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Evisu is still loved!


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are these fake or what?


They're the cut of the Lazy S jeans that was released in the USA - the 0200 model then had a short inseam (around 31) compared to the usual Evisu 34-35. They were released in a 0005 cut in the UK and Europe, and are pretty hard to find now.

I think that the 0200 cut might have a longer inseam now, or it could just be that the Evisu website is showing the wrong size chart for it - it's happened before...

The 'Left 13' tag refers to their own designation for the denim - No.13 left hand twill, if you like - to distinguish it from the other Evisu International denims such as No.1 STF, No. 2 etc etc.

You can find that patch, with other Lot designations, on other jeans such as the 'Can't bust 'em' model (Lot 0001) and so on. My Euro Lazy S jeans had a similar patch, it's just too fucked up to be able to see it clearly now. :D

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I'm going to be visiting japan in 2 weeks, gonna be in osaka and tokyo - what's the best place to get evisu jeans in terms of price and range of styles/denim?

I think i want to go for a no.2 denim which is supposedly of a higher grade, and much better than the no.3 is that correct? Evisu international online only seems to have no.3 and i dont know if they are even made in japan...

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i sized down 2 on my no2 and the fit is great....

i think it depends on the fit each persons after. i sized down one on my 2000 no2 and its quite a tight fit for me. i probably would have liked true to size.. tho i guess it depends on how each person wears theres clothes eh.

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yeah you can't go wrong with number 2 althought if you had the cash to splash number 1 would be the way to go...

in japan number 3 has not got selvedge and 2 and 1 are of course better

i would stay away from the international site if you wanted to buy jeans apart from their special denim like the wrangler repo etc

not sure where the best place for price and range but i heard the main store is in tokyo near the ebisu station? double check on that thou..

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i think it depends on the fit each persons after. i sized down one on my 2000 no2 and its quite a tight fit for me. i probably would have liked true to size.. tho i guess it depends on how each person wears theres clothes eh.

i have a small naval waist compared to my hip's plus chicken legs....

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Well someone is feeling a bit snobby. No, i'm not the teacher but I have tried on both and own some No.2 denim and that's my input.. Sizing down 2 from tagged size is stupid.

stupid your the one whos stupid you dont seem to know your true waist size give me proof that you know what your talking about

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is no.1 significantly better than no.2?

how much is the cost difference?

No.1 is unsanforised, the cuts are the same but you'll get a closer fit when the No.1 is shrunk.

Quality-wise, they're both great denims - I've worn/am wearing both and don't see one as being inferior to the other.

The denim used for the International Evisu line is made in Japan, although assembled in China. The main denim for the Western Market is their No.3 denim, which is different to the Japanese No.3, just to make things that little bit clearer :rolleyes:

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Yeah, that denim used to be the International No.2, and is now their No.3 - totally different to the Japanese 2 and 3.

It's the D85 denim that's been the backbone of Evisu International's denim line for a good few years now, since (I think) they stopped producing International Evisu jeans in Italy.

The denim has been used in Japan for the Lot 1930 cut, which isn't seen often...

Glad to have helped (and you, pomata), by the way :)

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I think i'll pick up a pair of the no.2s in 2000:


seems roomy enough for me not to get crotch blowouts too early and will leave me with a bit of cash to spare to buy other denims that aren't available to me in australia! although no.1 is aluring, being the perceived "highest" grade...

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any pictures of the X-lure?

Well, there doesn't seem to be an quick google hit at the moment :confused: I remember there being one within the first few pages, not too long ago.

I might have a saved image I can dig around for.

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The first pair of Evisu I bought was No.2 2000's and it was sized down 2 from my natural waist size. I couldnt get the top 2 buttons up so I sold them to chambo :D

I went TTS with a new pair and it stretched about a size in the waist. I would imagine if it was tighter in the waist it could probably stretch another size if you were willing to go through the pain for a tight fit.

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I got the same pair! id advising sizing down one... true to size gets quite baggy... (and i usually wear baggy jeans lol). imo. its the color of the fades of this i like the most.

i think it depends on the fit each persons after. i sized down one on my 2000 no2 and its quite a tight fit for me. i probably would have liked true to size.. tho i guess it depends on how each person wears theres clothes eh.
i have a small naval waist compared to my hip's plus chicken legs....

hard out. my waists pretty big. lol

^ Around 10,000 yen if I remember correctly...

Saw this on the streets of Melbourne today, arggg:


pair looks mean though i dont think many people can pull them off properly. iv seen em once in person and after they fade the look they so cool i reckon lol

got a pair of evis the other day too. its a pair i saw online years ago and finally came across recently. love the diacock. dont knock em till u try em! wish theyd paint the small diacocks more. does anyone know where to get it painted like that?




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Calling CrashTestBrummie

just a quick question mate ' ive got some plain pocket 2000 no.1's on there way and would like to change that by adding some gulls , i remember you repainted your jeans what type of paint did you use and how mutch water did you add? , did they turn out ok?

cheers mate

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I used Angelus leather paint, and didn't mix it with water - I use it for touching up white trainers and doesn't work well when diluted. The paint set very hard, more due to the amount used than its undiluted state, and now hasn't cracked due to wear or washing - not quite what I wanted.

They turned out alright, pics are earlier in the thread, but I wouldn't recommend it - having seen Kanji in action with a paintbrush recently, it's definitely an art to have done by a master.

If you've No.1 that needs painting then get it sent to London and ask Kanji or Masumi to paint it professionally. No point in getting your hands on a good pair of jeans and then risking fucking it up before you've even started caning them...

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Calling CrashTestBrummie

just a quick question mate ' ive got some plain pocket 2000 no.1's on there way and would like to change that by adding some gulls , i remember you repainted your jeans what type of paint did you use and how mutch water did you add? , did they turn out ok?

cheers mate

if you plan to go to Japan within the next year or two.. I suggest you wait until you go to japan and get them painted there..

They have special colors that are area exclusive..

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Yeah I love that blue, post soak those should turn out perfect, even the leg length.

I hot soaked my No.1's and I think the inseam came in 3/3.5inches. I dont like a hot wash because in my machine the denim can rub against the side and when it comes out can have a worn line in the denim already.

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