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Seeing pictures of anorexic people. It makes me queazy and my hands and my whole body feel like fucking jello. Argh. I have no idea why. I can look at pictures of people's brains spilling out of their heads and other rotten.com type shit, but skinny bitches, hell naws. For example, Isabelle Caro, from those ads.





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I'm really getting fed up with the warm(50 +) weather in Jan...

At least you're not in Florida (presumably). It was above 80 at certain points this past week, though it's finally starting to get chilly.

Maybe if I'm lucky I'll be able to wear a jacket soon.

I hate people who cannot mosh/whatever correctly at concerts. To the guy with glasses and a jew-fro in Ybor City tonight: no, throwing all your weight in one direction and then allowing your legs to go totally limp is not moshing. It's called falling down.

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i hate how totally epic posts outfits similar to mine or ones that I think up in my head but can't afford.. and his individual pieces are way nicer... and he's way thinner than I am... God.. :P

edit: i can never rep him for it either

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I hate my roomate. I live with my best friend and his wretched girlfriend. She's a control freak. She hoards her money even though her rich parents pay for everything including rent and says that we have to cover her because she's "always broke" from "buying everything the apartment needs." That bitch bought a pizza once. The worst part is, she's an art student, a painting major at that. This means that she wanted to rebel against mommy and daddy without cutting off the money, and because she's an "artist" she never has to get a real job and can just sponge off of her parents for the rest of her life. Her politics are prefab and she blames everything on white people but can't back it up. She name checks silly shit too often, and claims that painting is more esoteric than composition (which is what I do) because "everybody gets music." She'll like anything as long as it is french. She listens to overrated vocal jazz and female songwriters that are critically acceptable. She also figure skates. She treats my friend like garbage. Sorry about the rant. :mad:

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I hate my roomate. I live with my best friend and his wretched girlfriend. She's a control freak. She hoards her money even though her rich parents pay for everything including rent and says that we have to cover her because she's "always broke" from "buying everything the apartment needs." That bitch bought a pizza once. The worst part is, she's an art student, a painting major at that. This means that she wanted to rebel against mommy and daddy without cutting off the money, and because she's an "artist" she never has to get a real job and can just sponge off of her parents for the rest of her life. Her politics are prefab and she blames everything on white people but can't back it up. She name checks silly shit too often, and claims that painting is more esoteric than composition (which is what I do) because "everybody gets music." She'll like anything as long as it is french. She listens to overrated vocal jazz and female songwriters that are critically acceptable. She also figure skates. She treats my friend like garbage. Sorry about the rant. :mad:

did you hit it?

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whats the point of drawing this incredibly detailed technical flat and having it perfect, the teachers are just going to tear it apart and i can't even be sure of the details yet as i haven't even made a protoype. why not just let me do a rough one and fix it later, cuz thats whats going to happen anyway

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