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Denim worn over 2 years


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Well, I'm used to -sort of- being in the minority. I think they look very cool, not this everywhere to be seen distressed jeans where you notice immediately it's not been done by wear, but in the factory. And heavy damage too, in the devil-may-care way.

The "pose" he quickly assumed for me to take the pic, he did not strike me at all as what I would see as a "poser", and the scarf I did not mind either - it made sense at least, as this was at a trade fair where one moved from cold to warm and back all the time.

Perhaps I'm not the sole and only one who likes them, and if I am, at least I achieved for some people a nice chance to vent their negativity and a guy moving from "red to green" - better than nothing.

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Great pair, crashtest. I'm especially impressed with the evenness of the fading, there's nothing highlighted on the knees or the butt at all - I wonder how you manage that. I'd leave them unrepaired when they'll start to tear at less sensitive places than the crotch, they'll look even more killer than now.

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  blm14 said:
He washed the shit out of them. I think they've had TWO sets of handpaint arcs worn off from washing. :)

Aha no, these are the ones that originally had the black gulls, and the jeans have sported just the one set :)

But you're right - I've washed the shit outta this pair outta necessity, having worn the shit outta them :D

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I've had these for two years now. Worn daily for ~12 months, and then worn occasionally as "working" jeans for the past 12. I hope I'm not blaspheming this thread by posting these in here.







The warp has been worn near the hem from cuffing. Some roping starting to show at the hem, but limited by a lack of tension in the chainstitch.


Broken inseam chainstitch where they were cuffed.


I found some details on the jeans that I didn't appreciate before. Tucked belt loops under the waistband.


The selvage outseam shows more pronounced fading on one half...


...because it's chainstitched.


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@crashtest: Thx for the explanation. Now go on wearing them until they have some cool ripps and tears!

@ koi: what keeps you from posting? They sound promising.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Teaser pre-wash pics of my 3+year old somet. Like all my jeans, they were worn really off-and-on, so I'm not sure how much actual wear or how many washes. Something like 6-8 cold washes, a couple hot soaks. Need some repairs and another wash.



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Thought I would xpost sacredblue's McCoys from the main evo thread since they're not posted here. Pretty amazing looking jeans:

  sacredblue said:
Joe McCoy- at least 5 years old. They were basically my second skin until I blew out the crotch (repaired in Japan) then I stored them and bring them out now and then to admire. A lot of living in these-




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Hey thanks for your comments on my McCoys, they're pretty special to me. I've got several pairs of jeans that I constantly wore and put in the "vault." I'll post some pics, starting with these Lee repros that I've had for years and wore everywhere for 2 years or so. By everywhere, I mean hiking, biking, working, walking, flying, North America, South America, you get the idea-




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So true! I recently got tempted by a pair of (real, no repro) red selvage Levi's 501s, very badly damaged. They must be over 30 years old and been worn heavy. I would have loved to get them, if only the legs would not have been so damn short.

So, yes, absolutely, two years is a beginning, not an end. Very much so.

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Erm, how do I put it....don't want to sound unfriendly, and as other posts of mine will easyly verify, really don't enjoy dissing others.

So very simply: I think these are somewhat of a disappointment considering the length of wear and number of washes. Are you -like me- a desk worker? I so often find that the greatest fades are achieved only by physical work of the harder kind.

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