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What are your jeans doing today?


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today i went for a walk looking for locations for a photo shoot, i noticed that there was activity at the basin reserve


i walked over and found out that you are allowed to walk through here at any time except when there is a cricket match on.

today the pakistan cricket team were practicing for a test match starting tomorrow against the black caps.


i hung around and took some pics from the boundary fence.

there was a fan who had other ideas and walked straight out onto the field to see his heroes up close.

i love that wellington is so chill that it took security 20 minutes to notice and go out to ask him politely to stay off the field.


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last night i walked from the financial district through tribeca into soho

There's a square with a bunch of food carts that I love to shoot, I felt like b&w was the right call on this one


construction on the new WTC is well undertway


just liked the chaos here


a bit of endless office lighting


felt a bit voyeuristic


then found this place


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My jeans could definitely beat tg but I think they will do.

I spent a good ten minutes trying to get this


This is what happens when my friends come over and yes there are exactly five girls on my bed


We went bowling and I told my friend to take a pic of me in my Nudies


After that we went to a DVD shop in preparation for a movie marathon of sorts. The shop has a restaurant as a front. See for yourselves


Before we headed to my room for the movie marathon we went to get a massage. Here you can see my friends passed out from the goodness.


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Tres bien DocBlue :)

Went for winter sale in Bordeaux city, didn't buy anything to show, but Japanese Ramen for lunch and Hotplate BBQ dinner was excellent!

Denim and Boots first


Ramen for lunch



Not enough, ordered another Tonkastu and Ebi Yakisoba


With side dish


Fooking satisfied now


Wiggling through the crowds


Managed to find an alley for fit pics



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X-post from ROY WT.

Here's some shots from this week from the big cam. Only had good conditions on the first day, it was crystal clear as you can see...after that, we got about 19" of snow over 2 days...which was amazing for skiing, but sucked for shooting. Did a very long snowshoe hike on Friday, the last pic is from that.

Took this from the condo right as we arrived on Wednesday.


They were making snow all week, only anticipating about 4" of snow during the end of the week, surprise surprise we get freakin' 20" of powder!


some foliage catching the sunset.


Obligatory north shore beautiful sunset...


Sven and Ole's Pizzeria in Grand Marais, MN...not the best pizza I've ever had, but definitely the best within about 250 miles of there.


our Ufda 'Za, with everything.


me skiing some powder...this place is by far the best skiing you can get in the midwest, nothing great compared to just about anywhere, but they've got 4 "mountains" to ski, and the nice thing is it is very open, so you can ski trees and powder off of the groomed runs without much trouble. I chose to do this most of the time, as the groomers were pretty boring.


There was a fun chute underneath one of the lifts with a pretty good jump at the end...me at the top.


on the way down.


and a pic from snowshoeing, damn near killed us after 3 days of downhill and having to find our way back to the trailhead in the dark, poor planning on my part.


cheers guys. oh, i'll get the tape measure out and get that inseam length for you TV...

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Great pics, cheep, good to see you in wayjdt.

Now, after that rural arcadia, some decay.

It was back to my home town, Hull, end of the week - birthday of my best friend from elementary school. I can't say how old we are, just older than you can possibly imagine…

We are not ruins. But much of the city is. The place is in longterm industrial decline, exacerbated by the loss of the fishing industry. Ironally it was a tory administration who brought Britain into the EU, and they signed a secret agreement, denied in Parliament, which opened up British fishing grounds. Twenty yearts ago, as you left the city, you'd see tralwers lines up ready to be scrapped, right along the exit road. Now even these are gone.

There are still many grand Victorian methodist churches. Closed now for 20 years.



Grand Victoriain houses, with elaborate entrances.


But on closer look, they're falling down.


The main streets out to the area where I used to live had a pub every block or two. Maybe half of them are still open.


This was the futuristic new cinema in the centre of town. My brother took me to see 2001 A Space Oddity here when I was a kid. I can still remember sitting on the the 1970s bright orange seats and having my mind blown. Now it's a bingo hall.


Trawlers have gone, but fish & chips is still the local dish.


My feelings of industrial-decline-reverie were made worse by the lack of ROYs. But, hey, still got my LVC 55. And got to twang on a steel guitar in OPen G.


IN other ways, though, the city is still very beautiful. Down by the river, on the right bank there's still lots of elegant buildings and pubs - these used to be filled with lads who'd beat you to a pulp if there was any suggestion you were "a schoodent" which naturally means you're "a poof". Now they've mostly gone, drinking at home, or smoking spliff in the alleyways.

My friend works with kids who've been excluded from school. They'll be 12, 13, unable to read or write, but fully educated in the politics of the BNP. He's wonderfully laid-back, I admire him, altho it was a mark of how things have changed that we wre walking near one alleyway I used to use as a short cut... he directed us in a quick right turn when he noticed one gangs of kids on ths treet, smoking, looking for trouble. Wouldn't have done that in the old days.

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The left side of the river is the home of all the industrial warehouses and our main destination The Whalebone. I haven't been here in, err, 20 years. Terrific pub, walk in, full of huge fat men (check out a comic called Johnny Vegas, then imagine someone far more foul-mouthed and far less healthy) shouting in hoarse voices about some "foookin coont" they had some problem with), and black and white posters of Hully CIty's classic soccer teams from the 60s.


A truly great pub. Surrounded by landscape like this.


Everywhere is closed.


The beauty of the town, though, is that if you're opening a club, or need a warehouse to paint in, they're dirt cheap. We are in a fantastic restaurant, in a turn of the century butcher's, lined with art nouveau tiles, still with the racks for hanging the stock.


I was glad to leave my hometown. But I miss it.

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Great post Paul, I live in Mansfield in the East Midlands and my town is in a very similar state to Hull. Our industry was coal mining, and we all know what happened to that under Thatchers regime. Mansfield was quite an affluent town in years gone by, now it resembles a giant council estate.

So much of the country tells a similar story that I wonder if Britain can ever be great again.

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My N&F went to Osaka today.



My flight


View from the plane


My belongings in my pockets


The meals they served at ANA is BOMB!



My late night snack from 7-eleven, Oyakodon and Strawberry milk


More pics to come, including probably my visits to SDA, Evisu, PBJ and Burgus!!!

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-Z- and Cheap - great pics. @ Cheap - there must also be some interesting critters there - anything to be wary of? Good stuff all you guys & gal...

Paul - lovely post. Always bittersweet to go home, isn't it...

We spent the weekend playing in snow!



Romped with the boys! Then headed over to friends for…. Sledding!








Gotta stay out of the way!


When the sun started going down, it was time to call it a day.



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