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.. man, does anyone remember that long kinda paragraph that someone typed out about a woman and meeting her in a club and approaching her and marrying her. Something in it mentioned how she was so beautiful and perfect and you have a kid with her and something about jealousy and your kid sucking on her nipples.

I want to read it. ):

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.. man, does anyone remember that long kinda paragraph that someone typed out about a woman and meeting her in a club and approaching her and marrying her. Something in it mentioned how she was so beautiful and perfect and you have a kid with her and something about jealousy and your kid sucking on her nipples.

I want to read it. ):

ha i just tumbld this yesterday

scarlett is that kind of girl where you see her at the club and she’s fucking hot and its ridiculous and you somehow work up the courage to talk to her and you get her home and you have the most amazing sex of your life, you’re both totally synched together, all the nasty shit you think about doing but no other girl wanted to let you do, she does it, and you pass out and wake up the next day at 11am and she somehow managed to turn meager scraps of food in your dirty fridge into a delicious brunch and while you sit there eating in silence, looking at her, you realize that she is even better looking in daylight with her nipples peeking out through your white undershirt that she threw on and you stop and realize that maybe you should just propose to her on the spot.

so you do, and she says yes. she cleans your apartment up and moves in,a few years later after travelling the world together you have a perfect little son and you kinda get jealous when she’s breastfeeding but its cool cuz thats your kid.

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I've been watching a lot of tv for once in my life, and I've gotta say that Canadian commercials are pretty funny.


That Knolls commercial is priceless. I wish I would run into those Canadian workplace accident prevention commercials too.

Too many tearjerker and white guilt commercials though, fuckin hell. CHOOSE A CHILD TO SPONSA PLZ.

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Youtube Canada is fuckin stupid though, the top videos of the day is filled with pages of hockey fights and shit like this


fuck outta here with that shit, though I will admit it's funny.

/american rant.

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