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Japan Blue Momotaro


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inseam will stretch 2", max. 3". And both M1stral and kayodic are right. There are pople who stretched their Momos a good amount, but I didn't manage to do so. 1-2" shrinkage in the waist is likely, and you don' have to account for stretching, is bad for the denim anyway

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Mistral; ok ik dacht dat je wees op mij LoL.... misschien schreef ik niet duidelijk genoeg voor mensen in algemeen, gelukkig begreep je wat ik bedoelde. and thanks!

and im echoing both Max and conqueror, at the end the stretching depends on the person himself. just to give the idea mine stretched 1-1.5"

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  Max Power said:
There are pople who stretched their Momos a good amount, but I didn't manage to do so. 1-2" shrinkage in the waist is likely, and you don' have to account for stretching, is bad for the denim anyway

My pair of 0201 didn't stretch significantly too. But I could have sized down on those. They are a real comfortable fit. The 0701's are a different story. I'm now at a week or two (give or take) and while the fit has relaxed on me it still is very snug. Wouldn't want to trow these in a tub at the moment. Would probably still fit in them, but I'll just stretch them in the first couple of months. Kinda like the Ryan Huber from Context approach.

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are you guys in the 28's super skinny or did i get a bad pair?

i have 27/28's in apc NS/PS, SC 1947 w28, samurai 710 29

i picked up a pair of 28's in 0701 vintage label and i could barely fit both my legs in. All the reading i found said stay true to size ( so i did i could've gone either 28/29 but i figured that a 28 would stretch that little bit like most of my other pairs )

im now looking at swapping them fro a size 30 or 31 because based on that pair these guys are tiny?!

anyone with more experience comment?

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i havent worn 30's in years :( i was also basing off SC 1947 STF when i i decided on size which were snug on me but doable.

i dont even fit into edwin 28's. in any of their raw denims.

do you think its odd that my girlfriend who is a size 6 couldnt even fit into these 28's either? :(

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  robbeec said:
i havent worn 30's in years :( i was also basing off SC 1947 STF when i i decided on size which were snug on me but doable.

i dont even fit into edwin 28's. in any of their raw denims.

do you think its odd that my girlfriend who is a size 6 couldnt even fit into these 28's either? :(

First of, take b_F's advise and measure jeans, instead of going by tagged size. Second tip, take jeans for reference that have a same fit as the pair you want to purchase or else sizing will be of. Why compare a 501 with something that is basically painted onto your skin?

This also applies for measurements like front and backrise. A small differrence in measurements can make a big difference in fit. Hope this is helpfull.

Oh... And yeah, I'm a skinny bastard.

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i was going off my owned jeans i.e the SC's. in terms of the waist. i have skinny legs. the legs were not the problem in the 0701's just he waist/crotch area i.e the important bit lol.

im going to take your advice on the front rise and backrise though gonna start doing that now

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  hawkway said:
NFxMomos are stretching out so well in the waist -- they are p much perfect now!

I might be sold on Momos from here on out. . .

  M1stral said:
Momo's are even better ;)

i know Mistral!! but NFxMomo is not that bad eh? thanks anyway... :)

after hot wash NFxMomo at 9 months of wear.








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  jeanbannon said:
hello everyone, I'm wearing my friend's 0100sp. he wants to sell it, and I'm thinking of buying it. does it looks good on me?


please excuse the wild stack, the creases are not settle yet

oh god, please post more detailed pics and dont hem these. . .

are these jbxmomo?

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