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arcteryx veilance

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  On 1/11/2017 at 12:53 PM, Shuyuan said:

Hi, anybody feels the sleeve of Veilance product is always too long? My monitor coat and Arris and Component Shirt fit me perfect except the sleeve.

Not sure if it's more flexible in SS17 products?


I'm almost certain that's why the most recent version of the Align didn't do all that great. Tweaked sizing left the proportions all out of wack. 

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I'm 5'6" so I feel your pain.. For a smaller EDC pack I use a lululemon surge: https://shop.lululemon.com/p/men-bags/Surge-Run-Backpack/_/prod1360112

I have the Astri 19 too and it still kinda fits with Veilance aesthetic except for the straps (you can remove some of 'em). The bird logo also comes off p easily w/ wear too. that said, congrats on the nomin, just embrace it B)

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got some hands on time with them

the ash is fire. one comment abt the fit is the chest/armholes seem positioned a little weird, i feel a bit restricted if trying spread my elbows back/stretch my chest out. if i shrug first i can get more clearance but the shirt rides up my chest all weird above my sternum and below the clavicle. it's weird lol

the shirt also kinda flares out at the hem sort of like the field jacket, gives a bit more room. also, it layers like exactly/aligns perfectly with the notches and back hem of the arris. so i think that's the system it's designed for

the conduct in utility btw looks like the acronym presto kind of brown/grey/green. it's not that creamy coffee color i posted from the sample. that said i'd still go black personally since i dont have any OD green or neutrals. conduct and field shirt are my favs this season

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no, it's pretty slim through the chest and down the body, but by the hem it has a little more room/breathability. it's also a fairly structured shirt so you wont have too much stretch compared to say, the component shirt which used much thinner materials. i'm an XS so i can't size down, but i'd say the XS runs really slim in the chest/armholes.

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no problem! anyway, check out this interview lars and taka did with nordstrom. funny how lars points out mild disappointment in how his designs come across in ecommerce pictures vs real life, taka explains what the word veilance means, etc.


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Great article.  I've been intrigued by Veilance since I first bought a Partition when I was looking for a travel raincoat that wasn't outdoorsy.  One more q about the Field Shirt.  How does the material feel?  Is it something that will be good in warmer weather and does it make the swishy sounds when you move?

i have a couple of mainline Skyline Short Sleeve shirts that I love for travelling as they're poly and dry quick. I'm looking at buying the Field shirt sight unseen so I appreciate the help.

Ash is probably what I'll get. It's a killer look.

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@branespload this still not working?  if not, let us know what sys/browser.
anyway... just tweaked settings - all members should now be able to HIDE posts...
[only those with super membership - supermembers supersellers supersponsors superartisans can additionally DELETE posts]


sry for double post, cant seem to edit posts on sufu 6 but

*eyes emoji*


emojis r coming... ;-0!
EDIT: actually the dreary default set r here on the menu edit bar :ph34r: ...  we can add others... not sure if possible to get full osx sets?



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Thanks man! Much appreciated. Have some travel coming up so this looks like something I 'need' now. Most of my AV is black so the Ash looks best.  Just going to wait until Arc starts selling them so I have the option of returning if it doesn't work out.

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I had my partition sleeves taken up at a goretex service centre.  It was $75.  

I did the sleeves of both the blazer lt and Indisce with Type A tape with great results.

Veilance told me that they won't warranty any seams that have been tailored but all others are still covered.

By the look of the vid, the Field Shirt has sleeves that can't be taken up.

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  On 1/18/2017 at 10:53 AM, frankie_four said:

Not sure if I like the Conduct or not. Any ideas why the sleeves got a straight seam and not a jagged one like Monitor, Composite, Arris?


good question, i wondered that myself. wouldve been sick with arris's cuffs.

however i think since the intended use case of the conduct is to be something you throw over what you're wearing (which, in the summer, is probably just a t shirt), having a simpler cuff will make putting it on and taking it off a lot easier. imagine it as a really packable shell (thanks to gore cknit and its own stuff sack) you keep in your edc, then if you get caught in the rain or wind you just yank it out and pull it over until you can get inside or out of the bad weather.

that said, i still would've liked to see some way to help adjust the cuffs since i have short arms lol

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