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Random Thoughts...

fade to black2

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I dunno if this thread's been made, but it seems like every other board has one so i thought i'd throw it up

some of mine i just had now...(i expressed some of this in chat already)

- The Strip destroyed black jeans...i think Corbin Law would look great in them...some dirty nikes, one of his plain tees to top it off...to me those jeans are the epitome of youth, and Corbin represents youthfulness to me on this board (not to be confused with simply being young mind you...)

- I was thinkin about C Diem/LMaltieri clothing...and you know who I think would look GREAT in that: tangerine. He's got that rugged flair to him...i just think somehow he'd be a perfect match for those clothes.

- now i'm back at school, i got a thing for sweatpants again....(on females). Don't ask why, because i couldn't tell you either. As tacky as it is, hoodie + sweats tucked into those furry boots kids nowadays love to wear, i dig it.

- Clipse made the best album of 2006 and now they're probably on welfare or some shit...what a shame.

add on...

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I talked about fade to black several times during the self edge party. When're you gonna get off the internet, get out of Minya's dreams and into my car?

I'm finally done with my closet. My shoes variety is complete for a good 2 years thanks to the San Francisco sales. I doubt I'll be spending anywhere near over 100 bucks on any piece of clothing ... except for two things that are superfuture inspired: a new pair of specs and MAYBE just MAYBE a digital slr. I'm pretty sure superfuture's gonna make me wanna buy more things.

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i dont think its healthy that within the very shor ttime that ive been registered on SuFu posts...im exponentially getting more and more addicted. i wake up, shower, goto class and check sufu...between my break i check sufu...goto my next class and check sufu...go home and check sufu. sufusufusufusufusufusufusufu

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  nairb49 said:
echoing minya, i wonder what happened to fade to black, OG?

this new guy is a dissapointment.

that's like saying cracked out, strung out Pete Doherty is better than if Pete went into rehab and got his life together....what'sa matter wit chu?

masuerte ima hit u up in chat now.

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a candid moment with ftb and the Barbara Walters of SF...

[ftb boss up] 10:23 pm: hey mas

[masuerte] 10:23 pm: ftb

[ftb boss up] 10:23 pm: why did u say for me to get off the internet and its bad for me

[masuerte] 10:23 pm: ftbbbbb

[ftb boss up] 10:23 pm: and what exactly did you say about me at SE?

[masuerte] 10:23 pm: isn't it?

[ftb boss up] 10:24 pm: well if it is then why are YOU on? lol

[masuerte] 10:24 pm: we were just talking random superfuture history

[ftb boss up] 10:24 pm: oh what did they say about ftb

[ftb boss up] 10:24 pm: good things or bad things

[ftb boss up] 10:24 pm: i need to knowwwwww

[masuerte] 10:24 pm: various things like your dior contributions

[masuerte] 10:24 pm: mostly about ftb's problem with the 'net

[ftb boss up] 10:24 pm: c'mon man you're bein too vague the suspense is killin me


[masuerte] 10:24 pm: get off that junk

[ftb boss up] 10:25 pm: are you guys being serious?

[ftb boss up] 10:25 pm: i'm just chillin man

[ftb boss up] 10:25 pm: it seems my return to SF isn't met with so much

enthusiasm...lol if y'all dont want me around i can go

[masuerte] 10:25 pm: seemed serious a while back when you banned yourself

[ftb boss up] 10:25 pm: really? #$%^&*

[masuerte] 10:25 pm: nah we like ya

[ftb boss up] 10:25 pm: i didnt know it was THAT serious

[masuerte] 10:25 pm: I kinda identify with being so stuck on superfuture

[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: nah its not that man my problems in life go far beyond SF

[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: SF is actually kinda like home base for me

[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: it gives me a beating but i come back to it cuz its like that

old friend who rags on ya but youre still friends, feel me?

[masuerte] 10:26 pm: cool, I was just worried about you for sure

[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: so did you guys speak of FTB in a good, revering manner or


[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: you can be honest

[masuerte] 10:26 pm: very good very revering

[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: i'd like to hear what people say about me offline

seriously...im very curious to that

[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: because ftb is like a character, it's not really me

[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: and i dont mean that in an insincere, faking way

[masuerte] 10:26 pm: yeah

[ftb boss up] 10:26 pm: but ftb is like...matthew wong on steroids

[masuerte] 10:27 pm: we knew that

[masuerte] 10:27 pm: we don't know you, didn't meet you irl

[ftb boss up] 10:27 pm: the real matthew wong ain't like that...and i dont mean i dont

actually believe or stand behind what i say

[masuerte] 10:27 pm: all the other people we met irl were great though

[ftb boss up] 10:27 pm: but really if i had met anyone on SF under different

circumstances im sure it'd be fine

[ftb boss up] 10:27 pm: its just i have let myself go too loose online lol

[masuerte] 10:27 pm: def

[ftb boss up] 10:27 pm: so even if i did meet anyone

[ftb boss up] 10:27 pm: it'd probably weird and i couldnt be mjyself. nah but trust me

im good, im good.

[ftb boss up] 10:27 pm: one day...

[masuerte] 10:28 pm: seriously though, Superfuture got me addicted for a bit

[masuerte] 10:28 pm: but upon meeting those folks

[ftb boss up] 10:28 pm: i'll be in LA after graduation for a week anyway so if you see

me chillin on rodeo gimme a shout

[masuerte] 10:28 pm: it gave me a reality check

[ftb boss up] 10:28 pm: how so

[ftb boss up] 10:28 pm: i am just glad that apparently based on what you said after

all my delusions and what not y'all still understand ftb is not matthew wong, if i am


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I've been seeing a few 80s metal dudes around town recently (Melbourne, Australia). I think it's fucking awesome. Long hair, sweat-bands, black band t-shirt cut off at the sleeves, tiiiiight black levis and huge white sneakers (EG reebok pumps). Those dudes fuckin rule. Makes me wanna ROCK *carlfist*

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  \ said:
am i mysterioso

i've posted a LOT of fits.

these days they don't get responded to so i'll stop until one day i post again whenever the itchin comes to these fingers.

it's all about the fingers man...they tell a lot. see that kid sitting in a corner at the library, moving his hands ever so deftly like an artist on a piano?

the keyboard is his piano, and through that he creates a magical world where many have lost and lusted, and lost again.

he's not even typing, just going through the motions.

until one day he wakes up and thinks to himself, "so this is it, huh? This is what it comes down to." puts on his jacket, brushes the lint off his lapel and walks out, ready to face another day in the endless struggle.

and when it gets too much, he retreats to the fortress of solitude he's built around him. yet it's not really solitude, because there'll be millions just like him, looking for something that the other one has but won't give him.

that's me. that's my life.

some artistry about forum-life written by somebody who is no longer with us...made me think so i saved it...

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have a question.

on boy meets world little corey starts off funny. smart ass even.

i stop watching.

catch a "newer" episode.

he became feminine. and topanga got hot.

why does he get gay. and his gf gets hot.

and where did the sister go.

please help.

i'm dying.

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