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Random Thoughts...

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Guest youkinorn

I was at the grocery store today and decided it would be a good idea to buy a couple 4 dollar bottles of champagne to drink tonight at parties instead of beer. Knowingly walking into a terrible hangover...

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why dont craigslist emails never respond to me..


i dont know if were talking about the same thing but i wanted to know how much it cost to post a property for sale listing and they never responded. and that does suck.

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dunno if this is a thought, but i couldn't think of anywhere to put this..

i was at a park hanging out and all of the sudden this mob of cars show up and a bunch of dudes come out. i was thinking it was just people who got out of the high school dance and were looking to burn.. little do i know i go closer and its a fuckin' group of koreans. i spot this lone white guy with red hair, and i yell to him cause he's a friend of mine, and all the koreans start sprinting towards the park some with bats or some shit. he just says.. "well i think you guys should leave now." and follows the crowd. if that wasn't a what the fuck moment i dont know what is.

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I mentioned power's irish whiskey to my friend last night..

bartender gave me and my friends free shots of it..

I mentioned triumph's microbrewed framboise to another friend..

some random guy turned around and said "very fine choice" and bought me and my friends rounds of framboise..

so how my luck was going, I walked next to a hot girl with a friend..

I mentioned going back to my place for some fun to my friend..

the girl walked away, and my friend just gave me a weird look..

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