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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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i'm not sure what they truly think, but most people either seem not to care or they think it is cool. some people have told me "they admire my sense of style." i have only gotten two negative remarks that i can remember. basically no one here is steezy. people either dress kinda shitty or in typical hipster shit. i guess there are a few people that dress alright.

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Very last minute costume, I had no idea I was going trick or treating before. I was just supposed to be a regular "cowboy" but people insisted I was from Brokeback Mountain. I borrowed the hat and jacket from my dad. :P


No-face cover photo as promised before...

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Sonic, dude, why the hell you always got to prove your slumming it here? If you were half as educated, professional or smart as you claim to be. You would contribute something real instead of always falling back on the crutch of what you were, what you did or know deep inside your aging Alzheimer mind.

Stop picking fights and enlighten, or realize your no better than anyone your dissing or putting down, except that they have about 1/3'd the life experience you do, and are on track to end up in a much better situation, both professionally and personally... At least personally as they will have better things to do than try and rub young peoples noses in what "they were" when they (if they) reach your age.

You seem pretty unhappy that your old, if you were happy, you would not constantly act like a kid. And not fight with people in the manner that you do, over and over and over... its funny to me that you and Jmat got in to it so quickly, your fast becoming a less appreciable version of him... at least people dug what he posted, your just being caustic with no audience other than yourself.

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cameo appearance byyyyyyyyyyyyyy


from like last week but im shitty at keeping on top of these things

there was another picture w/o the smoke but we both have a REALLY stupid expression, probably cause of the smoke

yo j whatupp

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