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my president is black my lambo is blue, yall niggas mad cause he got a piece prize to!

your president might look black but he isnt..if you get what I mean. I think Eldrige Cleaver would agree with me on this one. politicians are all bastards not matter what colour they are. get a grip! also on a side note..you cant spell properly. i hate that!

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politicians are all bastards not matter what colour they are. get a grip! also on a side note..you cant spell properly. i hate that!

I hate when people have poor grammar. Especially those who use their poor grammar when criticising others spelling

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I hate when people have poor grammar. Especially those who use their poor grammar when criticising others spelling

yeah well English is my second laguage..whats his excuse? oh and that was obviously a typo! my english isnt that shite.

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so that means you hate your own grammar? And i was poking fun at a song,thanks.

If you need the link to the song i would be happy to provide one to accommodate your needs.

If it is incorrect,yes of course! It was a typo though but I even hate that..lots of people are lazy and thats why they dont spell properly not because they are dumb..

well,irony or sarcasm gets lost online all the time doesnt it. stupid song anyway. I dont even want to know..it will only piss me off.:D

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example (at retail store):

me: hi, how are you today.

him (heavy israeli accent): fine. you only sell the left side of these shoes?

me: no, we sell both the left and right as a "pair". you are looking at the display model.

him: oh, it would probably be cheaper for just one, no?

me: no.

woman with him (fat, heavy accent, glittered sweater): you want to know a retail trick? use wax paper on the bars, they slide much better.

me: I know. What can I help you with?

her: why is that jacket $159 and that jacket $450. is the more expensive one a rip off?

me: no, one is cotton. One is leather. leather is more expensive.

her: oh, that makes sense. Can I have that one (leather) for the same price as that one? (cotton)

me: no. what else can I help you with? (as 5 year old is slapping his grandmother with a new Tanner belt)

them: nothing.

me: thank you for coming in.

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the good news just keeps rolling in.

i finally landed, forked over 30 dollars for a quick cab from JFK to LGA, only to arrive moments too late to speak to someone at the jetblue baggage claims office before it closed.

now im waiting at the airport until they reopen at 5 am.

im going to kill myself.

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dude hasnt even had a year in office. who knows hows his term will go. id have given it to clinton, du went to north korea to get those prisoners.

Although I agree Obama shouldn't have gotten it on what he PLANS to do, going and retrieving 2 reporters from prison when the may or may not have committed a crime anyway is even further from worthy. Assuming Obama can open the Mid-East to peaceful relations, he will potentially save thousands.

my next door neighbour. or you. somebody who isnt about to send more troups to afghanistan,has a war in iraq going on and has also some serious issues with iran which might lead to a conflict in the future.

actually somebody from the international court of human rights for example.

So because he was handed a pile of shit from Bush it's his fault? Besides, you're German, you have no say about what we shoot at

But, this isn't the place for politics. This is the trash.

I hate when people have poor grammar. Especially those who use their poor grammar when criticising others spelling

lulz, +1000

If you're going to be a grammar nazi (lulz, pun), you really should use proper grammar. Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.

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I feel for you but I know from personal experience that it could have been worse. Two vignettes:

- When I was at my last job, we used to have to travel a lot. One of my coworkers had a recruiting trip that was tel aviv -> dubai -> cairo in a period of about 6 days. El Al lost her luggage so she showed up in israel with nothing but a laptop, as an american woman who's never been to the middle east, and with a very shady (but legitimate!) itinerary. Needless to say she was held for many hours and body-cavity searced by the shin bet

- My current job employs some systems guys that are in malaysia. The main guy used to work for my boss, then moved back to malaysia to start his family. His full time job is taking care of Shell Oil servers worldwide, which brings him to shall we say "places of interest" to US security with great regularity. He also visits us 2-3 times a year. He schedules at least 4 hours of airport time before he needs to board to account for the time he knows that he will spend in the "room of shame" prior to being allowed to board.

You're not alone, my friend.

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Although I agree Obama shouldn't have gotten it on what he PLANS to do, going and retrieving 2 reporters from prison when the may or may not have committed a crime anyway is even further from worthy. Assuming Obama can open the Mid-East to peaceful relations, he will potentially save thousands.

So because he was handed a pile of shit from Bush it's his fault? Besides, you're German, you have no say about what we shoot at

But, this isn't the place for politics. This is the trash.

lulz, +1000

If you're going to be a grammar nazi (lulz, pun), you really should use proper grammar. Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.

I said I hate bad spelling. Even when I do it. Also about being German; my grand granddad died in a concentration camp for being a Marxist but besides that its ridiculous to make people responsible for something that happened in history.

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Yeah dino, not alone at all.

So I had a flight from my ex's place back to NYC at 8 in the morning on a monday. Plane service was delta. So she drove me to the airport at around 5, which I was against because wtf did I need three hours for, but her mom said play it safe so whatever. We get there and the line was long as hell. Damn check in line has never been this long before.

But no worries, I'm not stressing at all. I mean I still have three hours.

But oh my god the line was moving so fucking slow. It made no sense how it moved about an inch every five fucking minutes.

Whatever, I get my ticket and check my bag in, now its time to wait on the security line.

Damn, twice as long as the check in line, and that line took a whole fucking hour. So I'm waiting and waiting, and its about 7:50, I still have some time left, but I'm stressing like crazy. Then they were about to scan me etc.

So I put my bag through their scanners and they signal a few officers to come over.

I'm flipping because I have a few minutes to catch that plane, and I wonder what the fuck they would find in my bag.

Fuck me, I was in such a rush that I forgot to take out my Wii separately.

So then I get asked a million questions. They think its a bomb of some sort, the wii mote being the fucking detonator. I'm there half laughing, half panicking, because I heard on the loud speaker "Final call for ----- ------ on flight 4746 to JFK"

So I tell them over and over its a fucking video game system, show them the Nintendo logo, knowing all along they were just busting my balls for shits and giggles. Fucking hate cops and hate airlines.

So they finally let me take it, its 8:20, run to catch the plane and obviously it was gone. Start flipping shit to the flight attendant, but then realized I didn't need to cause a scene so I left.

Went back to the entrance and broke the fuck down, was so damn pissed.

Called Delta through their phone service thingy, told them the situation and the only thing I could do is buy a new ticket and use my old ticket to cover the costs of the new one.

Of course all the tickets for the day were really expensive, so I had to buy a new ticket for the next day, wasting an extra 200 bucks.


Yeah its on that old plane so now I don't have any shit besides a Wii and some notebooks.


So I'm a bit stressed. Call my gf up and she cant pick me up because she had work.

Great. I knew no one else in Rochester.

I had to wait about 20 hours (the flight was tuesday at 6 am), sitting in an airport with nothing to do....

I didn't sleep or anything, too many shady people, didn't want to get robbed.

It sucked.

Finally got back to NYC, went to baggage claim, got my bags.

And never again have I used an airplane for interstate service.

Megabus or NeOn all the fucking way....

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