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denime xx type & 66xx type 2 year contest


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can someone help me register on the t5 forum, or give me detailed instructions on what to do? i don't want to miss the registration deadline. edmond...help!

yeah, this xx denim does stretch a lot. all the more reason to hot wash/soak!;)

somehow these haven't needed a wash this week. it's only like 8 days and i feel like it's been a while. that's when you know you're a wash-a-holic.

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here you go salaami (and anyone else, who still needs to register). you don´t need to use google translator. i just used it for creating the guise, but with these pics it should be doable without the translator.

here´s a guide on how to register to t5 forum:

step 1:


step 2 (i used google translator from now):


step 3:



All new registrations are being checked by the T5 crew, that´s why you can´t login immediately after registration. You usually get an email, that informs you, when you´re accepted.

This is the "Post a new topic" button:


Everyone should please post a new topic to submit his jeans to the contest. Take mine as an example.

And this is how you Login, Reply, Edit, etc:


When replying or posting a new thread, there are two buttons below the field, where you enter your text.

The left one is "Show preview", the right one is "Submit reply/new topic"

Hope this post helps.

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thanx a mill, i will register tomorrow when i have a bit more time on my hands.

the dude tiger23 is my new hero. both his xx & 66xx are killer! my denime aspire to be like his...any info on washes/wear?

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Soooo...I'm being a bum (read through the thread before but already forgot) and was wondering how much it would cost if I were to join? 20% discount still applies? Shipped to the US does it really come out to around $300? And how long would I have to wait? I was saving funds for a different (Warehouse 1004XX 10th Anniversary Model) Take 5 order but it turns out they don't have it :( This means that I possibly have money to spend and damn these jeans look nice!

And also, I tried applying for the Take 5 Forum but still haven't gotten approved for over a week...is this normal?

EDITEDIT: I e-mailed Francis so no one really needs to reply, but it looks like I will 98% most likely join in on this fun once I get the funds on Friday ;) I guess I have a lot of catching up to do, but I'll do my best!

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i'm suprised take 5 even replied you, i've emailed them astronomical times, never received any replies.... they must have a filter or something.... and only reply the europeans and americans

it's so wieird that this is happening to multiple people, I emailed fung in October concerning the contest at info@take5jeans, and i got a response in like 3 hours....weird, they must be busy or their e-mail has been shut down or something.

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