner. This is one of the lesser-known London 'NEw" churches - but you've probably seen it in Four Weddings and a Funeral or Pride and Prejudice. It's set in a pretty, old-fashioned church yard.


Round the corner is one of the oldest terrace of houses in London. THey each have finely-carved door cases, quite possibly made by the carpenters responsible for ship figureheads. These houses probably date from the 1720s and would have been owned by ships captains, or well-off ship-builders.


I walked back home along the river. On the way, a huge new housing development was started. But since the recession the builders seem to have run out of cash, and work has stopped. It's left this old pub, right on the edge of the development, stranded. If the development finally takes off, maybe this place will find a new clientele - it's a lovely building, with direct views of The Thames.


Popped in on a fave, old musty bookshop on the way home. The stock rarely changes… but I try to always buy something. I liked the pulp illustration on the front of this one. The guy who owns it is sitting on thousands of books, but never gets around to pricing them. A couple years ago I feet I had to come out with a book, and saw an Ian Rankin hardback - of Knots and Crosses, his first Rebus novel. Turned out to be a first edition - one of only 200 and worth a packet. So I'm obliged to keep buying from this dude.


On the way back… yet another churchyard… one of those spooky London ones, full of lost lonely, people, drunks and junkies, who wander around, arguing, fighting, or slumped semi senseless while life bustles on outside. A couple of years ago I saw flowers signalling someone had died in this park, a fight or an overdose I guess. Only the dead seem at peace here.


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Great pics again Paul! New Android?

A bit of catching up - So the week was a mishmash of all sorta stuff - mostly work, with the "snow what" day in the middle… Everyone freaked, all schools were cancelled, and we all played hooky!

Some snaps of the fun.. Snowball fights…



The pups were wild - winter is their face season for sure!


And of course - sledding!



Next day was gorgeous - blue skies, fresh powder everywhere


We went out with friends to celebrate the new year..




And did lots of photography (more later when I can sort thru all the shots!)


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Each day I am feeling as though I am far too uncool in comparison to all the other gents in this contest.

Africa,M-16(?),cars,England,hanging out with Roy,New Zealand,New Orleans,....

I better find some ways to make Nebraska look cool or I may as well get ready for 31st place.

Seriously, i'll never have enough rep for this thread.

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